Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. (00:16): May you live (00:17): Your truth? (00:21): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law and to breakthrough all limited beliefs within our subconscious mind, so that we can live the truth of who we are. So today we are on number 21 of 52 series universal law of abundance. Let's break this on down. You guys. So I have a great, it's been an incredible journey of my relationship with what it means to have abundance. And I remember as a little girl, I grew up with a mom who really had no money whatsoever. We went through the thrift store for our clothes, and it was a special occasion when we could get some ice cream and things like that. And I remember there was always a lot of distress around money. And then my father's side of the family had quite a bit of money and they had, you know, beach homes. (01:12): And when I was with my dad, there was a lot of opulent, you know, things pretty close and going out to fancy dinners and things like that. And as I grew up, you know, I kind of, you know, we don't realize we're having a relationship with money. You know, we don't have that conversation, that transformation deep dive into money. But as I began to get into self-development in my late high school and things like that, when I was bulimic, I began to reach out for self-development books. And of course there's a lot of conversation around abundance and prosperity. So I remember, um, I had no money after I had my stillborn son and I began to, I was waiting tables all the way. The time I was 16 until I was about 25. I waited tables at night to put myself through college. And, and even when I had my son, um, who now is 25 this month, actually. (02:01): And, um, I remember making a powerful decision that I decided I was going to have money. And I had made a few decisions through some, um, trauma traumatic times in my childhood declaring that I'd have money when I grew up. And therefore, of course, I began to grow my net worth. If you will. I began to actually kind of hoard money. I, I saved a million dollars in my twenties and I began to really think, you know, this is what prosperity or abundance looks like, eh, wrong answer. Right. So anyway, I began to have money from that sense of what people think abundance is. And, and yes, I guess it's, it's, it is one form of abundance in prosperity, but as I began to grow and, and understand, you know, it's not, it's a flow, that's what we call a currency. And so let's break on down what it means, what the law of abundance and what it really means to, to have supply if you will. (02:59): So etymology abundance, it means copious quantity or supply. It is that word is based in 14th century, from old French abundance and from fullness and plenty. And also from past particle stem, which is overflowing full or to overflow, it's really about overflowing your cup, right? So AB means off away from under means a wave underarm means to rise in a wave and a bun means to overflow and abundance means fullness and plenty. So what does it mean from a spiritual perspective to really have abundance? Because you can have millions of dollars and not feel abundant. We know that quite clearly in our culture, you can have abundance of, of, of crap, you know, of things, of material things, and still feel completely unfulfilled. So I think like next level as I was going along and, you know, I began to get into manifesting and it was like, oh, what can I manifest? (03:59): You know, it's like everyone watched the secret. And it was even before the secret era came out, I was in the realm of, you know, the law of attraction and, and manifesting and all that. And I manifested a lot. I manifested a 7,400 square foot home and, you know, um, I was in a relationship where we had jets and, you know, it was very extravagant and I'm like, well, this is abundance. You know, like I have abundance, I'm powerful, you know, not so much. It was still like, something's kind of missing, even though I'd been meditating and touching on divine and everything, it was still like, it was not a full incorporation of what my soul knew as abundance. So as they began to Tre on through this seeking journey of, you know, trying to find true abundance, what is abundance? You know, I feel like Goldilocks going to try out the different beds, you know, and going, well, this doesn't totally feel right, and this one's too hard, this like all just material world. (04:54): And then I'm gonna go over to this one and this one's way too soft, like just living in, you know, just whatever. And, you know, you have to gotta find your groove, right? So as I began to go on, I remember I was in ministry school and we're studying all the great masters and great teachers and Thomas Stewart, who is a, a big teacher in the science of mind world in new thought, uh, movement. He was a beautiful teacher. He was a, I believe he was a lawyer actually. And he was a lawyer over in India. And he began to dive into mysticism and, and all the Eastern philosophies and, and what, what we would consider religions. But over there, they're just called a way of life. And he began to have so many great teachings. And one of them was in one of his book, you talk about abundance and how basically there's so many elements in this universe. (05:40): And, but there's infinite ways of putting them together. So hence things like the airplane or a ship, both those are, are metals and metals. Can't can't fly. Metal is heavy, right? And metal also will sink if you put it in water, but what, what he recognized and what his teaching around it was abundance that if you put metal together with and created like a, a Mach, a machine, a propeller, right, then you could put it up in the air by the infinite equations of putting elemental aspects together. And same with steel or metal, putting it in a big enough of a, a surface will actually have it float across the ocean. And it blew my mind, the concept that we can innovate and invent and put together, you know, infinite ways of elements going together and have such abundance. And that blew my mind. And I truly believe that, yes, that is how the universe works. (06:41): The law of abundance of supply of the universal law. Because when we're talking about laws, we're talking about how to align with the laws of the universe here, but to live in the ethereal realm. Okay. So the law of abundance or supply states that the spiritual truth is that the universe only knows abundance. It is only abundant, right? The entire cosmos is designed with infinite elemental equations with unlimited combinations. Thank you, John stern, this law is designed to have you align with absolute abundance. When you invert this law or live in a scarcity mentality, you will experience filling bound or fearful. So the reality is that you've been endowed with a mind that is immeasurable and its ability to innovate, create pivot, invent all this stuff, right? So even the material realm is lavish and energy becomes unbounded to the incalculable synthesis of material particles, your soul desires for you to awaken into the infinite potential and innovation. Let go of lack. The universe is ready to pour wealth onto you, open your arms and live abundantly. So for a long time, I, you know, would bounce through what it meant to be abundant and innovating this realm. And it's really fun to innovate and put things together and create business and, and create ways of making money and, and opulence and material and having abundant relationships and all that. (08:10): And that's cool. You know what I mean? That's cool. But why is it I ask myself, why is it that I still feel a little bit unfulfilled? I don't feel totally abundant. And one of the greatest quotes from the Bible is, but first you seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things shall be added onto you. And I like to create that into, but first seek the kingdom of the goddess and her righteousness and all things shall be added onto you. So what does this mean in the realm of abundance? Because whether you don't like the word God or not, it doesn't matter. You can say source that part of yourself, divine within that aspect of yourself. That is the eternal immortal aspect. That is the source of all creation. So this is what this means to me. And this is really the core prayer that I always have for my life, because the truth is this is that manifesting the world out here is a trap. (09:17): I will never be fully fulfilled or have enough, or can never get enough to sustain the feeling of abundance. If I look to this world for what it means to have abundance, as I say, this bitch will never be happy, right? Like it's always not enough because we have this divine discontent of always needing and wanting to grow in this realm. And so it's fine. There's always abundance. And it's fun to play in this realm of abundance, for sure. But for me, and from the spiritual truth is that the only true source of abundance is within I was on a phone on the phone with a, a dear friend. Um, I have some really amazing, really woke friends around the globe. I have a dear friend, he's, he's a walking guru on this planet. You know, he goes into like 11 day meditations and, and he's very jovial, almost like a rom dashes. (10:14): Like when he tells stories, he has just cracks me up so bad. And then also has deep heartfelt, um, takeaways that touch my life and my heart always. And he went into a meditation the other day. I think it was like a day meditation or a few day meditation or something. I go, well, did divine have any, you know, downloads for us? You know? And he goes, yeah, I go, cool. He goes, he said, you know, God said, I hold 98% of all the stock of love, money and vitality. I've only given you, you people, you guys only 2% because you guys misuse it all the time in every relationship in the human realm, you guys always end up screwing each other and we're cracking up. You know, he is like, he's like a standup comedian telling, you know, awakening stories and, and we're laughing and laughing. He goes, yeah, that it's like, it