The Wall of Fire - Never Give Up

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:18): This is a message from your future self, your higher self, the part of you inside of you that knows everything is possible. This is the message never, never, never give up. Today's podcast is called the wall of fire. Never give up. This is Dr. Aaron and we come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we are awakening the world. So I'm Dr. Aaron, I'm a doctor of divinity. I am the founder of new thought global and society TV host of good morning LA land. And we are here to know the truth together. I recognize right here. And right now in this world, there is a lot of chaos. There is a lot of ups and downs, and I recognize there's people out there that are still thriving and there's people that are suicidal. (01:13): And so I just wanna send my prayers out to everyone across the globe. And I am calling upon all spiritual entrepreneurs from the depths of my heart, and then my deepest, deepest desire, which is to bring truth to the world. And so this podcast is for you. This podcast is for you, my message and the message that has been downloaded. And that spirit says so deeply in my heart and in my mind is never, never, never give up. So I'll never forget my own personal journey of wanting to give up. There was multiple times, multiple times through high school and then insanity. And after being date raped, I wanted to give up after breakups in high school, I wanted to give up after having my stillborn at the age of 22, I wanted to give up so many times in my life, but in particular, in my journey of fulfilling upon my, my dream of becoming a spiritual leader, my dream of making an impact in the world, a dream of becoming a spiritual coach, a dream of becoming a doctor divinity that dream, that dream of my mission and my message. (02:25): I'll never forget. There was a moment. And I had been on the spiritual track for a long time. I decided to, I wanted to make it a career and I could not get a client for the life of me. I would, you know, do pro bonos. I would just talk about it. I would research it. I would try and figure it out. I would look at all these different things. And there was this point where I had to sit down with myself in my meditation room and I was sitting there and I was, I had a mirror, you know, I'd had this little like temple little thing, and I had candles and little knickknacks and a vision board. And I had a mirror in the front. And I remember looking at myself in the mirror in meditation position and having tears dreaming down my face and thinking, who am I to think that I can do this? Am I kidding myself? Am I fooling myself? And I said, should I just give it all up? I asked myself, should I just give this all up? And in that moment, I just, all I could do was surrender, surrender to the fact that this was my deepest desire. And I just thought, I don't know how, but I just have to keep going and low and behold, right after that, I got my first client and began to have clients. (03:54): And it helped that I had hired a coach. Right? We talk about that a lot. If you wanna have people pay for you for your services, you gotta be willing to pay for other people's services to build a coach. And I began to get deeper into getting coached, which really helps because you, you learn all kinds of things of 10 Xing your business. And it's super important. It's, it's one of the biggest secrets and keys of the industry. Because when you hire a coach, you begin to open yourself up to new community, new collaborations, you partnerships, and you learn things 10 times faster because other people have, have done their trials and errors. Other people have done their research and I've been so privileged, not privileged, but worked my ass off to pay for coaches that have really helped me understand how to launch online, understand how to, you know, sell how to juxtaposition sales, all those things that are so important to learn the technology, the skillset, the mindset, all of that. (04:51): But the point is, is this is that we there's a saying in, in all self development and it's called the wall of fire. And man, I have been there. Let me tell you, so what is the wall of fire? The wall of fire is the place on your spiritual journey or in your, in your journey of success, where you hit major, a major, major wall. So it is something where you're, you're trying to go from say, you know, making three grand a month to making 10 grand a month and you are determined and you are, you're set your commitment and you, you're showing up to your coaching calls and you're, you're doing all your work and you're hustling on your praying and you're doing all your stuff you need to do to get your mindset, right, your skillset, right, whatever it is. And you hit this wall, someone in your, you know, your partner gets sick or your car, you know, breaks down. (05:43): You have major bills that come in unexpectedly, or something happens where you are needed in your family or in the world that takes you. And it is the biggest breakdown and challenges after challenges after challenges. And you hit this wall and it's like, you go, well, am I not supposed to be doing what I'm doing? Because it it's supposed to be easier than this, right. Is this signs from the universe that I'm not on the right course, what is going on? Is this just another course? That's not gonna work. I'm hopeless. I'm just hitting this wall where I can't, you know, summon up the, the courage to pay for a course because everything in my body feels like it just wants to give up into apathy and getting Saturn and sadder. That is what we call the