Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May (00:17): You live (00:17): Your truth? (00:20): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle, align with universal law and break through all limiting beliefs within our subconscious mind so that we can claim our birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So let's do this thing today. We are on number 20 of 52 of a series of universal law. So today's law is universal law of allowing so universal law of allowing states. Life is a flow of energy. It's an exchange. What you resist persists, and the moment you put a negative meaning on something that has, or has not occurred, you instantaneously experience a negative feeling. This is the Universal's way of ebbing you towards the things that bring you joy. This law is designed for you to get into the current of life and align with your truth, floating down a river of ecstasy. (01:14): So any of the areas of life where you're experiencing compulsion, dysfunction or resisting something is really designed for your awakening. Okay? So I remember having the metaphor of imagine that you are going down a river and it's going pretty fast and you don't know, and you begin to resist and you wanna go slower and you wanna do all the stuff and you start clinging onto and trying to swim towards the banks, the, the shore of the river. And it's hard, and you're getting slammed against the side rocks, and you're trying to cling onto the rocks. And then anyway, the, the water ends up kind of making you go downstream anyway, and you end up, you know, getting bruised and cuts and bloody and all kinds of stuff. The next person goes down the river and, and it's going pretty fast. And they're like, look, I'm just gonna go with it. (02:10): And they just flow. And somehow the river keeps 'em in the center of the river and they go faster and faster and faster, and they get down to the bottom of the river and they're like, oh my gosh, that was the most amazing ride. It was like going to Disneyland, right? So what's the difference. The difference is one person really allowed the process and the other person resisted the process. So universal love of allowing is really, I think another way of putting it is accepting and flowing with your bliss. Okay. So Carl Young, I think he was one of the first people to contend to say what you resist, um, what you resist, not only persists, but will grow in size is his statement. What, today we just say what you resist persist, right? So the point is, and what he was really saying in the paradoxal aspect of this is what, what you resist persists, but you always get what you resist, right? (03:12): So, you know, the lessons that we have is when we're not in allowing, we usually get, we get some heartache, we get some hard times, we get a lot of hustle and we get exhausted. So today, as we dive into universal love of allowing the goal for me anyway, is to enjoy life, is to enjoy life, to see the lessons, the blessings, and know that people, places and things stay in our life for, you know, reasons, seasons and lifetimes, right. And that we need to really accept life on life's terms and also be able to accept it and thrive in it. Pivot, pivot, pivot. Okay. So Byron Katie says, when you argue with reality, you lose, but only a hundred percent of the time. Okay. So look, we live in a world where we gotta get it done. We live in a world where it's all about hustle, boss, girl, and all that stuff. (04:10): We're in a very intense, energetic time in history right now. And some people are also just staying home and doing nothing and watching Netflix and chilling and being in fear, you know, of everything going on the world and that's resisting it as well. So we need to kind of come to a Zen medium in it. What is flow for you? What is the art of allowing for you? What does that mean for you? Okay. So just like money is a currency. It is an exchange. And if you hoard your money or if you don't allow yourself to receive money or you only like, just give and you're stuck in that flow, then it's not a flow of exchange. Okay. So we wanna really think of it in a way of allowing pivoting and flowing, right. When you're flowing down that river, it doesn't mean you're not gonna have fear, even though you're flowing with it, you can have fear, but you don't necessarily have to act on the fear. (05:12): You can go, okay. I feel the fear, I acknowledge it. And one of my choices, if I resist this, I might even get, you know, bruised up more. If I reach for that rock on the side or swim against the current. So I acknowledge the fear. I'm gonna deal with the fear and I'm going to, you know, allow the process. Okay. So we have to really get into that. Be like water. It's a, a very I'm into this Zen thing today in this talk. So be like water. It's like, we acknowledge that water. What does water do? Water goes downstream. It kind of, it, it kind of reforms according to what environment it's in, but it always