E4 Trauma Method™ | Trauma and Money Breakthrough [Trauma Series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Are you somebody that's ready to have a money breakthrough by transforming your trauma? Are you ready to claim your birthright of prosperity? Well, then this podcast is for you. We are on a trauma series, understanding how, when we transform our trauma, we transform our lives to the E four trauma method. Welcome to the doctor Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We also come together in community, in new thought global and society. We recognize that when people awaken, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. When they transform the trauma, they become super powerful. So let's break this on down. You guys, we're in a series of trauma on the E four trauma method. Breaking it on down today is all about money, breakthrough and how trauma really delivers someone to claim their birthright of prosperity. (01:13): So we have to recognize that money is energy. That's all it is. So when I'm working with clients, uh, it always comes down to trauma work. When it comes down to them, claiming their birthright prosperity. So we wanna recognize the metaphysics of money. First money represents energy. Money is created in mind, right? Money itself is completely a worthless, uh, money is a symbol of value. It's an exchange. It's something that we've agreed upon as a culture, right? Money is a collective agreement of an exchange of value. Money itself is worthless and backed by nothing. You guys, money is an illusion. The paper makes up the money is real, but the, the actual, you know, worth of the money, the dollar is worth nothing. Each person has a relationship money. And how one relates to money is a reflection of their own belief system. Money is a symbol of self-worth money is a symbol of self-worth. (02:07): You guys, there are infinite ways to make money. Innovation is the key to creating money. Okay. The spirit within is the source of all innovation and abundance. That's why we say we cannot place our power over and money or else we become disempowered in the realm of money. So scarcity or abundance is created in mind. Okay. So we have to understand how is trauma, how does trauma stop people from truly having a good relationship with money? It either stops them from being able to make money all, or sometimes it does the opposite and has people become obsessed with money, but still not be fully empowered in their consciousness. So the journey with understanding how trauma impacts our, our journey with money is, uh, hits home for me. So in my, in my twenties, I, I actually saved a million dollars. I actually actually saved physically a million dollars. (03:03): Okay. Um, and what happened was early in life. I talk about the trauma that happened to me. It was when, uh, my sister was having a birthday party. I think I was around the age of eight years old, and I wanted so badly to go to her birthday party because she was gonna go ice skating. My mom was gonna take us ice skating for her birthday. And the day of her birthday, uh, my sister had called over two friends. We were gonna all go ice skating. She, my mom came to me and she said, I'm so sorry. You can't come today. I can't afford to take you and your sisters, two friends for her birthday party. So you're gonna have to stay home. And I was hysterical again because, you know, I wanted to go ice skating. It, it was like I had been so excited about it. (03:52): And as they were driving off again, I remember being like almost hyperventilating. And, uh, I think she left me with one of her friends that day. And I decided in that moment that I would have money when I grew up and sure enough, it became a command and a limited identity in that it was not creating from, from being the cause, but rather from being the effect of life and sure enough, I grew up, I began to wait tables through high school, began to, I bought myself my car. I began to save money. I began to be able to do things I put myself through, um, through summer college. And then I dropped out to become entrepreneur. And I ended up, um, buying, fixing up starter homes as I was doing my spiritual work on one side of my life, I was, uh, saving money and I ended up saving over a million dollars, but there was a day, there was a day that I actually realized on paper that I actually was worth a million dollars through different investments. (05:03): And I remember in that moment being shocked because I realized that what I thought my life would look like when I was technically a million, a millionaire was very different than it was. I was not even 30 yet. And I was still miserable inside. Sure. I had some, you know, decent things on the outside. I owned a home. I was technically a millionaire. I looked gorgeous because I just was this young thing that didn't, I was just a hot mess. I was so sad inside still. I was still completely like lost inside. I was still trying to find my way. And I realized in that moment that becoming a millionaire didn't mean anything. It wasn't gonna solve the problems, the real problems. And so as you guys probably know my journey, then of course I