wall of fire. The wall of fire is the part of your ego that is literally resisting your new identity. I'm gonna say that again, the wall of fire is where it is your ego. That is an identity that is, does not want you to go to a new identity, a quantum leap, identity, and identity of, of abundance and abundance, an identity beyond what you've known in this lifetime. The wall of fire is trying to keep you small and safe. And it is, uh, uh, the universe reflecting upon all of the resistance you have to your greatness. (07:13): It's not fear that we fear. It's our fear of our greatness. What would it be like if we understood the power that we are the source that we are the infinite abundance that we are because in that is responsibility. Of course. And there's resistance to that because man, we have misused our powers, we've misused our energy at past, maybe even past lifetimes, we've been burned at the stake or we've burned somebody at the stake, right? We have misused our energy. So we have fear of success, fear of the responsibility, fear of having to show up every day, all that comes forth in the subconscious and it starts stirring up and it starts stirring up and it starts stirring up of that apathy. Like, why would I take this next course? Why would I sign up with this coach? It's not gonna work anyway. Didn't work before all of that conversation, all of that resistance, all of that is called the wall of fire. (08:08): So I'll never forget it again. I remember so specifically I had had some clients, some one-on-one clients, I think that I was having, you know, ups and downs in my months, some months I'd make no money. Some months I'd make, you know, I think I'd hit like maybe 5,000 as a high month. I was, you know, it was basically, I could barely make like three grand a month. I was barely able, I was living off of savings off of when I had become a millionaire. When I was younger, I was living off of savings of what was left over of losing almost everything to my name. But I had a stockpile of, um, you know, some cash of a couple hundred thousand. I had some money investments, but I couldn't touch 'em. And so I was coming down to the wire, you know, I was like looking at, you know, I'm gonna just eat up all of the savings if I keep going, how I'm going, if I can't make money and I can't move beyond three grand a month and I'm gonna live like this for the next five years, trying to struggle. (09:05): I just remember, again, I remember I was walking down a street and I was talking to a girlfriend on the phone and I was like, am I crazy? Like, I don't know what I'm gonna do. I love this work. I love what I'm doing. I'm so passionate about it. But like, am I kidding myself? Am I gonna go through all my funds that I save for years and years in hustle, then am I gonna just have nothing? I'm never gonna be able to, you know, have anything I'm gonna be some, you know, rogue, spiritual person. Like, what am I doing? I gotta really take a look at this. And she was not very spiritual. And, and uh, she's like, well, you know, you can always go work for a company and, and that's in the spiritual world. And you know, maybe you'll, you know, you'll be able to learn a skill and you'll be able to make, you know, fulfill upon whatever you're doing, but do it through another company. (10:00): And I went, yeah, yeah, yeah. You've got a good point there. You know, and everything in my gut was like, hell no, like this is not me. I am an entrepreneur. I am a leader. I have innovation. I have things to bring to the world. And I was like, oh cool, thanks. And I was like, I love you. Yeah. Love you too. Okay, bye. Hung up the phone. And I just went, I just surrender again. And I went, Aaron, I don't know. I don't know how I do not know how, but I know one thing I am committed. I can't deny it. It's like, I always think of it like coming outta the, the closet as a gay person, cuz I'm not gay, but I just recognize like, it's what you love. It's who you are. You can't deny it. You have to come out of the closet for me. (10:48): It's spirituality. I can't deny it. I love it. It's who I am. Take it or leave it a billionaire or broke. Like I can't deny it. And guess what? Within three months I had such an O abundance of one-on-one clients I could not take anymore. And I had to launch into courses and group programs and membership course I could not, I could not do it. So it was like, what I know now it's like, I look back and I go, I laugh at the whole thing. So I'm like, oh my gosh, I didn't realize that I was just going through that wildfire. I was being tested. I was being tested by the universe, tested by the universe again. And this is the deal. The universe only responds with a yes, that's all it does. And so it just, it looks at how committed we are, how committed we are. (11:46): It just listens to the vibration, through the intention, through, through who we are as identity, the declaration that we've made in our soul at a soul level. And it just says, yes. So if the declaration has been, and the identity is like, I'm a spiritual coach, but I'm a struggling spiritual coach. That's actually really what I believe I am. Right. It's what I believe I am. It's what I'm embodying. It's what I am. It's like universe is like. And so it is you didn't declare I am a $10,000 a month coach with ease and grace. And that is my identity and period it's of story. I know. And I'm gonna never question it. I'm never gonna doubt it. I'm never gonna energize anything other than that. And I'm declaring that. And so it is, and the universe says, and so it is yes. (12:34): So this brings me to the famous, uh, the famous speech by Winston Chu