Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Life is the ultimate mirror of consciousness. This is the concurrence of the creative process; the spiritual realm through the mental realm to the physical realm reflected back into consciousness. Your beliefs set this law into motion, creating the feeling, emotions, and circumstances of your life. Your ability to manifest and demonstrate are in direct correlation to your ability to provide a mental equivalent within your mind and soul. For every belief, there is an indistinguishable comparable in the physical form. The outer world is the reflection of the inner world, as within, so without. Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): Welcome. If you're looking to break through your limited beliefs, birth your purpose and live a life beyond your wildest dreams. This podcast is for you. Hi, I'm Dr. Aaron. I'm a doctor of divinity, founder of society, TV host, global transformational speaker and author of the international bestselling book. Awakening society is the number one spiritual coaching community, committed to empowerment, entrepreneurship, and enlightenment. We truly believe that you have a gift and message to bring to the world each week. I will bring you interviews with thought leaders, helping you with tips on how to master your mindset and skillset. So you can have success in your personal and professional life. Next you'll find spiritual coaching on how to reprogram your subconscious mind, release your trauma and limited beliefs and birth your purpose so you can live your truth. Next is business coaching where you'll learn how to launch your business online. And my favorite Collins where I'll coach live one on one, one favor. Before we begin. If you get value from this podcast, please subscribe, write a review and tell a friend it's important to support people and communities that you feel are doing good in the world. Reviews really matter. Also, let's be friends on social media. You can find me at Dr. aaron.tv. That's D R E R I n.tv. I hope you enjoy today's episode. And may you live your truth? (01:31): Live from Los Angeles. Today's podcast is called universal law of correspondent. Yes, we are on the 52 series of universal law. And this is a privilege and a delight to be teaching this grand work that has impacted my life and so many lives. I really truly believe that if we understood how the subconscious mind is one with the subjective universal mind and how it all responds into one grand symphony, we would really understand everything going on on this planet. So today is a law of correspondence, which basically means that life is like a boomerang, right? It's like life is the ultimate mirror. I will never, ever, ever forget. Years and years back, I meant I met a mentor of mine and he said, life has to reflect back exactly with perfection. And it changed my life forever. So the law of correspondent states that life is the ultimate mirror of consciousness. (02:31): This is the concurrence of the creative process, the spiritual realm through the mental realm, to the physical realm, reflected back into consciousness. Your beliefs set this law into motion, creating the feeling emotions and circumstances of your life. Your ability to manifest and demonstrate are indirect correlation to your ability to provide a mentally equivalent within your mind and soul. For every belief, there is an indistinguishable comparable in the physical form. The outer world is a reflection of the inner world as within. So without, so let's break this on down. Okay. Life is the ultimate mirror of consciousness. Well, yes, I know we talk about this a lot. It's something that comes up. If we ever say that in a crowd. Uh, if I was talking about my, with my girlfriends about this, the number one thing that comes up for most people is they go, this doesn't make any sense. (03:32): How does a little baby that's born to the crack addict, mom, choose this in consciousness. Okay. Well, first of all, we have to understand what consciousness is. The concept that we are just some divided consciousness on this planet is the number one lie, right? So we have to understand that that little baby that is born to a crack addict mother, their consciousness is also the collective consciousness and the cosmic consciousness, right? They are the one, their spirit. They are all of it. They created the entire universe. So this little baby is having the out picturing of the sum, basically cause and effect of what we've created on this planet and in this universe. So is it good? Is it bad? That's all relative. It's a perspective, right? But it is a correspondence for sure. This is the mirror. And even the heroin addict on the street is the mirror of what we've created in consciousness. (04:30): War is the, is the reflection of what we've created in consciousness. So is beautiful art. So is love making. So is beautiful, you know, fresh food. It is all coming from this one thing and it is the ultimate mirror. Okay. But we wanna get down to like kind of what matters to us, right? Like the heart of the matter of what's going on right here. Lots of people, you know, they're like, oh whatever, I can't deal with the crack addict, baby. I can't deal with the heroin. Andry I have problems. Like I'm sad and I have my own issues and I'm confused and I'm frustrated, right? Like majority people, they can't even get outta little box because they're so overwhelmed. They can't deal with a bigger issue in life. Okay. So