Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth life from Los Angeles, we come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principles, align with universal law and break through all limited beliefs within our subconscious mind and claim our birthright of prosperity, financial freedom, money, wealth, vitality relationships, and a divine life. We also come together in community in soul society and new thought global. We truly believe that when somebody awakens a, a gift and message bring to the world and together we are awakening the world. So today we are going to be talking about the universal law of compensation. This is a series we're on number 21 of 52, the law of compensation, which brings me of course, to the famous, famous, um, talk by Ralph Waldo Emerson or rather a dissertation. He says the whole of what we know is a system of compensations ever defect in one manner is made up of another. Every suffering is rewarded. Every sacrifice is made up. Every debt is paid. So Ralph Waldo Emerson. (01:30): So he talks in this dissertation and he talks about, he was, he was living in a time to understand, okay, here he is in a time in a, a very prestigious world. And his father, I think his father was, he was a minister. Um, and he basically was in this Orthodox environment. And he basically talks about how he, he comes to this sermon. He's in church one day and he's listening to the preacher and the preacher basically is totally Orthodox. He, and he basically talks from a doctrine that's in the last judgment of the Bible. And he basically says that the wicked are successful, that the good are miserable. And then urged for reason that from the scripture, that compensation to be both parties in the next life, that, that basically we need to suffer. If you're a good person, you need to suffer in this life, serve and sacrifice. (02:29): And that you will be, you know, you will get yours. If you will, in heaven, on you know, afterlife. And he sat there in this church at this sermon thinking, what, what are we teaching here? He felt like there was a part of the culture that was beginning to wake up. They were beginning to realize that they didn't need to go into church to think there was a man in the sky that it was a relationship and that there was heaven on earth right here right now. And he realizes he was sitting in this congregation that no one seemed to be taking offense, that he realized that this was the, this was the doctrine of the times that if you, you know, that you basically, if you're sitting now, you get to reap in this world of whatever. And if you are a good person that you have to wait for afterlife, you sin. (03:24): Now we shall send by and buy. We would sin. Now, if we could not being successful, we expect our reverence to ma so, so this is the deal. Okay. So the law of compensation, what is the law of compensation is basically yes, we reap what we sew and what goes around, comes around in a way, but we're talking about compensation. Okay. So etymology breaks it down. It's the act of compensating. Basically, it's a balancing. So if you think about, it's like a scale, like, remember those scales, like on one side, you put one thing on and the other side to balance it out, to realize how much it weighs. And these scales came about in, you know, way, way back in time when they needed to do trade, right? So they would put, uh, a stone that weighed X amount. And then they would know whether they were, you know, weighing gold or whether they were weighing sand or whatever. They would understand how much it weighs. Okay. But they would balance it out. Those are scales, right? The universe balances out right now, right here, instantaneously, spiritually, there is no future, right? There is no past, there is no life after life. There is only now. And there is only life and everything in the 3d realm, everything here is an out picture of what's going on and a conscious perspective right now. (04:49): So how does this relate if you're somebody and you're listening to this podcast, you generally are, are listenership and our tribe and our community and everything. Our people who are love spirituality, they love spirituality. And they have generally had a spiritual calling to do something. Even in their business. They either bring their spiritual principles into the, the business. They already have their family that they have their sole entres they're soul based business owners. They are spiritual coaches, they're practitioners, ministers, doctors of divinity. Okay. And let me tell you that I am, I, one of the, one of my core commitments to this community is because I used to be in spiritual centers and I would watch my friends that were so wealthy and rich in their spiritual nature, be broke in their finances. And I was like, this, doesn't add up somebody doesn't add up here. (05:44): How can they know the riches of divinity, the riches of who they are and not claim it in all areas of their life, which brings me to, um, RO DHAs one of my favorite speakers all time. And he gives a great talk where he said he was in India and he was walking down the street. He had been, you know, again from a very prestigious, um, culture here, back in America. And, um, he was walking down the street and he was wa