Universal Law of Divine Will {10 of 52 Series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

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Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth, live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron. We come together each day to know the truth, to live on spiritual principle and to align with universal law and our unique divine expression. That's right. Live your truth. We come together also in community, in society, in new thought global. We come together to recognize that we are here to claim our birthright of prosperity through bringing our soul-based businesses, spiritual coaches, and world renowned spiritual leaders into the world so that we can touch lives and awaken a billion people. That is our mission. Our vision is to be the number one spiritual community, committed to enlightenment empowerment and entrepreneurship. (00:57): So today we're gonna talk about the universal law of divine will universal law of divine will. This is a series at number 10 of 52 series. And so we first wanna define what is divine will, and it is different than what the world will consider free will. So I remember years ago, I was actually in ministerial. Um, we had a three day panel where we had to actually go to, we were at like a, um, a Casa Maria in Montecito. We went up there for three days and we had panels. It was actually very stressful because I had been in a program for years and years and years, and we had the possibility of passing or not passing, you know, doing our exams or orals and, um, having this thing where I was like, oh my gosh, like I've put so much time and effort and years into this course and into all this, what if they fail me? (01:52): And it was like, whoa. So I had to kind of, I was sitting there in the midst of it kind of stressed out bizarrely in a weird way. And I thought, well, what is my free will versus, you know, what is in the, in the hands of someone else? And so I began to really contemplate what is free will and that somebody, of course we had debated and, and there's distinctions within new thought world and within science and mind and all that. And the real distinction between what we would consider free will or divine will is that we recognize that we, the core of who we are is source. The core of who we are is, is divine, is God is our higher self. And so we have to recognize that everything is out picturing of the one of this one source. And so we have to recognize also that it's kind of, uh, different than how we think of free will. (02:47): It's not like I pick up a glass of water and I move it to the other side of the table and that would be considered a free will, right? There's something bigger going on. There are forces in this, this universe that create differently than what the logical traditional mind thinks of how we create individually. So we have to first define what is free will versus divine. Well, so free will, if you take a look at Miriam Webster's dictionary, it says, number one is voluntary choice or decision, right? Number two is freedom of humans to make choices that are not determined prior cause or by divine intervention. So, first of all, as a spiritualist, we would never agree with that in that we recognize we are divine and we are all the prior causes, right? So we have to really recognize and make the distinction that we are not just the individual. (03:42): We are the individual consciousness, the collective consciousness and the cosmic consciousness. We are the, I am, we are the one. Okay. So then we have to really look at what is divine will then divine will is really understanding that it is all from one, cause the first cause, which is spirit, which is source, which is divine. Okay. So from a Stanford perspective there, if you do some research on what free will is, right? So they have a debate, the debate within Stanford of for and against free will basically. So if you look at it, the real argument against free will is according to this debate within Stanford, the side that argues against free will states, there are both a priority and empirical arguments against free will. Several of these start with an argument that free will is incompatible with causal determinism. So we have to look at what causal determinism and sorry for getting a little bit deep. (04:38): This might be a little bit boring for just a moment, but bear with me. Okay. So causal determinism is how you cause it, right. So we have to really think of, and it's obviously a lot more in depth of that, but the argument in Stanford for free will, and this I think is what's really important to really take a look at because I truly believe that science and big ver universities and stuff will come to the same, um, truths as, as we already know in spirituality for, for years and years. Right? So the argument is if one is an incompatible really then the cause for, and the reality for free will requires evidence for being effective agents who are the most part aware of what we do and why we're doing it. Okay. So really free will in the eyes of say a Stanford or a big university is saying, do we, are we aware of our choices, right? (05:32): Versus just being out of the subconscious mind or out of some reptilian, we're just, you know, computer type of a thing, right? If one, um, really is in an incompatible at list, really understanding this cause of determinism occurring in the right location is in this process leading from deliberation to action. Many think that we already have third personal neutral, scientific evidence for much of human behavior, satisfying, modest incompatible requirements, such as Fisher Revisa, Revisa sorry that, that names hard to pronounce. So basically they're saying that they do already scientifically have the evidence basically for against causal determinism. Okay. So we need to break this on down because if you are a spiritual coach, because really my audience, my community are people who really want to understand. They want to really, they've had a divine calling to have a spiritual calling. Generally the people that are in my tribe, if you will, or listen to this podcast are really kind of obsessed with consciousness, kind of obsessed with spirituality. (06:46): And you need to be able to, to, if somebody says we don't have free, will, you know, you need to be able to say, well, from our perspective, you know, from a spiritualist perspective or from a new thought perspective or from a science and mind perspective, what is the answer? How do we, how do we make the case that we do have free will in the perspective that really free will is divine will because we don't see any difference because it's really, it is really the ignorance. If you will, of understanding our true nature. And our true nature is one with all of life. And science proves that now. So we have to be able to argue for the truth and that's why we get to be righteous, right? So the law of the universal law of free will basically is that the absolute truth is God's will, is your will God's will, is your will. (07:35): There's no Deline delineation. Okay. This law works in direct proportion to your ability to direct energy upon universal law, by the power of your mind. And with the conviction of your heart, divine will has nothing to do with using force upon the physical realm control is influenced by the beliefs within your soul. Okay? So this is the deal. We know that everything is the out picture of what's happening in your soul. Okay? Your soul is new, is not neutral. Your soul is where all your limited beliefs are in. Okay. So say for example, you feel like you want something in life. You wanna have freedom of choice and free will to be able to manifest something, but life might feel like it has a completely different plan and there's resistance, and you're not being able to manifest and demonstrate what you want in life. We have to recognize because it is actually not necessarily coming from that, that logical standpoint, it's actually, life is out picturing the free will and the divine will is happening at a soul level. (08:40): You don't have to do anything. It is in actually your perception of life from your limited beliefs that is out picturing through the law of polarity and all kinds of things. Okay. So we have to take a look at how are you determinism? How are, how are you creating your free will, you're creating your free will by actually your decisions in mind, your, your identity is what's causing the free will to out picture. So we have to go past the concept of, do you have choice or do you not have choice? Okay. You always have choice, but say the addict that's very addicted. Feels like I have no choice in this. You know, I'm just doing things on automation. Well, it's because they have, they have chosen over and over and over again at a soul level, at a subconscious level to hand their power over again. (09:28): And again, again, to a substance, a thing or a circumstance, therefore they're experiencing having no free will. But the reality is that they created over and over again, they made choices that create now what feels like they have no choice, which is actually what they did choose. Okay. So it's the same thing with anything in life, right? So say I want high energy. I wanna have freedom of choice to have high energy right here right now. But over time I've made, you know, choices of, of, you know, poor choices of the food that I've put in my body over and over and over again. Or I also, you know, have something at a soul level that I feel like I've not completed, um, different epigenetic cycles, uh, within my DNA. Right? So, but all of this was choice. It was choice at some point in time, which we know there's no such thing as point in time in spiritual, but there is the choice and there is the effect that's happening. (10:25): That's out picturing now in your current reality. Okay. So how do we restore feeling like we have more and more quote, quote, free will. And this is the deal as always, we have to do our inner trauma, spiritual trauma work. We have to release feeling like we're the effect of anything we need to awaken to the fact that we chose every last drop of what we're experiencing. Now, whether that be culturally, whether that be individually, would that be that we created, you know, even from a cosmic cosmic perspective. Okay. So we first have to wake up to the fact that we created all of it. Next we have to align. We have to align of course, with this. So of course it goes back to the four steps of four first step is to awaken, to wake up and decide that we want to restore our free will. (