Universal Law of Destiny {32 of 52 Series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea, coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Have you ever desired something so deeply in your life? Maybe you've desired to have an intimate relationship finding the love of your life, or maybe you've desired to have a lot of prosperity and make a lot of money, or maybe you've desired to tap into source and awaken to the truth of who you are, or maybe you've desired to move to a new location or whatever it is, but something is stopping you and you don't know what. So you question, what is my destiny? So today's podcast is all about universal law of destiny. Do we have a pre destiny or do we create our destiny? And that's what we're gonna discuss. So welcome to Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. (01:15): We're all about trained, developing sole entrepreneurs, spiritual coaches, spiritual practitioners, new thought ministers and doctors of divinity. We teach universal law metaphysics recognizing that you are sourced. There's nothing outside of you. That right here right now is heaven or hell if we choose to create it. So let's do this thing. Universal law of destiny today is a series we're on number 30, two of 52 series of universal law. And today's universal law of destiny. Upon AADE states. You are what your deepest desire is as is your desire. So is your intention as is your intention. So is your will as is your will. So is your deed as is your deed. So is your destiny. So remember hearing that years ago, you know, your deepest desire is your destiny. And you'd be like, please, I desire, you know, X, Y, and Z. And I ain't got it, right? (02:10): So let's break on down what this is the law of destiny states, what you truly desire is your destiny. Your greatest will is that which prevails within your life. It is the sum of your consciousness and actions. And at the core of you is the creator of your destiny, of the physical realm, a unique divine design, the extent to which you have clarity of your desires and specifically inform universal law is the extent to which you will experience the destiny. You consciously desire. Okay, so let's break this one down. So I was working with a client the other day and kind of birthing their truth and getting clear. We'd already done a lot of, uh, trauma work and all that stuff, getting out of the way and recognizing that they're one of their greatest gifts. And brilliances, if you will, that's a word. Their genius is, uh, writing. (03:07): They're really good at writing brilliant writer and getting more into it, recognizing what they're really committed to. One of my jobs as a master spiritual coach is to help people, of course release their limited beliefs, limited identity, get outta their way, and then birth. What really matters to them, what are their core values and what is it that they truly desire for their life and aligning to that for themselves and in, and in this session, recognizing that their level of commitment was not to be, uh, a writer as a career. They have a traditional job and they really value and desire to, you know, have time with their friends, go out and hang out, have their job. But even though they really love writing, it doesn't mean that it is there destiny to become some profound world renowned writer, right? So just looking at the level of the desire, what is it that they truly desire with this client? (04:09): And you can take a look at their life and see what they truly are, what they truly desire. Right. We see this all the time with our friends or family or entrepreneurs. I witness it all the time, developing soul entrepreneurs. And so the point is, is that, you know, I can work with a soul entrepreneur and they can say, I wanna become a great writer and I want to make millions of dollars. And I wanna, you know, take a quantum leap outta my traditional job. But when we get down to it, the reality is that they must not desire it enough. There's a deeper desire. That's standing in the way of what their destiny is. If you will. This client's desire was a lot of comfort, a lot of, you know, having a decent life that is balanced and stuff, and there's nothing wrong with that. (05:03): My job as a master spiritual coach is to help people not have delusional goals. That aren't their truth, that it really actually isn't their deepest desire that we, we actually wanna close the gap, coming to a place that actually is authentic in their goals so that they can release feeling guilt, that they haven't, you know, accomplished those goals. So they can align with their truth and actually live their destiny, live out their destiny. And for this client, they recognize that they actually really like the comfort of having a traditional job. They like actually having time to hang out with friends and they do love writing, but it's more of a hobby. There's actually a, a, it is very unusual cuz usually I have clients and they break through big things and they, you know, take on huge, uh, goals and they live out some huge dream. (05:55): And other times there can be clients that recognize that, that, that it's actually not their deepest desire. And they actually find major freedom in coming to this realization that they get to actually enjoy exactly who they are and give up some big goal, trying to keep up the Jones or some big influencer online. Right? So we have to look at the law of destiny recognizing what is it that you truly truly are committed to? What is it your deepest desire? And we wanna know that that is actually