Universal Law of Action {33 of 52 series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day. Another truth live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly know that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So today's podcast is all about the law of action in the law of action states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, which is why and how we've designed this universe to be a relative universe. You cannot have heaven without hell. You cannot have good without bad. You can't have any of it. And we recognize it's all one thing going on, which is this dynamic called life called you call me. And so this dive into universal law of action. This is a series of, uh, universal law. This is number 33 of 52. Universal law is an incredible dynamic. So in today's world, in this pandemic, in the lockdown, in the political disarray and chaos, there is a saying, and it is wherever there is chaos. There is opportunity. (01:25): And what does this mean? Exactly? This means that within everything in life, there's always both sides of the coin. And that's why in science and mind and new thought principles, we teach the power of mind how important it is to get your mind, right? Because you can focus on the opportunity or you can focus on the chaos. I did this talk at the beginning of the pandemic and lockdown, and the title was woke. People expect disasters, meaning expect the unexpected, meaning that if you've fully evolved and you've really taken a look at life, and you've taken a look at how the dynamics of manifesting in universal law, you would understand that there's always both sides of everything in life. (02:23): So we recognize, you know, where's the blessing. Where's a curse, right? When I had a stillborn baby at 22 years old, it was one of the hardest things I'd ever gone through my entire life, of course. But out of that one incident is what was burned to be my purpose and my calling in life, which has given me so much joy and a life beyond my wildest dreams. And so is it good that I had the stillborn or is it bad that I had the stillborn baby? Right? It's all relative as we say. So the law of action we have to also is what are you doing? And where are you're taking action? (03:04): Where are you taking action in your life or where you're taking in action of your life? There's a saying that says more money, more problems, right? We think that if we just get enough money and take the action to hustle and do it all, that we will get to some destination someplace of abundance and prosperity. And it all be blist on all piece and all abundance and all, you know, white range rovers and, and chic lifestyle and, and being able to hire a team and being able to sit and meditate and laptop, lifestyle, and jetting around the world. Well, that's one side of it. And also you could also have to management nightmares of managing people in community and, and dealing with, you know, all kinds of different, uh, problems, more stress, less time. Maybe you have, you know, that team is like hard to manage and then you actually have even more, more things to manage the team that manage that team, right? (04:03): So it goes on and on. So the law of action. So life rewards action, meaning that if you wanna fully experience life, if you wanna fully experience all the dynamics, of course you will take action. You could also be a Zen monk up in the Himalayas and not take any action and actually maybe cause even more through the power of your mind. So we have to look at this, the, the law of action, the law of action. We really need to take a look at the law of action is that everything you're doing is creating an equal and opposite reaction. So if you wanna create harmony and give love, it has to come back exponentially, not necessarily from that one person, but it has to reflect back and that it causes a ripple effect in the energetic physical world. And you know, the, the ethereal realm, which is all one thing, but we also have to know is creating that love and putting that out also creates the opposite. It creates more chaos and it could create more upsets because you have deeper relationships, right? You may have even deeper upsets because you have deeper, more profound relationships. (05:15): And the opposite is true. If you create chaos, you know, someone out there creates chaos, they go out and shoot somebody. Let's say you also create the equal opposite, which means maybe you could get arrested, which means there's order there's order to even our collective consciousness, what we've chosen to ordering. And there's there's order in that the, the repercussions of, of shooting somebody and murdering them may be that there is an order that comes together of somebody getting a breakdown and getting depressed and their own consciousness and having to be demanded to do their inner work, whether it be between them and their higher self, um, divine, or whether maybe they go into therapy or whatever that may be is a divine order with every action you take, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So why do we care about this? We care about this because we have to recognize that we're creating our reality and that we can't only create to just manifest only the good and have champagne and, and laptop lifestyle. (06:22): We have to know that it is all gonna create all kinds of dynamics and we need to get okay with best case scenario and worst case scenario. I was driving around Los Angeles the other day, and you know, the elections are going on. And whether you listen to this now or down the road, you know, there's been days of not knowing who is gonna be president and I'm just witnessing people out there and how they're so attached to waiting for, to figure out which president is gonna happen to actually take action or literally sitting in like fear, like a dear in headlights, waiting for something out there in the world to happen in order for them to take action in life. Are they gonna be pissed? Are they gonna be happy? Are they gonna go forward with their job? Are they gonna quit their job? (07:08): Are they gonna move out of their country? Are they all that action? Right? And the point is, is this to take action is not from a place you can never be reaction. You can never be the, the victim of anything of the world. You are. We are all creating from our collective karma of everything. So in order to get okay with whatever's going on, whether it be waiting to hear which president is being elected, or whether it may be, you know, if you get the client or you don't get the client or you're moving or not moving, or, or, you know, you lost three pounds or you didn't lose three pounds, like you have to get to the place where you're ready to take action, intentionally, knowing that there's going to be good. Things that come out of every action and not so good things, you know, you can label it up. (07:53): There's gonna be chaos. There's gonna be discord. And there's going to be harmony. It's impossible to just create harmony. It's impossible to just create chaos. We live in a relative universe. And so for me, and when I invite you to take on today, I invite you to take on expecting miracles in every action that you take and expecting worst case scenario. You got to get okay with both. You've gotta get okay with being lonely and sad and going through those emotions and feeling overwhelmed and feeling scared, getting okay with those emotions, not labeling them as bad, because they're naturally gonna happen with every divine discontent that you go through in your life and getting okay with taking actions for potentials of miracles. So my question for you today is what actions are you taking in your life live fully? Cuz this isn't at the point of a law of action is to live fully and know that you're gonna have all dynamics coming back at you. This is a masterclass we're in, this is a masterclass. (09:12): So what actions are you gonna take? Because the, the actions that you take are telling you, which next master class you're going into, are you ready for some big lessons? Are you ready for little lessons? Because either way you're gonna get in both ways. If you don't do anything, sometimes the lessons are harder than they are. If you take bowls actions, right? I'm not saying one's better than the other, but the truth is that both have equal and opposite reactions. So what are you doing today to take action, to fully experience the depth of your soul in this form right here in this 3d realm. And so just taking a deep breath into the nose and excellent out, recognize that all of life is energy, that you really are the backing, the consciousness of energy, but as the power of your mind with the power of even your identity, there's polarity of action in that there's action. In your words, there's action. In your thoughts, there's action in how you take a step or don't take a step or go somewhere today or don't go somewhere there's action in everything you're doing physically that always is backed into the belief. And in that it is, it is reflecting out into the universe exponentially and coming back in this relative universe as an equal and opposite reaction. (10:44): So be prepared by say, be prepared, prepare, prepare, prepare you are going through initiation, initiation of your soul to be okay with heaven and hell so that you can live in a space that is in neutrality, which is the witnesser, which is the observer to recognize this is an incredible game called life. And with it becomes the good, the bad, the ugly disasters, miracles, light love ecstasy. All of the above. I say yes to the embodiment of the, I am in, in the divided individual as that experience as well. And in that I'm okay with both. I'm okay with understanding that every action I take as an equal and opposite reaction and that to expect only one outcome is, is not in this life. Every outcome has multiple dimensions to it. Maybe we know that whoever is our president or whoever is in our life or not in our life or what relationship we have or don't have in our life. (11:44): Tha