Universal Law of Creation {3 of 52 series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): Welcome to full society, the shift to the movement. So you did for truth (00:08): Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity teaching universal law, metaphysics science of mind, and of course, teaching spiritual coaches how to kick ass and take names. Okay, so let's do this thing. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle, align with the universal law. We also come together as a spiritual community in society. We literally are here for empowerment, entrepreneurship, and enlightenment. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. And our mission is to awaken a billion people globally. So today we are on the 52 series of universal laws. Today is a law of creation, the universal law of creation, and why the Frick do we care so much about universal laws? Because it's like having a manual for our life. You know, it's like literally no one ever teaches us. (01:00): Like it's insane in school that we learn geography before we understand how our emotions work or how we are creating into existence. The life that we have, it's insane in my opinion, but I guess it's controversial because it's quote spiritual about whatever. So it's time to learn about you. This is really about you. This entire series is about you and how you are creating and manifesting 24 7 without any effort whatsoever. You are so powerful that the minute you even consider something, you set the law of polarity into effect. So the law of creation states that life is being created from spirit, your higher self. Right now, this Axiom is the first cause and motive operation of how the creative process of the universe works. It is the unfoldment of thought through universal law in de FORMM. This law is based upon the primary Axiom of spirituality. (01:59): The reality that life is created from spirit, your higher self spirit manifests itself in and through all creation, but is not absorbed by its creation. The manifest universe is the body of spirit. This creative principle works for everyone equally. Okay. So the law of creation's not something out there, it is what you are, it's how you, it's, how you even like exist whatsoever through this law of creation. So it's kind of like the triune nature, basically. It's like, if you take a look and imagine up above is kind of like, um, like a, a filter that comes down of spirit. It's your creative thought? It's, it's the directing of energy. It's you directing upon energy. And that can be done of course, through the consideration of your identity. That's how powerful you are. It can be done through having trauma within the subconscious and it condenses this, you know, every potential out there, right? (02:56): So it's basically the creative factored you consciousness coming down and then is going into basically the subconscious mind or the soul or the subjective mind. We have many names for it. And then that basically out pictures into life, through the law, through the law is how it works. Okay. It's, it's how we put like a game together in this universe. If there was no laws, everything would just be going all directions. There would be no order. So the law is basically how we manifested, how we have order to actually have things that exist in the universe. Otherwise it just be a bunch of elements and particles floating around and there would be no game to it. So the law of creation is how you manifest. And the great news is that if you're not manifesting what you want, you can recreate how you are creating through, you know, your beliefs, basically how your identity is, that's how you are creating through law of creation. (03:54): Okay. But we gotta remember, right? So I remember years ago, beginning to learn about universal law and realizing that, you know, and asking and pondering the question, how did we create? If we're everything, how do we create like gravity? Right? Like I can't overcome gravity. How can I recreate gravity? Well, the reality is that we have to remember that as we create through the mind and through the soul of the universe or the soul of us, the soul of the one mind that we put into automation. And if we repeat repetitively create over and over again, it goes into the subconscious mind as the habits of our life. And as you know, the universe, it goes into to laws of, of physics, of gravity, of, of these things that we can't change now, because we've been creating it for so long. It's like, could you change beating your heart? (04:45): No, because you've been doing it for so long that it becomes automated through the law of creation. And then once it goes into the automated process, it goes into what we call the collective consciousness and the cosmic consciousness. Okay. We can also call it the automated system in the body. We can call it the gravity. It's like physics. These other things have been created over and over and over again for so long that they become law. They become part of the process. We no longer have to create that. It's a great thing. We don't have to recreate gravity every day. Can you imagine how much work that would be? We'd have to recreate beating the heart every day. It's like an it's an automated system. Okay. So the law of creation is how we create, and we need to know that and become conscious of what we're creating from here on out. (05:26): Right? So if we have gravity and we wanna create freedom of flying across the globe in a, in a airplane, we have to invent something new, but we get to create that. We get to say that I am gonna choose to create something and I'm gonna innovate, and I'm going to invent, and I'm going to do this thing and create something new in this world, or I'm gonna move past my patterning. You know, my, my lineage definitely has codependency in it. There's addiction in my family. There's depression in my family, like so many lineage, right? There's also incredible creativity in my family. My great grandfather invented the modern golf ball, even though I grew up very poor and didn't come from that side and we didn't have, you know, any way long story, but we invented the first quarter horse in part of my family. (06:13): We were very creative process, right? So the law of creation is saying that we're creating right now from our highest cause, which is pure creativity, pure innovation, pure, you know, invention right now, right here. But we also have to remember that we've created other things and that we now, we're not the effect of those things. It states in the law of creation that spirit can never be the effect of it or absorbed by it. We're not these bodies. We're not the, you know, the things that are out there in the world. We cannot be the effect of it. It's impossible. We can pretend that we're the effect, or we can pretend we're in this game called life. But the reality is you can, all, you always have choice. You always have choice. Okay? So remember in the law of creation that you gotta wake up, you gotta wake up and realize that you created this entire universe. (06:59): You created the gravity, you created all it all, all comes from one source. And that you've also created the, the good and bad parts of your life today. The relationships that you have, the health that you have, that you have choice, and that you've gotta wake up and realize and take responsibility for what you have created and what you're creating now. And secondly is reprogramming. So if you don't wanna have what you're having right now, you've gotta realize that you're creating out of, out of the traumas of your past life. You're creating, uh, out of the lineage, out of the patterns that you have in your DNA. So you've gotta reprogram that and you have the power to do that in society. Obviously we teach and train the spiritual coaches, how to reprogram the subconscious mind, how to go past the trauma that is out picturing over and over again, repetitively in its insanity, in our relationships, in our relationship with money in our relationship with health and so on and so forth. (07:51): So you have to reprogram, if you want to create from nothingness, from that pure potential, from that new thought, you have to reprogram your subconscious mind. Thirdly is aligning, aligning with recognizing what is your truth? What do you wanna align with? You know, is it that you're ready to leave that corporate job? Is it that, you know, you've gotta align and become more loving and not look to the world for love, but be love is it that you need to align with mother nature and align with what, what really serves for your harmony, for your high vibrant, and your life and in your body. You've gotta align and you have to get real. We birth people's truth within society, birthing their purpose, birthing what their commitments are, birthing, what their core values are getting clear of what they want to align with. And then lastly is affirming. (08:37): The four step is to align. I'm sorry to affirm, affirm every day, every way, what it is that you are choosing to create for your life, through your daily spiritual practice. We do a life purpose statement in society and affirming. Every day, we look at it, all the girls look at it. The guys look at it and you basically affirm every day. It's your north star of what it is that you're affirming for your life. Who do you wanna be in the realm of your relationships? Who do you wanna be as a legacy? You wanna leave for your life? Who do you wanna be as your BR, as the, you know, mother or sister or daughter, or anything of your life, what are the principles that you wanna embody? And that's what you affirm every single day in every single way. So the law of creation states again, life is being created from spirit, your higher self. (09:20): Right now, this Axiom is the first cause and mode operation of how, how the creative process of the universe, how you're manifesting is through this creative law. It is the unfoldment of thought through universal law into form. This law is based upon the primary Axiom of spirituality, which is the reality of life is created from spirit. Your higher self spirit manifests itself in and through all creation, but is not absorbed by its creation. The manifest universe is the body of spirit. This creative process works for everyone equally. So the truth is you are creating 24 7 without any effort whatsoever. You are so powerful that you even consider yourself to be anything other than the, I am identity. You set into motion, universal law. You are just a creative factor. That's all you are. You create, you create, create, that's all you do. And you're doing