destiny. You'll see this again over and over. You'll see people say, I really, really, really wanna find the love of my life. My twin flame, my, you know, the one and yet their actual desire is to, you know, it's a commitment and a desire to stay in pain and suffering. That's their actual desire because that's what they do over and over again. (06:46): And we recognize, we do limited least limited belief and do the trauma. But even after that, they actually recognize it. Actually, maybe part of it is that they have a bigger commitment to staying comfortable and being independent and not actually working through the walls that it takes to work through to have a deep, intimate relationship and, and deep commitment with somebody. Right? So we take a look at what is really your deepest desire, which really comes down to what is your deepest commitment? You know, what are you truly committed to? Cuz that really is your destiny. Desire is what you really desire because you actually keep putting energy into it. And this is what you're committed to. And I see it over and over with clients, the ones that are like, I don't know how, but I'm, I am so committed to doing all my trauma work. (07:32): I'm so committed to my spiritual awakening. I'm so committed to bringing truth to the world. I know I, I look at my clients, I'm like, I know exactly who's gonna be successful at this because they show up consistently, no matter what, they don't have any excuse. They don't have things that come up in their life. They literally show up all the time because I know it is their deepest desire. And so I know it's their destiny. I know exactly where people's destiny is because I can see if it there's nothing wrong with not showing up. Maybe they have a commitment towards, you know, hanging out with their friends or being, you know, with their family and being available to travel with their husband all the time. It's fine. But just know this is your destiny. Like this is who you are and this is what you're up to. (08:16): And so you're gonna find balance. So just don't, don't have some huge goal of thinking that you're gonna become, you know, a world renowned spiritual teacher when it's not your main focus. It's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. Right. So this brings me to, um, another conversation I had with another friend, uh, over coffee the other day. And we were talking about our geniuses cuz I was, uh, telling them that they were, you know, they're geniuses. They're so funny. Hilarious. And I was like, you missed your calling as being a comedian, you know? And they're like, yeah, but that would be like really hard to be, you know, out and being a comedian. I'm not, I'm not committed to it. I love doing it. I love making my friends laugh. I love all that, but it's not, it's not my destiny as far as, you know, a career goes. (09:01): And we're just talking about how it's interesting, how you can have a, a genius and a brilliance, but not necessarily be desire, a deep desire to bring that to the world. Right. And they said, you know, your, your big genius, Aaron is your relentlessness in, in what you, your expertise in what you're doing, you know what you do. And I go, yeah, you know, it's really interesting because I I'll never forget, like I had this moment and I was downtown Los Angeles and I was looking over the city so years ago. And I remember I'd already been on this spiritual track for many, many years, just so committed to the work. So committed to my own inner healing. So committed to revealing the truths of the universe and my true nature. And in that moment, I was on top of this building, downtown Los Angeles. (09:51): And I remember in this moment thinking I am going to hand my life even more over to this work. I decided in that moment I was gonna become a doctorate divinity and finish out. I would think I was in spiritual practitioner at that point in time. And I decided I was going to become a new thought minister and I was gonna become a doctorate divinity. And when I look back on my journey, it has not always been easy, but I know this. I never, ever, not one time questioned if I was on the right path or not. I never one time questioned. Should I give up? Should I not give up? Even when like I used to work for free for years with clients and things like that. And I remember I looked back on this and, and I know that I've never questioned it one time. (10:39): So how is it that one area in my life I've been, it has been my deepest desire, my deepest commitment and other areas in my life. Not so much, you know what I mean? Like I want invite you to right now, take a look at your life and take a look at where are you really committed? Where, where do you spend your time? What do you know that no matter what, this is what you do, this is what you do. Okay. And you can take a look at this. And I talk about this before years back, I was in a leadership program. We were talking about commitment. We were talking about the distinction, undeclared commitments. And I was looking at what, what the mental equivalent is of my life, right? What, what do I have, if you take a look at, you know, yourself or myself and you go clearly, what is this person committed to? (11:26): Right. And there was this profound moment I had around health. I thought, I thought I was committed to being healthy, but actually my true commitment was to being skinny. What I noticed and recognize was I was like, oh, if my jeans fit, okay, I can eat a little junk food. If my jeans start to get, you know, a little tight, th