Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This (00:01): Is live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:22): Florence Shehan said the game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds, and words, return to us with astounding accuracy. So if you're interested in understand how you're having the boomerang effect in your life, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. I'm Dr. Aaron, I'm Dr. Divinity, founder of new thought global and society. And we come together on this podcast to know the truth, live on spiritual principle, and yes, align with our, the love of our life are the highest version of ourselves. We also come together in society and new thought global to be able to monetize our gifts, to really be able to bring truth out to the world and understanding that money is really an exchange of energy. And it's a beautiful exchange of love. And so today we're going to break down universal law of correlation. We're in a series. (01:12): This is number 23 of 52 of the universal law cards that are coming out, which I'm so excited about. Okay. And they may already be, if you're listening to this, so today we're gonna break on down the law of correlation. So what is this exactly right? The law correlation states that all of life is an exchange of energy, a flow of giving and receiving. This is the current of consciousness and an expanded rate multiplied abundantly. And through this dynamic exchange, the universe instantaneously responds to what you give to life, what you reap you sow. And that really is the truth of it, right? The truth is that everything is instantaneously an exchange like, so imagine that you look at a life and it is truly, it's truly from the source. If you go with in and taking a deep breath into the nose and exi out, it's all from sore. (02:10): So imagine like from the core of your core of your innermost beingness, imagine there's like a sun. It literally is like the sun. It is a creative force, literally going out and imagine that all life is this out picturing of consciousness. And we recognize that you are the individualized aspect of divine. You are the individualized God. And so you are experiencing this mini universe called you. You get to use the one, mind, the one divine mind to experience whatever you're experiencing. So around you is almost like a big mirror of a reflection of what's going on within your individual use of the one mind. So Florence shovel shin was a badass. She's actually one of my favorites. You know, we teach new thought movement. It's a, a genre that came about, you know, after the church really suppressed the, the, the truth of the world and made God outside of self and began to really kind of twist and Dement. (03:07): What, what this was teaching the truth of who you are, how you manifest and your, your godliness, if you will. So Florence shovel shim was a master, same with Thomas truer and em, Emma Curtis Hopkins and Ernest Holmes. So many great ones, but Florence shovel shin was amazing because I stumbled upon her books. Uh, and we weren't teaching them necessarily in our classes when we were getting, becoming a practitioner minister and Dr. Divinity. But she was of course, one of the very well known new thought movement, uh, authors. And she had written so many great books, just broke it on down. And it was back, you know, I don't know it was, you know, a hundred years ago, right? And you're like, how is this woman know all this stuff? When so many people were so suppressed. So she breaks on down. So many things, understanding, you know, that, that she was in, I have her birthday, x-ray hair, 1871. (03:56): She was born September 24th. And, um, she was an American artist and a book illustrator and became a new thought spiritual teacher and met a physical writer in her middle years. So imagine you're just this, you know, author and you're looking at life and you're looking at the reflection of your life. And all of a sudden, as you go down the, you know, any kind of profession, I believe you come to truth at some level, because as you inquire, as you research, as you dive into become an expert of your field, there's no way you couldn't come to truth. Even say a doctor that was that's, um, doing Western medicine, if they started inquiring and actually investigating, they would find the truth and, and you know, the medical field versus what is corrupt, anyone want it's natural. And so I want you to take a look at your life right now, invite you to take a look at your life and recognize, you know, where in, in your life are you looking out at the mirror? (04:44): Where are you diving into research? And you're here listening to this podcast, you're here, you know, inquiring into life into yourself. You keep as a, as the Bible says, seek, and you shall, you know, knock, can you show find, I mean, this is the whole thing. Truth is right in front of us. It's in us. You are truth. That's the truth. So Florence shovel, shin, breaking it back again. She a game's called the game of life and how to play it. So imagine right now you have this thing called the law of