The Secret behind 100k in 7 days

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:18): Have you ever wondered how to make a hundred K in seven days? Well, today's podcast. I'm gonna break it on down for you. So welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in a spiritual community in society and new thought global. We truly believe that someone, when they awaken, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. We're all about entrepreneurship, enlightenment, and empowerment. We are here to bring truth to the world, teach metaphysics universal law and all the above. It is a great honor to be in this community and be the founder of it. So let's break this song down you guys, hundred K in seven days. So last week I spent seven days witnessing miracles. (01:09): After miracles, I spent the week leading a five day challenge where people were having breakthroughs in monetizing their business online. It was an amazing week. My heart cracked open from all the support and love from everyone involved. And I'm not gonna lie. Those seven days were intense. The challenge was challenging as I would say, right? 15 hour work days managing my team and an endless amount of tasks. But when it was all said and done, we invited people in to join society leadership. And we had, we did a hundred K and seven days between that program and people upgrading, uh, into the spiritual certification coaching program and the spiritual, uh, practitioner program and so on and so forth. Bottom line is this, I love being a spiritual entrepreneur. And so what does it take? What's the secret behind doing a hundred K and seven days? (02:05): Well, there's three things, mindset, skillset, and team. So mindset, of course we recognize is the most important thing. I realize that business development is spiritual development. Every day is the opportunity to serve and help others. My clients are my teachers. This community is my guru, right? Every obstacle is the opportunity to grow, innovate and persevere and bring in truth to the world. So mindset, we teach this, of course it is the most important thing without mindset, nothing works. Everything begins from that, that creative process from the one thing which is spirit, which is your higher self, the backing of all energy. So I recognize that a hundred K in seven days is not the end all be all, but what it represents is really being able to direct energy upon universal mind with great intention and being able to serve, serve, serving, bring value, you know, uh, a large portion of that a hundred thousand was from people within our community, uh, wanting to really dive deeper into being, being able to facilitate the work. (03:17): They love it so much. Being able to, um, you know, get certified in the spiritual, uh, certification program, spiritual code certification program, and stepping into spiritual practitioner program. So what it represents for me in the mindset is representing that we're really teaching truth and people are getting a lot out of it. They are having breakthroughs in their personal professional life. They're being able to finally monetize their soul-based business online, whether it be a spiritual coach or whatever, they're, they're doing a service or whatever, is there in their business realm. The second thing that is a must have to do a hundred K and seven days is skillset. You know, you can have the most powerful mindset and be able to, you know, channel divine and everything, but we live in a construct. That's important to understand skillset of business, and I'm constantly learning. I'm constantly advancing in my skillset and I am a hundred percent committed to mastering technology, building my team, learning all aspects of business so I can serve for the highest good. (04:18): I am. I always have teachers. I always have coaches. I am in a group right now with a bunch of women that are all multiple seven figure, uh, coaches and business owners. And I am dedicated to always advancing in my skillset because let me tell you doing challenge online for seven days or whether it was a five day challenge. Um, but in over the seven days is there's so much technology that goes behind this understanding the different social media platforms, understanding technology to do email campaigns, understanding how to, to create, you know, different promos and Facebook ads. And there's so much that goes behind the, the actual process of teaching truth technology, building business, building team, all that the skill sets behind it is intense and in a really great way, because it allows us to serve and go globally and internationally. The third thing that is a must have for, to do a hundred K and seven days is team. (05:15): And I am the first to admit that I have a lot of development still in this. I have an incredible team. We have soul society ambassadors and without them, this five day challenge would not have been possible. So the reality is we're not designed to do things alone, spirit desires for our oneness to grow exponentially. And I'm so grateful for our team and soul society ambassadors. It is imperative to have a team that has the same core values and mission. And so one of the reasons why, uh, the team has been over time, growing slower than where I would want to be as far as having some huge team that has expertise because I'm dedicated, I'm dedicated to only having team. That is, that is, is a hundred percent committed to new thought movement. And so I recognize I'm developing the team. We're all growing exponentially and it is amazing and nothing could happen like this without a team. (06:07): And they are very advanced and exactly the perfect place that they're at. So the three, three things that have to happen is secret behind a hundred K and seven days is mindset skillset. And your team. One thing I've learned from working with multiple seven figure coaches, the women who stay positive and are in right mind, monetize the most and the women who focus on the problems within their businesses, they try and get clients instead of serving clients, they end up getting burned out and ultimately can't sustain their business. So what happens, right? What do you gotta do? It's interesting because working with so many people and taking them through the process of birthing their truth is the most important thing to be able to generate a hundred K and seven days. Sure. Anybody can do that if they really, really are focused on making money, but to generate a hundred K and seven days from leaving a legacy on this planet from loving what you do from making and impacting people's lives at a profound level, it takes doing your deep, deep inner work. (07:15): So the mindset part of it is the most important thing, getting your mind, right? Releasing the limited beliefs, birthing your specific truth, birthing your purpose birthing. What is your legacy to leave in this lifetime is the most important thing. And the greatest secret behind making a hundred K and seven days, but from a heart space, from a, from a working for the higher, good space, it is the most important thing. So I invite you to take a look at knowing that if I can, the potential is that if I can make a hundred K and seven days, you can make a hundred K and seven days. Obviously we can't guarantee any kind of results for income, because it varies so much with people. But what I know is that I didn't have the mindset. I used to be a mess. You know, I used to not be able to finish project. (08:03): I used to be overwhelmed. I used to, uh, be confused. I used to, you know, not know my purpose in calling. So if I can do that, you can too skill set. I remember first getting outta technology and getting so frustrated, not being able to figure out even how to link up like social medias or email campaigns or any of it. I would just be pulling my hair out. Okay. So if I can understand and build the skillset to be able to do the technology behind a campaign like this, right? Cause it really is. This is like a launch. It's a launch a five day challenge. I'm gonna teach you guys as spiritual coaches, as spiritual practitioners of learning business. I'm gonna teach you how this is a launch. People do five day challenges because they make an offer at the end. Okay. It's no surprise. (08:49): And then they usually launch out to the world in opening doors to a program. Okay. So understanding skillset is imperative. And if I can develop my skillset, you can too. That's the truth. Okay. And then team team has been something that's been very hard for me to ask for support, to recognize that I don't need to do it all alone. And I know that the key to success to make a million dollars in seven days, cuz that's where we'll go. Next is team. There's no way that that's possible without growing team. And so I recognize that it's always development that my business is my spiritual development and I'm so grateful for all the people involved in that challenge. There was so much love. There was so much supporting and rooting other people on. We did. We, we, we saw so many miracles. I saw people cuz we also had some zoom calls in between. (09:43): And I saw people having huge breakthroughs, tears of joy, breaking through Mo monetarily, seeing new possibility for themselves really recognize that they can take step by step and actually get results in their life, in their business online. And so now what now, as you are listening to this podcast, um, I will be in Hawaii cuz I recorded this right before that I'm in Hawaii, enjoying myself. I am working this week because we have, we're launching a lot of stuff in society, but I am relaxing. I am rejuvenating. I am getting ready for this next quarter. Q4. We are going to take a quantum leap in the spiritual leaders program. And I would like to invite you. I'd like to invite you into this. It will, doors will be closing, uh, this, uh, I believe it's a Sunday and um, the price of 9 97, we'll go back to 5,000 and it will be a beautiful, incredible quarter. (10:40): I am committed. I am committed to having you