watching all the, all the people who were bakers. And he saw this woman on the street and she was baking and she was, you know, obviously homeless and, and she, and he kinda looked into her eyes and she kinda looked back at him and he realized in that moment he was, she was looking at him, um, kind of like having compassion towards him. He had, she had this look on her face like this poor American boy that is so spiritually bankrupt. How poor is he? And so he realized in that moment that our perception and ideals of what it means to be rich are relative. And that from a spiritual perspective, we know anyone who's touched on divine. Anybody that's touched in the, the sacred home of heaven of the kingdom within the godliness, the heaven on earth that is in the temple within understands that richness understands that nothing in this world, nothing of the material world can even begin to touch on that wealth on that compensation. (07:33): And so we recognize yes, that, that, that we have to first understand true wealth, true wealth, to even be able to measure on the scale of what wealth is. But we also recognize through the law of cause and effect and the correlation in what we're doing here right now, which is talking about the compensation, the balancing that if we are spiritual leaders, that we are decided to make money in our spiritual work, that we, that, that it is a, a giving of how we help others in their value will be reflected back and equaled out equally. It may not come from the same person. It may not come from the same place. It may not come in in the form of money, but what we have to recognize that there is a law of this universe that works with such precision. So in your heart and heart, you know, understanding and, and really getting clear. I want you to just take a deep breath in for a moment. (08:34): And I want you to think about what you truly desire in the realm of, of your compensation. Do you need to have, you know, more money for what, for more food, for more clothes, for healthcare, for what is it that you need money for? What is it that you truly desire in your prosperity and to be compensated for? Okay. And one of the greatest myths that I want to debunk in our industry, in our industry of people who have decided I am handing my life over, this is my calling my mission. And I desire to make this into my actual career and make this where I make money is doing my spiritual work. Knowing that you have spiritual gifts, that is time to monetize. Okay. And the myth is this, the myth is, or rather what I hear people say over and over again, I would do this for free. (09:30): I would do. I love this so much. What I do in my spiritual work, that I would do it for free. And that is awesome. Congratulations for finding something that you love so much, that you would do it for free. But what I want to break through in our industry is recognizing that I hear this over and over, like I'm in coaching groups, whether it be group coaching, one on one, whatever, and this is the, this is the gap. This is the, this is the limited belief. This is what is holding people back. It's not getting that. If they truly cared about making the impact that they want to make, they would also recognize that money equals power. Money equals is a significant inch of, of energy. Okay? Money equals choice. Money equals free money means that you, it is an exchange of energy. So imagine you have all the energy of the entire universe or, or all the, all, all the money, because money is, is worthless. (10:29): You guys, right? Money's worthless. It's a manmade concept of something that's backed by. Nothing is an illusion, a delusion. It is nothing, but it is an agreement. It is agreement to say, this money is worth X amount of effort. So we have to understand and recognize that if we truly wanna make an impact by delivering our spiritual gifts, by delivering truth and freeing people at whatever level, and helping them have prosperous lives in their relationships and their vitality and their money and all the above, we have to also recognize that money is God as well. Right? Money is, if you don't see God in all, you don't see God at all. Right? So today, as we recognize the universal law of compensation, I want you to realize that wherever you are putting on one side of the scale, it is always balanced out through the, this law. (11:27): It has to be equally, obviously, right? That's why so many of us are so rich with our ethereal wealth, with our connection, with divine, with our connection with source, it is so balanced out. We feel immensely, whatever, whatever I, when I go into meditation and prayer, I get back exponentially so much more than what I put into it. It is not even it, it is way beyond those scales, right? But here out in this world, and the reason why we're going through this 52 series of universal law is to understand this realm, right? To understand how we get in a, in alignment with universal law, so that we can, so that we can create harmony and create the abundance that we want in this real there's rules and regulations and things like gravity in this world. And there is the law of compensation. So the law of compensation states that life is an energy exchange. (12:31): Each person is compensated in a like manner