Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. May you live your truth life from Los Angeles? This is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity founder and host of good morning LA land and society. I'm also an international bestselling author, podcaster global speaker APER and of course mother, most importantly. So we come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle, align with universal law and basically create lives that we love. We also come together as a community in society, committed to the vision of being the number one spiritual leaders community in the world, committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when someone awakens save a gift and message to bring to the world together, we are awakening a billion people and how we do this is developing world class spiritual leaders. So you can also find me on Instagram as Dr. That's D R E R I N, TV, and same with Facebook and all over the board. So let's do this thing. (01:08): I wanna talk to you today. More about relationships. Relationship for me has been a very interesting journey. I was very codependent and what placed my power outside of myself. The title of today's talk is the one you are the one you've been waiting for. Walt Whitman says life. Doesn't give you the people you want. It gives you the people you need to love you to hate you, to make you to break you and to make you the person you are meant to be. I truly believe that I believe that all of life is for our awakening. So before awakening, I was completely codependent in my relationships. I've said this over and over. I'm very public about this. And basically what would happen is when things were good in my relationship, I was flying high and when things were going poorly, I was really down my life was literally a roller coaster up and downs. (02:04): It was all over the place. Breakups, makeups, highs, lows in and out, all that BS right belief systems. So for most of my life, I literally was waiting for the one I had bought into the concept that our culture really does. Tell us through movies, through magazines, through everything, fairy tales that someday someone's going to arrive, and they're going to complete you. It's a complete, you know, Jerry McGuire, you complete me kind of a thing I had bought completely into that. And what happens is we know in life is the more we assign our power outside of ourselves. Life has this brilliant and genius way of, of having it reflect back and entangling us to where we have to surrender, get down our knees and be for mercy. Right? So for me, that was, um, some years back, I'd found myself in a very dysfunctional relationship with kind of a famous Grammy winning artist musician. (02:57): And, um, he was a addict in and out of on and off the wagon. It was a nightmare. He would cheat when he'd go on the wagon and, and do all kinds of crazy, insane things. Well, I always kept thinking that if he just got, well, then, you know, my problems would go away, but I didn't realize this is actually me. It was my dysfunction. It was my addiction to this thing called love to handing my power over and over again, just like the alcoholic or attic hands are power over to drugs or alcohol. The codependent hands are life and their power over and over again to relationship. So there I was, you know, balled up in, curled up in my ball in my bed waiting to basically just like, please, like, I don't wanna live anymore. How am I gonna do this? And then we know that this is the, where the surrender and the beauty comes in, that we no longer look to the world. (03:47): In fact, what happened for me is I really began to surrender and Revere and give my life over to a higher purpose, something, something more than trying to fulfill some needs that were based off of really dysfunctional programming. But so the point was is that I had assigned relationships as my higher power, you know, before that, which is a terrible, terrible way to live, basically led me down a very self-destructive, um, path. And finally, after I created this low for myself, really, I had to wake up. It was, it demanded me to love myself and give my life over to, you know, something greater than myself. The truth is that the higher power is always within the moment that we even assign anything, money, relationship, anything outside of ourselves, our joy, our suffering, all that we become disempowered, right? The truth of relationships exist. The primary relationship is within all other relationships are the projection and reflection of our ability or inability to love the relationship between the individual self and the higher self is the core core relationship. (04:54): It is, this is yoga. This is the ultimate yoga, the merging of the individual mind with the highest consciousness in unity. So if you awaken into the metaphysical reality, that relationships are the out picturing of your consciousness, my consciousness, you can begin to use love and relationship as a grand teacher in life. This is how many, you know, spiritual cultures view relationship. They view relationship as a reverence. You know, some people are ministers of divine. Like that's what I've handed my path over to. Some people Revere their relationship and it is their practice. It's their daily spiritual practice to stay in principle. Other people, you know, they Revere money or their whatever, right? Where you, what, what are you Reveering? What are you handing your life over to in a