The Truth About Narcissism and Codependency Relationships

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:18): If you're somebody who has been dating or is in a relationship with the narcissist, or maybe you're with somebody who just seems really self-centered or maybe you are in a relationship that has ups and downs, you're on a roller coaster breaking up, getting back together, or maybe you're just in a marriage, even that where you just feel like you're not getting your needs met, that you are with somebody that you think if they just changed, then everything would be better. Then you want to listen to this podcast. I'm going to tell you today, what you truly don't want to hear. I'm gonna break it on down because guess what? I was in the relationship as well. I was codependent for years and years in and out of relationship, up and down, hoping and wishing and trying to change the other person, getting so obsessed with what it means to be with a narcissist and thinking something's wrong with them. (01:13): Let me fix and change them until one day, the truth set me free. So you want to listen to this podcast. This is the Dr. Aaron show. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly know the truth that when somebody awakens you have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. This is Dr. Aaron, Dr. O divinity training and developing spiritual coaches, spiritual practitioners, spiritual ministers teachers, and yes, doctors of divinity. So let's do this thing. You guys let's do this thing. So as many of you guys know I am a recovered codependent. I was in multiple dysfunctional relationships growing up with a mother that was also in dysfunctional relationships and a father as well. Both of them were totally codependent and, um, ended up getting into an abusive. (02:07): My first abusive relationship was in high school of all things. And, um, it was mentally abusive and actually got physically abusive. I ended up marrying somebody that I really had no business mirror and I didn't know myself. And, um, I thought something was wrong with him. I thought he was a narcissist and, um, so on and so forth, the story goes from there. And as you guys know, it ended up with my low was being engaged with a famous rockstar. That was what maybe a psychologist would say, a narcissist, a bipolar, uh, a borderline personality and so on and so forth. But I believe this, I believe that if you're listening to this podcast, if you are in a codependent relationship, a dysfunctional relationship, or even with a narcissist, that is because you truly desire to be a leader. And so, first of all, I wanna acknowledge you. (02:59): I wanna acknowledge you that you would not be going through what you're going through. If you weren't ready to master it, you would not even be given this masterclass called a narcissist. If you were not ready to master it and understand it. And I remember years back when I was, had been doing so much spiritual work and I was like, how could I be doing this much work for this many years and still into dysfunctional relationship? And it dawned on me because when we decide that we want to become masters, we have to go through that master class. Right? So today I'm going to break on down the truth of narcissism, the truth of narcissism. And co-dependency because it's like a coin. Okay. And on one side of the coin, there's narcissism and on the other side of the coin is co-dependency. You can't have one without the other. (03:54): It's impossible. So really I'm gonna break this down from a metaphysical standpoint. Okay. Because a lot of psychology these days has actually been kind of, um, it's been, um, it's been disorganized in that a lot of psychology looks at the behavior. Like they call it psychology behavior. Right? And they're looking at actually the effect they're looking at what people are doing with their behaviors. And in a true psychology is the study to soul, which we do in new thought global. And we do from a metaphysical standpoint is we actually look at what's happening from a soul perspective instead. Okay. So the reason why I'm doing this podcast is because I've had a couple, um, get togethers with girlfriends, highly evolved women. Okay. These are not dummies. These are not victims of the world. And I've had a couple meals and, and get togethers with very evolved girlfriends with them, basically being in completely dysfunctional relationships. (05:03): We're talking them, talking about their narcissist partner and them kind of knowing they're like, I know it's me. I know what I know. It's like, I don't believe myself, but they're still focusing on the narcissist. Okay. So this is a total pattern that whether you see it in yourself, whether you see it in your girlfriend or a guy friend or whatever it is that this is the pattern, okay. You sit down to lunch or dinner with your girlfriend and they begin to tell you how awful their partner is. Oh, well, he did this. Oh, well, he's addicted to porn or, oh, he, um, got really mad and was yelling at me for hours. Oh, he is selfish. And does X, Y, and Z. Okay. Their entire conversation is focused on the narcissist. Okay. Because