Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): Welcome to society. The shift to the tribe, your movement (00:05): Did (00:09): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in community and society. The number one, spiritual coaching community, committed to entrepreneurship, enlightenment, and empowerment. Um, today we are talking about the law of cause and effect. We are on a track of a 52 series of understanding universal law. And why is this so important? Why, why universal law? Right. Again, it is kind of like the manual of how you are creating in this world. And I use the metaphor a lot of, if you had a car and you had never been taught how to drive a car, it might be a little challenging. You know, you wouldn't know when to change your oil. You wouldn't know how to go, how to, it could even go in reverse. You wouldn't know how to maintain it. (01:02): It probably wouldn't work very long, right? It'd have all kinds of problems. Well, if you don't wanna have a lot of problems and you wanna get in flow with life and actually use your mind to demonstrate and manifest what you truly desire the experience of your life, then it's, you have to understand universal law. You have to understand how universal law is really your subconscious mind. It is one and the same. And as a doctor divinity, what we really are teaching is we're teaching how your subconscious mind is connected with universal mind and how all of life is the mirror of consciousness. And your consciousness is not just your consciousness. Your true consciousness is the individual consciousness, the collective consciousness and the cosmic consciousness. So here we go. Today's law. The fifth of the 52 is the law of cause and effect. And this states that for every effect, there is a cause spirit, your true self, right? (01:57): Your higher self, your beliefs create through your thoughts, which create your feelings, which create your emotions, which causes circumstances of your life. This is the triune nature of the creative process. This is the unfoldment of thought through universal law, into form spirit, body, mind, so on and so forth, right? This law responds in direct proportion to your beliefs. Your experience of life changes to the degree that changing your core beliefs and thinking changes, right? So that's why doing our subconscious mind, expanding our consciousness. Releasing the limited perspective is the most important work we can ever do. If we wanna have more and more success in our personal professional life, because it's everything we soon new potential, we break through all boundaries. We don't have problems anymore because we only see it as opportunity for growth, right? So the law of cause and effect basically means that there's only one cause it's spirit, it's consciousness, it's divine. (02:55): It's God, there's only one source. It's out pictured into everything everywhere. The effect is really the experience. The effect is, you know what we have, but we can always keep creating from that. But if we keep creating, keep creating, we cause things like gravity, we, we can't really change gravity. Right? We've created it for so long that it is imprinted into the universe. Same thing with like your heart beating. It began by one cell trying to do the next thing. And it was a lot of effort, you know, however many, you know, millions and trillions of years ago. I don't know. I don't know that, but what I know is that now it's automated. It's not like you can try and stop your heartbeat. Right. But you can regulate it through mindfulness. We, we recognize that now. Right? So what's possible. What's possible out of the cause and effect the though it's possible is that you can create new, you can move past your triggers and your upsets and your sadness and your dysfunction in your relationships. (03:48): And you can begin to create something new. And so this is really about you, you know, if you're feeling disempowered or you're feeling like you're unable to manifest your dreams, this is really the divine sign indicates that you're, you're, you know, we need to stop trying to fix and change and alter circumstances and force it. It's really about getting into the grace and really getting into our subconscious mind and tapping into that part and being in flow and knowing that we are the cause that we literally can declare, decide and embody whatever it is that we wanna have the mentally equivalent of and demonstrate and manifest in our lives. And so today, as we go into our life, you know, you may consider just taking a look, you know, in my book awakening, we basically go over the four steps, which is basically waking up reprogramming, aligning, and affirming. (04:35): So today, as you go into your day, I would, I would recommend really just becoming, waking up, you know, becoming conscious what are, what are the effects of your life? And what's been the cause, what belief do you have? Right. You can know someone's belief just by looking at their life. So becoming conscious of what is the cause on effect, what is your mind? How are you your mind and how that, how is that being an effect in your world? Right. So next is, um, reprogramming. So if you don't like the effects of your life, you know, you gotta look at the cause. And how do you do that? You do that through, you know, the E four trauma method due doing your trauma method by birthing your truth by reprogramming and, and having a daily, spiritual practice and aligning, and basically having yourself put the new automation. (05:18): Once you've done your trauma work, it doesn't mean that it's all your sub miraculous, all supernatural being. It means that you're no longer the effect of the traumas and the commands and the limited beliefs. But now you have, what's called choice, freedom of choice. It's a concept. Let me tell you, but basically the point is is of what you've done. Once you've done your subconscious work, you have the ability to create something new and that's up to you to decide what it is that you're gonna embody on a day to day basis. What is that that you're gonna embody? Do you have a support system? What are your daily spiritual practices? What are your habits? And that's, what's gonna create the new automated system for you, right? And then we align, align to your truth. And that's why birthing your truth is so important. Getting clear of your core values, getting clear of what really matters to you. (06:02): Getting clear of how to set boundaries on people, places, and things that you can stay in your power, getting clear of what your purpose is, birthing it through, knowing what your suffering's been in this lifetime and past lifetimes, so that you can understand and embody and live that every day, every way. So you can now be the cause, live in a align with your truth and, and, and have that picture, have that mental picture equivalent in your life. And lastly is to affirm, affirm every day we do that through prayer, meditation, visioning, intuitive work, every breath we take, having it be intentional and align with our life purpose statement. And we walk you through your life purpose statement within society as well, knowing that you it's your north star, that once you know this, then, then that, cause you can be intentional and put your attention and your energy and focus and say no to what doesn't matter and say, yes. (06:48): And we say, if it's not a hell, yes, it is a hell. No, because we want to live a life that we love totally love, completely love. And we wanna embody this, knowing that we are the cause and the effect that we want is really what we're choosing to create for ourselves and our personal life and our, and our professional life. And so in that, I just ask everyone to take a deep breath in holding the breath, spending the breath and exhaling out, doing it one more time through the nose, holding it as much air as you can possibly take in pulling the energy up to the third eye, connecting the right and left hemisphere and exon out. And what I recognize is that everything is from one source, the source divine source, God source the consciousness source that the spirit aspect of the reality that everything comes from spirit that is spirituality. (07:44): And I recognize right here. And right now that that is the cause. That is always the cause. That's always been the cause that will always be the cause. And I recognize the effects. I can look out to the world and I can see the effects of my mind, the effects of our cultural mind, the effects of the Cosic mind, right? The one mind, the divine mind. And I recognize in this incredible game called life, that I have choice that you have choice. I recognize right here. And right now that you have the ability to do your inner work, to do your subconscious regrowing, to do whatever it takes, to know the truth of who you are and free yourself from all the commands and all the decisions you made that were impinged upon your subconscious mind. And so today I say, today is the greatest day of my life. (08:24): Today is the greatest day of your life because it is the only thing that we have right here right now and in this presence. And in this moment, I know power. I know passion, I know purpose. And I know that you have a specific gift in calling to give to the world. I just know this, I see it. I feel it. I see you. I feel your energy from afar. There is no space or time in the spiritual realm. There is only the out picture of the one and you are all of it. You have created the entire universe. That is how powerful you are. And I know that you have a divine calling. If you're on this podcast right now, I recognize you've been called forth. You are the one you've been waiting for. You are the power, the, the change that you wanna see in this world, you are all of it. (09:07): And so today I just say, live your truth. May you live your truth? That is the greatest gift we have. And really all that we have, all the things, all the material, things will come and go enjoy them, do it for the highest good, make a difference in people's lives from your heart, living fully, giving yourself fully to life. Knowing that the greatest thing we can ever do is live fully. And so I just say yes, yes, yes. As together we say. And so it is have a beautiful day. You guys, and may you live your truth. (