good way, meaning that you have it be your teacher. You have it surrender to it, and you allow it to guide you in developing yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically and spiritually, right? (05:56): Love is the ultimate mirror of who you are. You're experiencing this union with all that is through communication, through acknowledgement through all this thing. And I believe that when you finally let go of everything that is holding you back from being loving, you naturally walk through life, making love to life. Making love to it, loving all of life to love. Life is to love every drop of it. Even the suffering. It doesn't mean you have to stay in suffering, but you have to love it and understand it and realize it is your friend. And it is guiding you. Every emotion is a beautiful thing, guiding you back to truth. And so the point is this is that you you're the one you're higher self is the one love and divine. That's the one you are that. And so you are the one you've been waiting for to love is to express your divinity. (06:45): Love is eternal. It is ever giving and it comes from one source within love is what guides us it's truth. It's divine. It's God, you are the one you been searching for. So in modern culture, it is customary practice to, to place basically the concept of the one outside of the self, believing that we need another one to complete us. And it's not the truth. It's not the truth. Spiritual work shifts that limited in concept outside into the, in inside. The one has been you all along. It always has been. It always will be. You are the amazing person that shines and radiates love, and it can only be reflected from your expression out, coming back. So being the one you no longer, basically, what does it mean? Right? What does it mean to be the one? It means that you no longer seek external validation nor false identities, roles, or titles, literally stepping into being the one is saying, I'm responsible. (07:48): What can I bring to life instead? What I can, what can life bring to me? There's no need to believe that anyone is right or wrong. You when you're, when you are the one you accept and see the miracle of every single human being that comes into your life, whether it be a lover, whether it be someone that you're gonna spend the rest of your life with, whether it be a friend, whether it be whatever becoming the one is taking full responsibility of creating your own experience, circumstances and the expression of your relationships. The one attracts perfect expression that cuz you are perfect expression. So you move past chaos. You move past the seat, you move past all that because you're no longer interested in that. You're literally just interested in loving and not making anyone wrong and not trying to change anyone. You realize they're the one too. (08:38): They're divine. They're gods staring at you saying, love me unconditionally and put boundaries on me, right? Romance, partnership, friendships, marriage, all relationships become fulfilled at all levels. You become liberated through self-expression and extraordinary communication. You're no longer afraid of how people are going to react because you don't have to get your validation from out there. Right? So awakened relationships become the platform of birthing all types of creativity, not just, you know, yes. Sometimes babies. Yes. Sometimes art sometimes just expression that every relationship birds something, right? What is that? Maybe it's healing. Maybe it's growth. Unique expressions of love exist for each of every one of us. Authenticity is the most important thing we have in our relationships. So in this I know the truth of authenticity, transparency, and stepping into being the one you've been waiting for your entire life. Be the equivalent of the person that you seek. (09:39): This is the true law of attraction, right? If you want to call in the one, you have to be the one, you have to be that person. So if you want somebody who is extraordinary, you want someone who's great communicator. You want someone who's good in bed. You want someone who is abundant. You know, you want all these things, are you that? And that's what we have to ask ourselves. Love is like electricity flowing through you, transmitting vibrationally in every single cell. It's who you are, it's the life force. And so in this, I just know the law of giving or receiving, knowing that what you put out has to come back. And so as you are the one you of course fully receive the one in whatever form that comes in the shift of all of life, including love is no longer looking for it outside. (10:23): It's becoming that it's embodying love fully. And so love is the only truth. But just because you love someone does not mean that you can be in a relationship with that person. That's where loving self has to be. Primary being in peace is always the primary work we do. Being with divine. Being in source takes being in peace. There's a major distinction between functioning and dysfunctional relationships being in a relationship, evolves it. Workability, does it work? Does it not work? There's gotta be agreements. There's purpose. There's intentions, there's objectives. There's all kinds of aspects of relationship. Love just is. But relationships are their journeys together. Like a ship that goes to the water. It goes through storms. It goes through good times. It goes through all of it and you've gotta as be a team. You've gotta have wor