Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): Welcome to (00:01): Soul society, the shift to the movement. (00:04): So you did full truth (00:08): Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community in society. We're committed to being the number one spiritual coaching community. We are truly committed to enlightenment empowerment and entrepreneurship because we truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we are awakening a billion people. That is our mission. So I am so honored today because this is the very first introduction to a series that will be 52 series called universal law. 1 0 1, manifesting your dreams. So I'm literally going to be doing 52 podcasts on universal law. So I'll never forget. There was a moment I had been seeking for years. I had been reading every book under the sun, going to every conference I had, you know, of course been enthralled with this thing called the secret, the book and the documentary. (01:15): I had been meditating for years and years and years, I had began to see through the veil. I had, um, really turned my life over to developing my consciousness and beginning to be obsessed with the possibility of turning on our superpowers and everything through the process of spiritual awakening. And I was introduced to a gentleman years ago, he's passed away since he became a mentor of mine. And I remember we had been talking on the phone and we were both going to a conference at the same place. And when we met, I'll never forget one thing that he said that changed my entire life. He said, the universe has to agree with you a hundred percent of the time, how you think it is, how you view it as, and how you feel it is. It has to reflect back with precision. And I remember my life was never the same ever since that one kind of sentence. (02:17): He had said multiple sentences, I guess. And what he really was teaching was metaphysics. He was teaching universal law. And, um, since that day in my life, that landmark day, I began to discover what is called science of mind and metaphysics and a lineage. What is just called new thought, which really comes from really the old ancient thoughts of everything from Greek Oracles, to the Egyptians, to all the lineage, um, of all religion and all philosophy, which is truth. And so it is with great honor to deliver 52 distinctions of the one law. There is only one law and it is the law of cause and effect. It's really how we create from spirit into the 3d realm. It is how, and, um, I think the best way to, to give a metaphor of universal law is this is we have these things called our cars, our automobiles, right? (03:22): And we will get inside of our car. And as we know, through marketing, our automobiles become, uh, our identity. Oftentimes we identify with what car we drive with. It becomes almost like a suit that we try on and, and take off. But imagine that you had a car and that you got into your car and you forgot that you're not your car and you never got outta your car and you're, you know, in your car and no one ever even teaches you how to use your car. You know, it's like this kind of cluster of that. You are this identity of the car, but you can't quite use the car. You don't even know it goes in reverse. You don't even know it can go as fast as it can. You don't even know how to use the buttons. And the alarm goes off many times, right? (04:02): So universal law is very SIM similar in that. It's what we're using. It's like the vehicle that we're using in this life, we get to use it, but we're not, we're not, it, we're not the effect of this world. We're not our bodies. We're not our beliefs. We're not any of that. We're, we're the spiritual being that we get to and will leave this body at some point in time. Right? So universal law is how we are manifesting. It's kind of like the rules and the way that we've set up kind of this game of life. So what is universal law? And there's really only one law, but there's 50 distinctions. I teach of universal law in which we'll be going over, um, and will eventually become a book. So, um, thank you for being on extraordinary journey of the unfoldment of what will touch millions of people's lives to help them understand how to align and how to manifest in accordance to fulfill upon and manifest their dreams versus going against the law and really experiencing hell frustration, overwhelm, and really feeling like they're the effect of life. (05:09): Okay. So universal laws are the way we manifest universal laws are the Axio of life. Okay? They're like the law that this laws is how it all works. Universal law or laws, um, are the modes of operation of the creative process of life, which is the involvement of thought through universal law into the physical form. So what happens actually is it's really our one use. Our individualized use are condensed use of the infinite universal law works as a trio nature through spirit, into the soul and as the body, okay, this is the trio nature. So universal laws are informed and directed by spirit, your higher self, you, your pure consciousness. We direct energy upon universal law, which is universal mind, which is the subjective or subconscious mind, which is the first cause of creation. You are the first cause spirit is first cause, and then it basically out pictures as the womb, it goes in the subjective mind and it goes into a automated process and it reflects back with precision universal laws are the way energy is informed into the physical existence. (06:24): It literally condenses energy into form, okay. Everything is energy and nothing is solid. Universal laws are the principles and physics of how we manifest and demonstrate universal laws are how the absolute fracts into the relative universal laws work with ex without exception equally and IM personally, the truth is the universal law. Universal law doesn't know difference between opinion and a billion dollars. It just says, yes, universal law says, yes, yes. And yes, it just literally takes your energy, whatever you are informing your subjective and subconscious mind. And it is just out picturing it's out, picturing and reflecting back over and over again. But you have to remember that your consciousness is not just the individual consciousness. Your consciousness is the individual consciousness, the collective and the cosmic. So everything you're seeing in the out picture of life is what's been created in mind. And it's not just your mind, your circumstances and things are definitely the experience of your individual mind. (07:29): But the out picture of all of life is the out picture of all of consciousness and you at the core are all of it. Okay. So going back to this, the one sentence, the one phrase, the one quote, if you will, that really was the seed that planted in the truth that I could not deny. And it was that life has to reflect back. Life has to reflect back. It has to reflect back. It has to say, yes, it has to be exactly the precision of how you think it is, how you see it is how you feel it is. Okay. The universe has to reflect back with precision. So I remember thinking, you know, what would the universe say? If the universe could write me a letter, if it could write you a letter right now, what would it say? You know? And I think at each point in time in our lives, it would probably say something different to us. (08:31): But one day I wrote a letter thinking, what would the universe say to me? And so I'd like to read that letter to you right now, dear Aaron greetings. This is the universe, your higher self I've been sending you signs, but it doesn't seem like you're able to receive all of them yet. There's something you need to know. There are laws of the universe you must align with, if you want your dreams to come true, these universal laws bound you or set you free within you is a life force. That is co-creating with the universe. I'm taking your order right now, 24 7. I am the ultimate mirror of the hidden beliefs within your subconscious mind. Yes. Life has to agree with the beliefs within your soul, a hundred percent of the time, how you believe it is how you say it is and how you think it is. (09:32): It is. I reflect back to you through the circumstances of your life. You see, I have to respond to your deepest desires. What you truly desire becomes your strongest will and what prevails, what you desire with the conviction of your heart is your destiny. However, desire from lack will never be your destiny. He, so let's talk about the law of abundance. One of so many distinctions of the one law, this law states that all of life is infinite potential and that there is only possibility. And so in order to align with this law, you must focus on possibility and creation instead of focusing on lack, fear, and problems C within you is the same life force that created the entire universe. You've been endowed with a profound mind and intelligence to innovate and invent anything that you desire. And so I know this might sound a little crazy, but not everyone lives in abundance. (10:38): Many people live in poverty across the world. Half the population lives in less than 200, $2 and 50 cents per day. You may be asking yourself, how could all of life be abundant if people live on $2 and 50 cents a day to law of abundance works a hundred percent of the time, but you need to know that it can be aligned with or inverted for the exact opposite. Hence you live in a re a relative reality in the physical world. When you flow in the current of the universal law, you will experience thriving. And when you invert it and go against the current of life, you'll experience, lack, and scarcity, it is all from one source. And so I know the truth of who you are and your ability to use the power for good in the universe, because you are the force. You can use energy to align with mother earth and the natural forces, or you can create discord and experience suffering and lack. (11:38): The more you align with the laws, the more you'll be able to read the signs of the universe. The truth is th