Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): Welcome (00:01): To society, the shift to the triage movement. So you did so truth (00:09): Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in a community society. We are the number one spiritual coaching community, committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that somebody, when they awaken they have a gift and message to bring to the world. And our mission is to awaken a billion people globally. Yes. So today we're gonna talk about the truth of transition. This might be a little bit controversial for some people, uh, but it is, um, heavy on the consciousness. So today, uh, I flew back into Los Angeles. I was over in, uh, Arizona visiting my son and his girlfriend had a beautiful weekend and found out the news that Kobe Bryant and his daughter died in a helicopter crash, um, over the weekend. (01:01): And it's been heavy on the so many people's mind been heavy in social media, and I was flying back into Los Angeles and I could really, really feel the heaviness of, um, everyone and I wanted to address it. So what happened was I had a, a client friend, uh, call me and ask, you know, what was my perspective on it? And did you know, Kobe Bryant choose this or not? And what was my, what were my thoughts on this? And, um, and so I thought, you know, it's indicated, it's indicated to have this conversation as a culture, as spiritual coaches and diving deep into it. So, um, I'm going to speak about it from many different levels, many different layers right now. So the truth of transition from a truth perspective, obviously we are eternal. We are mortal from a spiritual perspective and we are, you know, in this human experience, um, having this thing called birth and death in, in this one lifetime, we know that obviously we have many lives even from our children or whether you wanna call it path lives, you know, on ancestors, whatever you wanna say, the truth is that there is memory that lives on and, um, from even epigenics perspectives, scientific perspectives, and obviously from a spiritual perspective. (02:27): So knowing this, I just wanna first send out my condolences to, to everybody that's grieving to Kobe Bryant's family. And, um, all the people that he touched, so many millions and millions of lives, obviously he was an icon for many people. And, um, and just knowing that grief is real and that, um, I honor, wherever people are in their consciousness, this is not to make anyone wrong around grieving or anything. This is maybe just give some answers and help other people out there. Cause I know, look, we all all deal with people in our lives that we love transitioning. Uh, we deal with people dying and death and funerals and people getting sick and ill. And so we might as well have this conversation. Okay. So my client called up and asked. So from a spiritual perspective, did they choose to, you know, get in a helicopter accident? (03:25): Did they choose to transition? And this is from a spiritual perspective. Um, there's basically, you need to recognize that the individual consciousness is not just the individual, they're the collective and they're the cosmic. Okay. So from an individual perspective, it can be one of two things. One is yes. They, they always choose it from a subconscious perspective, from a spiritual perspective, in that it can either be that they really have completed what they came to complete in this lifetime. And they literally choose at a very specific soul level that they're ready to go on to, you know, the next masterclass, if you will, it can also be that they have trauma and commands that are playing out repetitively in their, in their cycle of this lifetime and past lifetimes. For example, someone may have the command that goes something like this, every time everything's going, great shit hits the fan or whatever, right. (04:29): Just when things are going well, everything's taken away, okay. This can be a command that can go in someone's lineage, meaning that in past lives, they may have been in wars or things where, you know, people died around them. Um, they lost their castle, they lost their people. They, whatever it is, a trauma that can play out in multiple lifetimes in different out picturing. What does that mean? Exactly. If you go back to my other podcast, you will learn about how in trauma we program through high high states of negative states backed by limited beliefs and backed by commands. We basically declare lies into our subconscious that play out and out picture over and over again. So generally when I've worked with clients, they have very similar things that happen over and over in multiple lifetimes. And it's interesting cuz when I was over in Arizona this weekend, my son's girlfriend was reading many lives, many masters and look, even science is beginning to recognize that there is a memory that is being, you know, that lives in us. (05:41): It's in our DNA, it's in what they're calling epigenetics, the study of this. Okay. So the point is, is that did Kobe Bryant have a command that said, you know, something to the effect of just when things are going well, it's all taken