that's what a narcissist does. A narcissist basically is self absorbs needs, attentions and admiration. (05:52): Obviously always gas lights and makes you the problem and, and points a finger at you. And then they slam you down. They wanna make belittle you as much as possible. So that you begin to question your own. Like you begin to question yourself and that you actually begin to feel like you need them because the same person that puts you down, if they give you admiration, then it begins to have like this psychological hold, right. They lack empathy. They're in troubled relationships. And they are, they basically are always needing to create drama to create the need because they're actually very insecure. Narcissists are extraordinarily insecure. In fact, they have no true identity based in divine, based in source. And so they get their identity from being needed out in the world. So they will cause a lot of discord, a lot of dysfunction just to get the attention. (06:48): So the opposite of that is the codependent. And the codependent basically will constantly be focusing on the, the narcissist or the dysfunctional per whatever they wanna call it. The person that is the problem of the relationship when actually it's equal and opposite because the codependent, instead of them focusing on themselves, it's actually cuz they have such low self worth and such low self value that they don't believe they're worthy of a, a relationship that is, that is peaceful. They don't believe they're worthy of having, you know, somebody that is they're equal. They don't believe they're worthy of, of having a loving kindness relationship. They're constantly feeling like they're not enough. And it's such a subconscious program that they think that it actually has nothing to do with themselves. There's a great concept. Guy. Richie, I think had a done multiple movies and you may know him or not. (07:46): He was used to be married to Madonna. And there's this one, this one film that's about these mobsters. And they're all kind of like, you know, killing each other and they're doing insanity things. And guy Richie has this, this quote in this movie where he talks about basically one day you realize that the only con is yourself. And I'm speaking to the codependent right now because you're conning yourself. You're lying to yourself. You're deflecting. Just like you say, the narcissist is deflecting. You are deflecting. The narcissist is your way of deflecting to yourself of you not realizing that you are actually the problem. The narcissist is just gonna do the narcissist. You are the problem. You're the problem in that you are hurting yourself by staying in it. You're the one who's deflecting and, and not showing up for your friends and your family. You're the one that's not taking care of yourself. (08:51): You're the one that's doing self abuse and self sabotage by staying in the relationship with the narcissist. And I say this because I love you. I'm speaking to my friends right now. I'm speaking to my friends right now. I'm speaking to my clients right now. I'm speaking to the people that I sit across the table from even two to this day that I see them ruining their lives by the relationships they're keeping themselves in. And I'm gonna say that for our culture, we have a codependent culture. And the truth is that codependency is the core of all spiritual discord because what true codependency is, it's placing the power outside of self. So whether you are codependent in your relationship with your narcissist boyfriend or husband, or whether you are codependent of looking to social media for all the stuff going on in the world and making yourself upset about what's going on in the world, it comes back to that. (09:51): The moment that we place our power out in the world is the moment that we become disempowered. And so for everybody that is dealing with codependency, because what actually happened and why we've created daily recovery calls in our community, radical recovery recovery, based in metaphysic science of mind, based in truth, understanding that what you believe and your soul in your subconscious mind is going to out picture. And whether it may be calling in the narcissist or calling in the bipolar partner or the dysfunctional relationship that nine outta 10 people have come into our community, don't even know what codependency is. And they realize, oh my gosh, this has doesn't have to do with my, you know, partner that's crazy or they're mean, or they yell or they're abusive or they're a narcissist or they this, or they that, or they, whatever that they realize that they can no longer be a victim. (10:47): They can no longer be the effect of that anymore. When they realize and wake up to the truth, may we know the truth and may the truth set us free, right? The famous saying it is done onto you, as you believe these are famous, famous truths, quotes and truths and biblical and all the above. Because what I know for sure is that truth is truth. And if the truth of narcissism is that codependency and narcissism is one and the same, our culture from a lot of the times, the women's aspect of our culture will make the