we wanna know that life is this ultimate mirror that is this playground to see exactly where we are, whether we are developing our business, whether we are in a relationship with a lover, whether we are with our friends, whether we are dealing with our taxes, doesn't matter. (05:23): It's all a reflection of how we relate to it. Right. It's the correspondence at a core level. Okay. So you can take this like in layers, right? So at some level, at a real surfacey level of this law, you can take a look at how your beliefs are playing into how you're perceiving the circumstances of your life. Like, duh, obviously you can look at it and see how it's a blessing or you can look and see how it's a curse. And it's literally a reflection of what's going on in consciousness. That's a very, very like that's 1 0 1 of the law of, of correspondence. Okay. Dig a little bit deeper and you start getting down into how it really is responding even further, right? How is your health really related to what's going on in consciousness? How is, how are there deeper issues in our cultural things and or economical issues or political issues? (06:10): These are more of deeper, you know, deeper essences of universal law. How life is to reflection. We have the coronavirus right now, right? So how is this a reflection of what we've created? We don't know where it came from. Did it come from us kind of messing with the, with, you know, whatever's going on? I don't know how the scientists do what they do to what could have happened to create the coronavirus. But that's one, um, consideration that we kind of push the boundaries of what we're supposed to push in science and, um, created a new virus. I don't know. I am not a scientist to know that stuff, but that is a deeper and deeper aspect. So the point of this is that the law of correspondence is that all of life is corresponding. It is literally, it has to be created. It is the effect of what we've created from a conscious perspective. (06:59): So all of life, you know, if you wanna know what have you created with your karma debt, just open your eyes, open your eyes and look around and look at everything going on from, in, from just your personal life, to your, you know, community, life, to your cultural life, to global life. This is the mirror. This is the mirror of what we've created. And no one is everyone's responsible. Everyone's responsible. We can't point the finger and point the finger and point the finger cuz at some level the one consciousness created all of it. And you are that you are the person that you think is the evil person. You are the angel that you see also you are all of it. And so in this law of correspondence, the point is that you understand that your mind is powerful. Your mind is the greatest power ever. (07:46): And you get to decide, you get to create something new that you want. If you want to see change in the world, you get to be that if you wanna have more love in the world, you get to create that. If you think something should be better in our political system, go create it. There's no point in pointing the fingers that today, right here, right now that life is the ultimate mirror of consciousness and your consciousness. You get to say, you get to say what you want to create for yourself. And in this, I recognize that every belief is what is shaping the world and what is belief. It is what you are being and what you're living. And so in this, I recognize, right, right here, right now that the only way we ever to get to have the mirror of, of life switch or change is literally looking in the mirror and staring at ourselves and asking, who do I need to be? (08:34): Who do I need to become to be the person that is the change I wanna see in the world, who is that person that I need to become to experience love and deep and deep, profound relationships. Who is that in the mirror? Who does she need to become to be someone that claims her birthright prosperity and helps other people claim their birthright of prosperity and know the truth of who they are, who do I need to become? What principles do I need to embody to have that mirror of life reflect back the greatest life ever lived. One that's fully lived. One that's fully loved. One that's fully expressed and perfection. And so on that note, I know universal law of correspondence is teaching us every day in every way that life is the ultimate mirror. So clean it up, shine it up and be whoever you want to be. This is not a dress rehearsal, have a beautiful day. And may you live your truth? (09:32): Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Erin podcast. If you've had a call to be a spiritual leader or coach, you can go to www.drerin.tv and check out our free training. If you receive value here, I would love it. If you take a moment and give a five-star review in exchange, I have a ton of free gifts for you. Grab your free awakening book, 40 guided meditations, and a digital manifesting masterclass. I also have free money, meditation, and a worksheet for you. So you can begin to break through your scarcity mindset and claim your birthright of prosperity. You can get all of your gifts and learn about our upcoming transformational events in my bio link on both Instagram and Facebook. That's under www.drerin.tv. Also, I'd love to invite you into our free private community on Facebook, under a group called Soulciété, which is facebook.com/groups/soulcietespiritualcommunity. Have a divine day and may you live your truth.