keeps flowing. And it also is the solvent right. Water is the solvent it allows. And it also solves it doesn't look at the problems. It looks at the solutions. (06:07): You know, I don't know if you guys have ever seen salmon, but salmon. Um, they spawn, and I remember being in lake lake Tahoe years ago and being on a hike and we we'd all go on hikes because it was the salmon spawning time. And you could watch the salmon and they literally swim upstream. Right. They'd literally like jump outta the water. They swim up all the way up. It's this really, you know, energetically challenging thing. Obviously something that is, um, is so in their subconscious, they don't, obviously they don't know logically why they do it. I doubt it it's just like in their entire DNA. So the, the salmon spawn, they go up to as far as they can get up. Um, hopefully they get up to fresh water and they lay their eggs. And then what happens is the salmon. There's different. I think types of salmon and some salmon die. (06:59): Once they get to the top and they lay their eggs and then their, their babies are able to be born if you will. And they are able to go downstream when they're big enough and other salmon, I believe either they go back downstream and then they do the whole cycle again every seven years. And so the point is, this is that there is a time to hustle and there is a time to allow. And the distinction for me is this, is that when I'm feeling like something is going against how I want it to go, life happens. A pandemic happens, a lockdown happens, you know, bombs go off in the world, whatever it is right there. Um, people, you know, do crappy things. Someone could break up with you, a client, something could go weird, you know, whatever it is that you, it is happening, what you don't want to happen. (07:56): That's when I practice allowing when I practice, like, I'm like, Ooh, I don't wanna be going this fast down the river or being slammed into, you know, the rock over here, but it is what it is. And now I'm going to follow my bus. I'm gonna do what it takes to handle, whatever it is. I'm going to be the solution instead of focusing on the problem and I'm gonna keep in my flow, I'm not gonna cling onto that rock. And, you know, just get, keep, get banged and banged and banged against the rock. Right? So, and then there's a time to, you know, be that salmon that is, that is sacrificing, that is really hustling and doing and using strength and, and, and hustling if you will. And that is when I'm in that flow is when I'm actually, I know that I'm in my truth and I've decided I'm, I'm doing something. (08:54): And part of that is I've gotta develop my skill set and I've gotta make things happen because I know in my gut that it's the right thing to do. Just like that salmon knows at a gut level, at a subconscious level, that it's time, it's time to take that marathon. Okay. And there's a time for that. And there's a time for allowing and letting go and accepting and pivoting and being the solution. So really the art of allowing is like being water. You know, where in life are you not being water? Where are you trying to clinging onto certain things and not allowing yourself to just keep flowing in your bliss and, and in sacrificing for, for what you know is your truth and where are you resisting? The universe is always working for us, right? We know that, but if we, we stay in the gap of suffering, the gap of suffering is wishing people, places, and things, and circumstances we're different than they are when you're flowing down a scary river. (09:57): You know, it, it it's it's, you know, or you get whatever. Um, someone could have a lawsuit, someone could have their car broken down, their family, isn't acting how they want, their friends are doing something they don't want. They are in a bad relationship, whatever that is, and they're resisting it. And they're trying to fix change and control. Other people that is not allowing, allowing is literally getting into the process of living your truth, living your truth, living your truth, and recognizing that life is working for you and not against you. So I remember years ago in the, um, there was a, the documentary called the secret, and I remember watching the secret and there was parts of the secret that were amazing. It was about getting into the vibration and understanding the power of the mind and understanding how we manifest, even through things like love, transmutation of holding pictures in our mind, and allowing for it to show up, regardless of us actually doing or hustling. (10:59): And then there was some, there was some cons, if you will, there was some pitfalls of that movie, meaning that, you know, it was like waiting for the red Corvette to show up in your driveway, like manifesting. We don't necessarily get what we want, we get what we need. Right. So some of my friends, it was interesting cuz I had a mixed bag of friends and some of my friends were like, oh my g