was already handing it over to all my spiritual work and I did double life. (06:02): And I decided that I was gonna hand my life over to my spiritual work because I realized finally that money was not the path to true fulfillment. And that if I didn't hand myself over to my true passions and what really mattered to me that I would be broke for the rest of my life spiritually. So hence decades later, I obviously now train and develop, um, people across the globe and help them also in having a money breakthrough through doing the trauma work. So what does this mean? Exactly? We recognize that money comes down to one thing and one thing only, which is self worth. And, um, so I wanna actually talk about three different case studies of clients that I worked with around money, because they're different and, and also very similar. Okay. So the first client and I've changed their names for, um, for just, you know, client confidentiality. (07:07): So Alexa, Alexa was somebody who, uh, came, she had a spiritual calling and, but could not figure out how to make money doing what she loved. She was frustrated. She was overwhelmed a young mother and, um, just stressed out to the max. She had a father who actually, she, she had some trauma with her father with big upsets when she was a little girl, in fact, her father left. And she was very upset in an incident where she decided that her father valued money more than her. And she actually realized that the command that she had in the moment of having an actual argument with her father on the phone, uh, realizing that he had left her mom cheated on her mom and basically was a workaholic. She had the command of I'm not enough. And in recognizing that she began to neutralize the trauma and traumas with her father and restore the truth, that she was more than enough, that she was worthy of having a career that she loved, that she was worthy of being a mom that was able to provide for her daughter, that she was somebody who no longer declared that money was evil, that she decided that she, that money is love. (08:32): And that money is something that she absolutely can give and receive with ease and grace. And so Alexa today is thriving in her career having consistent months. And, um, also has a decent relationship with her father holding loving boundaries, but unconditionally loving her father and her daughter is thriving as well. And super happy that her mommy is doing what she loves. Oh, I'm gonna cry right now. Um, okay. Next case study was Brian and Brian again, different name than true client. Brian was a baller. He had, um, jet a jet and, um, had a huge company, literally diamonds, dripping all over him. And, um, I worked with Brian and, um, what was fascinating as we began to get into his traumas, which he, it was fascinating cuz usually someone like that, that thriving so much of what the culture, you know, wants them, considers that to be success. (09:35): They're actually really rarely do their inner work. But Brian began to recognize, he began to almost have like midlife crisis, if you will. He had everything. He had the women, he had the jets, he had the diamonds, he had all that and he began to feel like something was missing. And I think that his mortality was kind of catching up with him. He began to realize that, you know, that like this isn't gonna last forever. Right. So we began to go into sessions. And um, and what was interesting is there was a few, uh, traumas in his childhood. One of which was an elementary elementary school teacher. And what happened was she was yelling at him one day in class and she said, you will never amount to anything. And he decided in that traumatic incident, he was super upset in that high frequency commanded into his subconscious mind. (10:34): I will win. Right. That was his command. I will win. He didn't say it aloud. He said it within the command went in and sure enough, he won right. Coming from a divided perspective coming from, you know, um, lack of belief of actually loving your life from a consistent of, you know, no one wins when someone wins over somebody else. Right? So he, his command played out in his life with total per precision, cuz that's what life that's what the subconscious mind does. That's what commands from trauma does. So he began to win. He began to win by making a lot of money. He began to win by having the jet. He began to win by, you know, uh, having women, which was another big trauma. He had was a breakup early on in ninth grade. And he was heartbroken by the breakup, his, uh, young girlfriend, um, you know, basically just dated somebody else like cheated in front of him basically. (11:33): And he decided in that moment also that he would win that he would, you know, become somebody that a woman wouldn't break up with. So this kind of winning formula for himself, the commands through the trauma, um, got him what he thought he wanted, which was a big life, lots of money, jets, big cars, lots of women, all the glam, but had him bankrupt inside. And so Brian began to, um, to seek deeper relationships. He began to give back in philanthropy. He began to kind of shift. Um, and you wouldn't recognize it from th