The Spiritual Meaning Definition & Signs From The Universe

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

The Spiritual Meaning Definition & Signs From The Universe Welcome to The Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul’s purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I’m Dr. Erin, a doctor of divinity, I’m committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life.  I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are, and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world. Do you believe in signs from the Universe? What You Will Learn In This Episode:  ⚡ How to read signs from the Universe ⚡ How to discover the spiritual meaning of signs ⚡ How to communicate and get confirmation from Source Got community?  Social Media Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcriptions:  (00:00): Have you ever wondered, what is the spiritual meaning of something that occurred in your life? Right. We all wonder what is the spiritual significance of things going on in our life? Or maybe you're looking for signs from universe. Maybe you laugh about concepts around us, regardless if you're somebody who wants to dive deep into the spiritual meaning and what we truly believe from a metaphysical standpoint and from a perspective of what happens in consciousness and how it projects out into life and communicates back to you via the universe, then you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. Welcome to the Dr. Erin podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma birth, your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Erin, Dr. Divinity. I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are, and I believe in you together. We're awakening the world.  (01:11): Hi, my soul family. I'm really excited to break this on down for you because tonight I had a very mystical and magical night and I was inspired to record it for you. So earlier this evening, uh, early evening, I had a meeting with my team and we were discussing events in person events. We haven't done in-person events since before the pandemic, and it's been something that we keep coming back to, but we've been so busy with all the online stuff and building an extraordinary community and doing so much. And there's so much that happens in it. So we keep coming back to events in our meetings because we're going over the topics that we need to discuss. And each time we come to this topic, we kind of get stuck a little bit. And we realize tonight that we're definitely committed to doing events, but we didn't really feel a flow around how or what that looks like or when exactly.  (02:02): And so we decided to put it into consciousness, cuz that's what we do whenever we're feeling stuck. We don't keep trying to analyze it and figure it out. We go to the great divine mind and we allow truth to come through. So we decided to do that. We ended the meeting and I decided I was gonna go out on my evening bike ride and do some spiritual scientific prayer and begin to, you know, really contemplate it and allow whatever miracles were to come through. So I got on my bike and I, as soon as I went out my building, I realized it was sprinkling and, and it looked really dark over in the clouds. And I thought, man, I should probably go inside because where I'm at in Palm beach, it, when it rains, it dumps like it's no joke. And so I kind of contemplated for a moment, but I just had this really strong feeling that I needed to go on this bike ride and I needed to do some deep, deep work around the consciousness around events and what that looked like.  (03:00): And I really wanted to commune with my heart self and really allow the miracles to come through. So I decided to keep going. So I decided I was just gonna keep going. And I decided to go the direction kind of away from the clouds. And I thought, well, I can maybe outrun a little bit or you know, maybe I can get to a place that I wanna be. And then the storm will come through. So I went across the bridge and yes, it was sprinkling kind of light. And I was coming down and I started doing a little bit of intentional work and I thought, you know what, I'm gonna put it into consciousness. So what I do when I'm doing a spiritual mind treatment, you call it or a spiritual scientific prayer or affirmative prayer. It doesn't matter what you call it, going into consciousness.  (03:40): And I set the intention of show me, let me know and bring clarity around these events and what is to happen as far as do I have confirmation, should we wait longer? What is there? And I began to bike ride along. And the first kind of consciousness that came in was about divine signs. And for some reason I kind of thought, why is this conversation coming in about divine signs and signs from the universe? And I began to think as like, do we really believe in signs? You know, from the universe, the universe is just responding to us, the sign, the universe doesn't do anything it's responding to consciousness. Right. And as right as I said that, I went around this little kind of corner on my bike and all of a sudden hundreds and hundreds of dragon flies flew all around me. They flew all around me, all above me.  (04:33): And it was this mystical and magical moment. And I stopped my bike because I was in such awe. And I realized right in that moment that I had just asked my higher self about having signs. And so I'm sitting there and for a moment I'm like, oh my gosh, is this source kind of telling me no, there are signs. Right? And then I flash to what's in my book, which is really what we teach, which is serendipity, right? There's a serendipity place that we are in when we're in a confirmation of what we love of that blissful state. And we've all experienced that moments where, where the most magical mystical moments happen. And so I was there for a few moments and I was watching all the dragon flies and I just was, I was giggling, I was literally giggling and I was just looking up at them and just soaking in this moment.  (05:29): And the clouds began to come in further and further. And I thought, well, I'm a couple blocks from where I could get coverage, so I better get on my bike and go. So I began to get on my bike and, and the dragonflies kind of swirled around a little bit. And then I kept going a little bit further and sure enough, it began to rain. And I was right next to this open kind of mall area, this beautiful mall. So I decided to take my bike inside. And as I rode my bike right inside, cause there was no one around this dragon fly followed in right next to me. And he flew right next to me and he flew on and I just was just, it was just this beautiful thing. And then right away, the storm came and it thundered and it lightening and it crashed and all this rain came tumbling down like pouring, like pouring.  (06:20): Like you, you can't imagine it was pouring like everything like the skies opened and the seas parted. Right. And it came down so strong. And I just sat there just so happy, just be in this mystical experience and just so grateful with not one concern about the rain. I thought, well, you know, it's gonna pass or I can call an Uber. Right. Who cares? I just sat in the beauty of it. I just sat in the beauty of it again, sitting in the beauty. And this is what I do when I go into prayer. It's not about praying to the man in the sky. It's really not even praying to even become something it's really in the miracle of what is, and in sitting in that miracle space, that space of gratitude, that space of the awe, that space of ecstasy, it shifts everything. The rain began to kind of die down.  (07:06): Wasn't that long, maybe 20 minutes at the most, this incredible sunset began of these incredible FIA, pinks, orange and blue skies behind. It was the most beautiful, amazing thing. And I got on my bike and I ran, I rode out, I felt like a little kid. There was like these puddles and I was going through the puddles and I couldn't help, but swirl around in circles and look up at the trees. And it was just so beautiful and it began to laugh and giggle again and I'm riding my bike along. It wasn't even half a block and this huge, huge rainbow all the way full rainbow right in front of me. And I was just, I began to have tears of joy because it was this feeling of knowing. I know that I am here on this planet to bring truth. And I know I'm here to do events, to have us come together as a community for us to know the truth for us to really bring this movement forward on such a level so that all the teachers and practitioners and all the coaches can be showcased and they can also come together and, and bring in their voice.  (08:13): And so I rode along my bike more and I couldn't help. I had to take some pictures and, and I actually put it on my Instagram tonight. You can go to my story there. And it was so beautiful. I, I don't know if I've ever seen a more beautiful sunset, the pinks and the oranges and the blues behind it and the Palm trees and the puddles on the ground. And I was feel, I felt like I was just flying. I literally felt like a dragon flying through the air with zero weight. And that's the way I feel I get so out of body sometimes. And I realize that there's some distinctions to make here. Okay. There's some really great distinctions to make here. So what I wanna discuss are these three things, how to read the signs from the universe, how to discover the spiritual meaning of signs and how to communicate and get confirmation from source.  (09:04): So you can believe anything you want, and we never want to make anyone wrong for their belief systems. Okay. But from a metaphysical perspective, from a science of mind, from a place of understanding consciousness and how it works, we know that the universe only sends us signs that are reflection of where we're at. So for example, in my book, we have a distinction about serendipity versus Zem bla Zem bla, is that the out picturing of what we don't wanna see, it could be, see something horrific or something not good or resistance, or, you know, your relationships going down, feeling stuck, feeling resistance, feeling angst, feeling suffering, right? That's the Zem of the out picture of consciousness. The serendipity is when we're in flow, when we're in a state of non-resistance, when we're in love, we're in that flow state, the currency and all that stuff and things show up butterflies, show up, people show up, you know, these signs and the serendipity of all of it, right.  (10:06): That person you thought of two minutes ago happens to call you right in that moment. Right. That's a serendipity moment. Okay. But when people look to the world for signs, they're placing power outside of themselves, meaning that yes, we look to the, to the universal signs. We should at all points in time, not just looking for, you know, the butterfly in the sky, but everything we call it, the mentally equivalent, we call it the vibrational match, wherever we're at. You can look at someone's life. You can look at your life and know exactly where you are. If you're in flow or not in flow, or if you should be somewhere or in a relationship or in that event, because it's either a hell yes or it's a no you're either in flow or you're stuck in resistance. There's just a simple, simple thing called universal law.  (10:50): And it works for precision. So what's the spiritual meaning. There is no meaning. It's whatever, meaning you put on it. Yes. There are meanings around things like what is the embodiment of a dragonfly, right? When you look up the meaning of a dragonfly, right? Dragonflies are incredible. They're, they're almost like the butterfly. They come and they're, they live in water for a long time. And then they actually, they, they transform just like a butterfly and they become the dragonfly and they mostly like live most of their life underwater. And then they actually, when they finally bloom, they finally transform. It's a very short-lived life. It's this miraculous time with these beautiful wings, very, very, like, very beautiful, very translucent, very incredible. And when they fly, they fly very fast and straight. Like almost they can go anywhere. It's almost like a helicopter, right? They can, they're so light.  (11:44): And so agile, a lot of people will have like tattoos and swords representing through Asian art and different things of, of, of these beautiful dragonflies, because they can do anything they're free. And so what does this mean for you? You know, what does this mean and how to communicate and get confirmation from source? So I can't speak for you. I can't tell you what your answers are to these things. It's against my ethical, spiritual practice to tell you the way it is. But what I can say is how I communicate and how I commune and can get confirmation from source is when my heart and when my intuition and when it just says, hell yes, everything is a confirmation of yes, everything flows. Everything is miraculous. That is a hell. Yes. Okay. And whenever I'm not in flow, when I'm in resistance, my confirmation is when I'm in stuck traffic, when I'm in angst, when I'm frustrated, that means I'm not in alignment with my truth.  (12:42): So I'm not gonna look to see some sign to get that confirmation. I can just feel into my body. I don't need any confirmation anywhere. I can just feel into my, my consciousness. I don't need a sign out there, but it's really fun when there's a sign out there, it's really a game to see the dragonflies and know, oh my gosh, I'm in the intention of what one of my greatest dreams is, is to, to have events where we do and live these principles that we teach and transform people's lives and let them shed their old ways, just like the dragonfly and have them bur their true self. Right? Isn't that the point of it, it's said that dragonflies also predict whether they predict also knowing that there is this, this time to seize the moment, because just like the, the dragon flight doesn't have very much time.  (13:36): Once they bloom life is precious. It goes by in an instant, especially when we're living our blessed, it just, it's just a beautiful breat