away. We don't know, right. It is it's at his soul level. It may also have been that he just really has completed his cycle here, right? From a collective consciousness level. We have to realize that karma is really the cause and effect of what we've created. So the cause and effect is we've created the scenes called a helicopter that are risky. Right. And if you, you know, cause an effect of the pilot don't maneuver correctly, a helicopter crashes. Okay. So some of you may be like, oh yes, he definitely chose us on a spiritual level. Some people may be like, that's so offensive. (06:30): I can't believe you said that other people may really get that. It consider literally be a cause and effect of collective cause and effect of us creating the things called helicopters and crashing, right? From a cosmic consciousness perspective, we have to understand there's energies that are tied to the cosmos, hence astrologers and things like that. But here's the deal from a spiritual perspective are greatest like mastery in this lifetime is to overcome our patterns and create something new. So if you do a lot of your inner work and a lot of spiritual awakening, you will no longer be necessarily the effect of your lineage of your commands that happened in trauma that happened in the past lives. You will no longer be the effect of the cosmic consciousness. You'll be able to actually override something like a crash happening in helicopter. It's possible. Okay. That's a very, very advanced consciousness. (07:27): I'm not saying someone's better or worse is just that they've mastered and been able to do miracles on this planet. Okay. Third level cosmic consciousness. The reason why when astrologers gimme readings every single time, it's never correct. And the reason why is because I'm constantly moving past patterning, right? So a lot of the people that are just like, oh, here's my astrology reading. Therefore that's my destiny. That's cause you are not creating past the patterning of the consciousness of your, where you've been born in your DNA. You can move past this pattern name. So back to transitioning, okay. If somebody is transitioned, okay, whether it be, they are dying of natural causes, natural causes later in life, or whether they have had a, a traumatic tragic accident like Kobe Bryant and his daughter, the, the truth from a spiritual perspective is it is always chosen at a spiritual level. (08:25): And it is always chosen at a spiritual level. Okay? Cause even if you're dying of NA natural causes, as you get older, the truth is that we, science has proven that cells can, can keep living. So we have chosen it at, at some level in consciousness, in, in the collective that we are, you know, creating this thing called dying. Okay. It has benefits, right? The benefit is, is that it now condenses this thing called life. It makes it more valuable if we're gonna live for I eternal eternally and be immortal, it wouldn't be, we wouldn't have as much value on time. We wouldn't have much value on, on our loved ones. We don't wanna have as much value on this body. It is a beautiful blessing that we have this thing called quote unquote death from a human perspective. Okay. That does not mean that we want, you know, somebody to have a tragic accident. (09:18): That means that we look at it from a spiritual perspective of recognizing the incredible life that Kobe Bryant lived, the incredible ability to master his profession and what he was able to do. And I'm getting chills right now. Okay. Someone else had text me when they first found out that Kobe Bryant had passed away. And they said, what a shame, all that work, everything. And, and just gone. Poof. He never even got to enjoy his life. He was working the whole time. And I thought, uh, obviously Kobe Bryant loved his life. He loved his hustle. He loved his mastery. Otherwise he wouldn't be doing it. He wasn't doing it so that he could get some medal and then one day actually enjoy his life. Right. Clearly he enjoyed his life. So again, I really acknowledge the grieving. And so this brings up the next point, when should we grieve versus when should we celebrate someone's transition. (10:17): Right? So the point is that, is that wherever you're at, whether it feels right to grieve or whether it feels right to celebrate is what the answer is. You have a specific truth. Okay. What I invite people to think about is that don't think other people need to grieve or don't think everyone should celebrate if you wanna celebrate, or everyone should grieve if you're grieving, okay. People perceive transition. People perceive death differently. People perceive life, right? And somehow we think that if someone's lived until they're old, that it's okay and that it should be a celebration versus if they have a tragic death, that is a perspective. And it doesn't mean it's truth. It means it's your truth. And I honor where everyone's at. Okay. Today I celebrate Kobe Bryant's life. I celebrate his daughter's life. I celebrate every single person that has had, um, a natural cause of death or whether they've had a traumatic death, okay. (11:16): Having to stillborn and holding my b