Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. (00:16): May you live (00:17): Your truth? (00:20): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We also break through all limiting beliefs and identities in subconscious minds so that we can claim our birthright of prosperity, love and vitality. So today's podcast is titled the power of organization. So let's take a deep breath in through the nose and excellent out on the profound truth. The first principle of heaven is order. The first principle of heaven is order and as somebody who absolutely loves working with soul entrepreneurs, I love developing people in their companies, spiritually based soul-based companies, products and services, spiritual coaches, spiritual practitioners, ministers, and doctors of divinity. It is imperative that there is a reason why we call our business and organization because you gotta get organized. And, uh, it is in my commitment to help people become the CEO of their personal and professional life, their spiritual and business world. (01:27): It is all one thing. It is all one thing, which is you in expression, projecting and reflecting back in your life, the mirror of life. So let's break this on down the power of organization, and I'm going to give you some distinctions today. And I can't give you all of them, obviously, because we teach this in society, but it has been quite a journey of organization. Let me tell you, I have this image in my head. I'll never forget. I was in high school. I was 16 years old and I remember opening the door to my bedroom. And it was literally like a bomb had gone off. There was clothes and clothes and clothes and things and shoes and books and purses. And you name it everywhere across my room. And I remember cleaning my room and it took me, I think, four hours to clean my room. (02:21): I kid you not. And I remember being, it was so much work that I remember sitting down and committing to myself and saying, I'm never, ever, ever gonna let my room get that messy again. And I'm sure it happened again, but not to that level. And as I began to, you know, grow up and start adulting um, of course my home would get, you know, messy, but not extremely messy, but I was not an organized person at all. I had different projects I'd begin and I wouldn't finish them. They were, everything was incomplete. You know, I never had any, any kind of schedule for doing my bills or taxes and everything was stressful. It was stressful to do mail. It was stressful to do my taxes. It was stressful to complete cycles of anything. And, but my life still worked. It didn't dis work. (03:12): You know, it didn't not work. It wasn't like dysfunctional or like I wasn't falling apart or I didn't not do my taxes or things like that, but it was always like just reacting, reacting to life or getting organized just when I had to or procrastinating and things like that. And as I began to get more and more into my own self development and into my spiritual work, I realized that I wanted to have more organization and I didn't wanna have stress in my life. So I began to get a little bit less disorganized. It wasn't like I was getting organized. I was just getting less disorganized. Right. And I remember I had a coach years and years ago, and he said that I want you to go through what's called cycles of action. So what he had me do is, um, we had to go through everything and we had to go through our entire life. (04:00): We had to go through our home and clean it out, basically, uh, basically look at everything in our life, every material thing and realize are we using it? Are we not using it? Does it align with what really matters our priorities and our core values in life? Does it align with our mission and our vision? And I remember I did this multiple times through different leadership programs, you know, and I remember the different levels of what it was first time. It was kind of just thinking that, oh, I'm cleaning out closets and everything's gonna look pretty. And, you know, and then the next level was, you know, years later with the next coach, it was like, oh, like I don't need a lot of this stuff. And I remember, uh, I had saved so much money and, and gotten things and had this nice little life. (04:45): And, and I had my spiritual realm on one side of my world and, and my normal world on the other side. And, and they weren't aligning together. I remember I had, you know, had a, a big home on a golf course on a signature golf hole. And I had bought golf clubs, cuz that was the thing to do. You know, I, I lived on a golf course, so why would you not buy golf clubs? And as I went through this next cycle of action, I realized and, and gotten more clear on my mission, vision, you know, golf. Didn't exactly. It just, wasn't my thing. You know what I mean? I was really deep into my spiritual work. I was deep into transformation work. I was deep into leadership work. I was even giving up, um, my old world of, of real estate investing, things like that. (05:26): I was literally handing my life over to my spiritual work and I realized that golf was not in that mission or vision. And so I remember there were brand new clubs. There were, I don't know, thousands of dollars or something like that. And I gave 'em away to my mom and it was just this cycle of, and it sounds so first world. And so, you know, uppity, it's kind of embarrassing to even tell that story. But I remember also things like in my closet, I had, you know, it was what, 40 pairs of jeans or something like that, you know, ridiculous. And I just remember being like, let it go. Like you don't need these, someone else is gonna really benefit from this. And the, and, and it was just, it began to be this process of really letting go of things. And then a coach asked me, you know, what are your must-haves? (06:10): And I recognized that my must-haves in my business and my, and my personal life and things like that, it meant I was actually decluttering my life from different communities and different people, maybe dysfunctional or people that just had a lot of drama or whatever. So it's like literally organizing my inner world. My outer world, everything began, began to be this, this order. And in society, you know, our tagline is live your truth. And what we really do is we help people from an internal role cause we know everything starts with them. And so getting organized is yes, it is in your external role. But getting organized is really begins in mind. It begins in the principle of understanding what are your core values, what really matters to you in your life. And that's how we bird people's purpose and their, and their legacy and their mission and their vision and everything is really aligning to that organization of what is within. (07:09): And so I'm not gonna get so into that today because we get into that in many other podcasts and stuff of getting order within this podcast. I wanna help you a few distinctions today to help you get organized in your, in your external world, in your business world and in your professional life. Things that have really transformed my ability to organize and schedule out and do things to help me align with my mission and vision. And so, um, each, each year, you know, at the end of the year or beginning of the year, a lot of people will have a new year and they'll set their goals and they get out their Daytimers or their, you know, calendars and they schedule out things like that. Well, in society, I train the women and a few men to become the CEOs of their life and we actually work on quarters. (07:57): So if you work with big CEOs, which I worked with for a long time, you'll notice that they do quarters Q1 two, three, and four. And so if you wanna get really organized in your life, I recommend getting organized in a quarterly basis. So at the end of each quarter, what, what we do is we celebrate all of our wins. We take a look at our goals and see what we hit and what we didn't hit. And we organize the entire next quarter. So the next three months, we have some type of a plan, everything from our social media scheduling to when we're going to do our, you know, um, marketing and sales, what we're doing on all different aspect. When we pay our bills, we pay our bills on first and 15, things like that. And we get super organized. And what this does from a, from a perspective of coming back to the spiritual aspect of the first principle of heaven is order, is that I always think of it like salsa, dancing, salsa, dancing. (08:51): I love salsa dancing. And there's a masculine and feminine energy right. In all of us and when you're dancing. So the man, if you will, um, is really the, he, he actually is kind of guiding. He is the staple. He's kind of like a pillar and the, and the female energy or the woman dances around that masculine energy. And the more, more confident and more firm the man is, is in leading and being a pillar, the more the feminine or the women aspect can dance around in elegance and letting go and, and not worrying about where it's going. Exactly. So I think about that in my organization, in that when I have a plan on my calendar and really plan out what is actually getting, you know, results in my business, and I begin to actually structure that out on my calendar, then I can actually have a calendar for everything from social media to when we're doing sales to everything. (09:51): But I also can also go, you know, I'm gonna go off track for my schedule a little bit today. Obviously I don't change meetings, but I will go off track sometime. Okay. So it's important to have a real discipline schedule, but also be open to that or something greater. Right? So I recommend for you to take a look at your life and take a look at where your priorities are. There's the 80 20 rule in business. And it means that out of all, the a hundred percent of the tasks that you do, 20% of