Universal Law of Cosmic Creation {45 of 52 series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This (00:01): Is live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Do you desire to have a life of total ease, residual money, lasting health lasting love? Well, if you do, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. Welcome to Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So today we're talking about universal law of cosmic creation. This is a series. This is 45 of 52 series universal law of cosmic creation. This is the deal you guys, over the course of creation and recreation. There is a perpetual bond within consciousness. This ceaseless and persistent cause is held in the intelligence of the matrix. This law is what allows gravity and the physical earth to exist. This is what makes creating a physical object possible with having to keep creating it. (01:18): So what does this mean to us? What, what, why do I care about universal law of cosmic creation? The truth is that what we do over and over again becomes it becomes the consciousness that creates a bond and it can happen on an individual level. It is what we create and leave our legacy in the world. And it's what we create as we've created the universe and gravity and all the above. And so what does this mean? Exactly? Well, you know, I just went down. Um, I was on vacation and I ended up visiting a friend I hadn't seen for years and years. Well, actually, I I'd seen him for years, but I I'd known him for years and years. I hadn't seen him for years, but anyway, adorable, amazing, incredible human being, but so neurotic and it made me realize, um, you know, he was just neurotic. (02:15): Everything was about saving money, everything. If you gave him a compliment on what he was wearing, he would tell you how he got a great deal on it and how he had saved thousands of dollars, every single thing, his car, oh, I like your car. Great. I got this great deal on it. Let me tell you how, you know, how much I saved on the, on this, you know, car. Oh, I like your home. Great. I got it for this great, amazing deal. Everything. It was so neurotic. I was like, oh my gosh. And I realized, you know, looking at my friends that are, you know, in their forties. And so, and how neurotic we have all become, you know, in good ways and in bad ways, at the same time, I could take a look at my friend and say, oh my gosh, he has taken such good care. (02:57): He probably has like a body of a 20 year old and is a model and all this stuff. So you could take a look at the neurotic aspect of him. That is amazing. That has created a life where he is, has incredible health and, um, and literally has created, uh, you know, his health is amazing. His body, everything, he, he literally is like a 20 year old model. Okay. Who's somebody who's in their forties. Right. And you can also take a look at what he's created perpetually and how it's created this kind of neurotic thing around money and, and objects and things. So the point is this is that what we choose to create, um, over time is what bonds in us. And so we have to take a look at what is cosmic creation, because yes, if we create, say we create something into existence, like a table, for example, how does a table stay in existence? (03:49): We don't keep creating the table. We create it one time and it's created, right. And it will, of course probably start to fall apart, you know, hundreds of years down the line or whatever. But the point is is that there is something that holds it together in the particles, just as if in each of our, our, our cells, there is a cosmic creation as well. And so we have to understand that, how does this work? How does this work from a cosmic, from a conscious perspective? So how things are held together is Adams themselves are made of particles that basically bond together through, you know, nuclear forces. If you will, you know, nuclear energy, what is nuclear energy? It's part of the nucleus of, of energy, right? Nuclear energy is energy in the nucleus. The core of an atom. There is this erroneous energy that bonds and holds atoms together and holds and tells the intelligence of everything to do. (04:46): This is how gravity was created. This is how the forces of natures. This is the elements and all the above. And you are that you are within you lives, lives the, the intelligence of the entire universe. And so we have to recognize, you know, what does this mean exactly? This means that we don't have to constantly create. We use our energy to create what we wanna create, knowing that there's going to be a cosmic creation to everything. What we do over and over again, becomes a habitual ways of our life. It is the intelligence we don't have to, you know, remember to walk each time we have done it over and over as children. And now our entire body, our muscles are everything understands how to create that. Without any effort whatsoever, we create a table into existence, you know, and it stays created. So the point is, what is the point, right? (05:47): The point is that you get to create in your perpetual way and you get to reap what you have created. Right? We reap what we have sewn. And so my friend that I saw, who's an amazing, extraordinary human being. I mean, I'm looking at his life and I'm looking at my friends and I'm looking at all of us and I'm going, wow, you can really see what people have created over time. Some of my friends have created being addicts, right? And they, they reap what they've sewn and their life is, is, is hard. You know, I see other friends that have created, you know, residual income and created families that are working and, you know, maybe part of their life is really great. And some of it's not so great, but they clearly have created this cosmic creation in that they don't have to do any effort. (06:39): It's like this, you know, it's just, it's just on autopilot now. Right? So my invitation for you is to take a look at what you're creating on a cosmic level, you know, truly what are you creating into existence that you don't need to even make any effort into anymore. That just works for you. And we teach us a lot in wealth principles, right? Teaching you to create passive income, that money works for you. And it just happens when you're sleeping, you could be making money. You know, it's one of the pros and cons it, as you get older, you take a look at what have you created? What have you been putting your effort into that is working for you? That just happens without you, right? And so, again, you know, do you desire to have a life of ease or have you created your life to be constant struggle, no matter what you do, you have created drama and trauma and all the above and your life. (07:34): And it just is working for you. You have triggers, you have reactions, you have all the above because it's what you've created in every cell of your body. It's who you be a big reaction, right? Or are you creating ease in the cosmic creation where your body is programmed or subconscious mind is programmed to stay in peace, no matter what is that? The muscle that you've built in your consciousness, do you have residual money coming in or are you constantly on the hamster track of a rat race of, you know, paying for bills and liabilities? And this is what you've created for yourself on a cosmic level, right? Lasting health. Do you have lasting health or is it a constant, like going to the doctor and getting the next pill that has more side effects and more side effects than the residual of that. And do you have lasting love, meaning that you do you come from love or are you constantly in the ups and downs of, of programmed love cosmic creation? (08:31): And it is in you, the entire universe lives in every cell of your body. You can create whatever you create and it's going to keep creating without any effort whatsoever, because it is truly what you have informed it. Nu nuclear energy is nucleus and the core of all nucleus and all creation of all first cause is consciousness is spirit is your true self. And so my invitation today is to take a look into your future. What is it that you want to experience? What do you want to have on autopilot for your life? What is that? And if you choose to have residual money, residual health, residual things, what are the choices you're making today to create that into existence on autopilot? What do you choose to leave the world? Do you choose to create and build a mansion, a temple, something to give back to the world that is a creation, physical form, not meaning that's good or bad. (09:30): What is it that you're creating into existence? The truth is that within you is the same source that created gravity and the stars. And that was all from the, the creating of bonds at a, at a core elemental level. And in that we've created the law of the universe and these axioms and this dynamic of having a game in this thing called life with boundaries, with rules, with regulations of how energy and how physics work in this world. Now you get to keep creating. And what do you wanna create from a cosmic creation? Okay. If we did not have order, there would just be particles floating around all around, right? So it indicates that you can exhale and know that your efforts will, will lessen that, that whatever it is that you put your, your energy into, you don't have to keep creating it. It will create upon itself, create assets, not liabilities, and witness a perpetual giving of prosperous fruit, right? (10:32): Create an environment and enables your greatness. And you will simply be great create objects that Conti contribute to the highest good. And you, and don't take away from other earth. And you'll begin to reap the rewards of what you're creating without any effort whatsoever. The universe is your canvas to paint your masterpiece. What are you going to paint? Because it's going that masterpiece is going to hang on your wall and look and glare in your face. What are you creating for yourself? Are you creating neurotic things or are you creating