correlation. And it's kind of like, you go out and play tennis, right? So it's like, you hit the ball and it goes over the net, hopefully. And then it comes back. You know, it doesn't necessarily come exactly. But it does come in exact proportion to how it is, you know, how it's served or how it is, is laid back. (05:29): So most people consider life a battle, but it's not a battle. It's a game. And I invite you to take a look at the law of correlation to take a look at life is a game, every last drop of it. And in this, I recognize the truth of who you argue, the show, you have the choice, right. Whatsoever, man. So it, that shell, he also reap. This means that whatever a woman seeds out in word or deed will return to her what she gives, she will receive not necessarily from the same place, not exactly in the same exact fashion, but the universe is so brilliant at how it serves back. Right? It's like having a great player that you're playing against in tennis. Right? It's been a lot of years since I played tennis, but if you served it right, there's infinite ways it can come back, but it comes back, right? (06:14): So that's the same way as a universe, it's gonna come back. You just better be prepared. Cause it might not come back exactly how you think it's gonna come back. It can come back multiplied even better than you thought. And it can come back in a really harsh lesson, right? This means that what man, uh, images imagines, right? I'm gonna say woman, what? This means that what a woman imagines, what do you imagine in your soul sooner or later, externalize in her affairs. Right? So imagine that that serve begins in mind when you're playing tennis, you don't just get up there and just hit it, right? I mean, yes, you could do that as well, but you have to imagine, where do I want to hit this ball? Right? Am I gonna hit it in the left side, the right side? Where am I hitting it? (06:52): Am I go fast off? Whatever it, you have to begin. It begins before you ever do anything. Physical begins in mind and to play successfully the game of life, you must train the imaging faculty, a person who images. Faculty basically is good, brings good to his life, right? Every righteous desire has to be in your heart. Health, wealth, love friends, perfect expression, your highest, ideal, right? You have to begin in mind. If you want the mirror of life to be reflected back with beauty, you have to think and, and expand and beauty in the heart, right? There are three departments in the mind, the subconscious, the conscious and the super conscious. And we have to understand that these have to merge together. You can't want something in life, like have your dreams and then have your subconscious being like, oh, I'll never do this. I don't believe in myself. (07:42): It's not going to. It's like having a really crappy tennis team. You know, say there's a team. That's a terrible sport. Use an example. But you know, there are doubles, right? Say you were on the court with your partner and, and you weren't in alignment. You didn't have the same game plan to take, you know, on this game of life, it wouldn't work. You've got to align all those different aspects. So whatever you feel deeply you, I imagine clearly it's impressed upon the subconscious mind, which is universal law. Your subconscious mind is one with universal law. Universal law is not something out there in the world. It's who you are. It's the dynamics of how you manifest, how you work. Okay? So there's a place that you're going to fill and fill and fill something you're doing, which no one else can do. And that's your birthright. (08:26): Your birthright is to have the reflection of the perfect image of yourself. Your job as a, the law of correlation is to have your inside world match the outside world. Meaning, right? If you truly desire, opulence, if you truly desire a, um, uh, abundance and prosperity and love and deep connections with human beings, you have to know that within your heart. And that's going to transcend into your life through the law of correlation. And so, as it says again, ask, and it shall be given to you seek, and you shall find knock, and it shall be open to you. This is the truth. This is how this works. Nothing else stands between these, these facts of life. This is the truth of who you are. And so I recognize that in this law of correlation, there may be things you're desiring that are not coming to you. (09:18): There is only one reason and it's because you're not giving it to life. If you desire, love, think, give love. If you desire prosperity, then give value. If you desire, expression or whatever it may be, you have to give it. If you want health, give high energy, give energy to your body. Right? Life is exchange of energy, a flow on giving and receiving. This is a current of consciousness. And I know right now, by listening to this podcast or drawing this card, if you have the universal lock guard deck, um, your soul desires for you to be of service to every person you come in contact with today, give that what you seek, right? You may give a compliment or do a deed, but if you, you m