Universal Law of Emergent Evolution {11 of 52 Series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:20): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in community in new thought global and society. We truly believe that when somebody awakens save a gift and message to bring to the world, we're all about enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. So let's do this thing today. We're gonna talk about the universal law of emergent evolution. I think this is such a fascinating, such a fascinating law. Robert COER wrote the book secret of the ages. And in the second chapter, it talks about the purpose of existence. The entire purpose of life is growth. Life is not static. The only sin is to be stagnant and wait. There is a law of supply, a law of infinite energy. (01:16): He talks about how there is this law, this law that is the same law that created the fifth finger. There is this aspect that if you go to the gym and you start lifting weights and you start doing repetitions, your hands will build callouses on them to thrive. Right? There is this aspect in us. There is this part of us that is like the sleeping giant inside that has the ability to emerge in accordance for you to thrive. And so today we're gonna talk about that. The law of emergent evolution, what is it? So during evolution upon demand for life to prevail there emerges new properties. Again, like the fifth finger emerged out of the necessity for survival form transforms upon insistence of consciousness when we need something and we demand it, the law has to, it has to, it has to provide it right. We demand it. Life demands it. And the law, the force, the source, the infinite infinite, well, that is the truth of life and who we are, has to emerge. This is the emergent evolution. When the individual demands and commands the subconscious and the subjective mind of the universal law is set into motion. (02:53): The universal law, the, the one kind of secret the secret to this. If there's a secret, which Robert COER really, I love this, this book, it's like a series of books, the secret of the ages, volume one. This is a deal. There is a source. There is a source that has infinite, infinite. It can help you build those callouses. It can help you create the fifth finger. If it needs, it helps you figure out a way to prevail through anything. But this is the deal you have to demand it. You have to demand it. Life has to demand it. You have to demand it so you can either have life demand it, or you can consciously demand it, right? So this is, you know, if you do enough manual labor or, you know, then you'll, you'll build the muscles and the callouses, right? Do an intense physical workout and your body will build the muscles and strength. (03:48): It needs to adjust and soon become the equivalent of what you're demanding of it, right as life seems to be running smoothly. This principal seems to be in slumber, but if you push yourself life, this life principle's demanded. And the Providence moves too, right? This is called what we call like the second wind of the runner, where the runner has been running so long. And all of a sudden it feels like it's gone out of its glucose and it gets, the runner starts getting a little bit tired and then it hits almost like a wall. And then all of a sudden, if it keeps running, it breaks through that wall. And all of a sudden it goes into a second system in their body, cuz it calls upon the reserves, which is called the second wind of the runner. This is the sleeping giant within I find this law to be extremely powerful. (04:42): When I first read this book, I was like, what? Like, oh yeah, I forgot. You know, like it's like, it's almost like we already know it inside of us cuz truth. We already know that thing called amnesia that sets in, if we don't wake up and do our work and, and keep doing our work and every day have a spiritual principle practice and, and remember the truth and keep learning universal law, keep learning universal law. Remember it until it is so, so clear. This is a profound law emergent evolution. So the, the tricky thing is that, you know, there's some religious people that don't, that don't believe in evolution. You know, they believe that God put us here and that there's no such thing as evolution. There's other people that believe that, you know, maybe we were, um, you know, some type of an ape. (05:36): And we, you know, we morphed into this thing that we are now. And, um, you know, the truth is that, um, we are a spiritual truth is that we're all from one source. Everything is from one source and everything is the out picture of that in fractals of all different types of species and all different types of forms in, um, in earth and everything were all connected. And they found of course, that you know, that there's meteors that have the same, you know, properties that live within this world and us and this universe and this and earth and everything else. Right. So we're all connected. And so the evolution, the emergent evolution is that it's all, it's all from that one source from that one. Cause, but once it is demanded upon whether through consciousness or through life, it evolves, it evolves according, right? Like if you wear a bunch of clothes, you don't need as much hair on your body. (06:38): Right. And obviously it doesn't change in maybe one lifetime, but it changes over time, right? So this is the emergent evolution. Same with, if you demand the body to have more muscle, it will, it will rise because it's from the same source. It's from this infinite. Well that is if you demand it, it prevails. The truth is that we've never, you know, died as a species we've, we've, you know, gone into, you know, even through the ice age, even all these things we have, we have prevailed. And so it's important to recognize that there is a life force that can't die. It can't die. It prevails. It will always rise to the occasion. That's just the reality. Um, and so today, as we know the truth around the truth of who we are, which is divine, infinite, spiritual being, I recognize that we've created these laws at the same source that created the entire universe and created gravity and created universal law. (07:32): The physics, if you will, of how we manifest that this is your birthright. Cause it's who you are, it's who you are. And so Robert Collier said, the first principle of success is desire. Knowing what you want, desire is a plant of the seed. So the point is, this is that there is this law, but you have to supply the demand. You have to, you have to supply the demand for emergent evolution to happen consciously. Or you can just let life demand things. And emergent evolution will happen regardless. Universal laws work, whether you believe them or not, you get that they're law. They're who you are, that the essence of life, it's how it works. These are the universal laws. And so on that note, let take a deep breath in together through the nose and out the mouth. And I just recognize the power that be, I recognize that it's time to evolve that your soul desires, creative expression, that you are an artist, a cosmic designer in the canvas of life and each paintbrush, each stroke is your masterpiece and represents the hidden beliefs of your identity, whatever it is that you desire to be, whatever it is that you truly desire in, you demand it. (08:55): And the law of evolution, emergent evolution has to prevail. You were born to expand in the greatest version of yourself. And I simply know right now that you have that sleeping giant within you have the second wind of the runner. You have the infinite infinite source. That's created this entire universe. It's sitting at your backend call of your consciousness. And so wherever it is that you feel like you are not getting what you want to experience at a life, there is only one thing that is waiting to happen. And it's for you to demand and declare onto your subconscious mind, the subjective mind and onto all the laws, universal law of emergent evolution, that this is your birthright. So today, as you go into today, I recognize that whatever it is that you truly desire is your destiny. So I have a beautiful day. You guys, I know the truth as together we say. And so it is, may you demand the life force of emergent evolution? Yes, yes, yes. I say. And so it is okay. You guys have a beautiful day and may you live your truth? (10:11): Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Erin podcast. If you've had a call to be a spiritual leader or coach, you can go to www.drerin.tv and check out our free training. If you receive value here, I would love it. If you take a moment and give a five-star review in exchange, I have a ton of free gifts for you. Grab your free awakening book, 40 guided meditations, and a digital manifesting masterclass. I also have free money, meditation, and a worksheet for you. So you can begin to break through your scarcity mindset and claim your birthright of prosperity. You can get all of your gifts and learn about our upcoming transformational events in my bio link on both Instagram and Facebook. That's under www.drerin.tv. Also, I'd love to invite you into our free private community on Facebook, under a group called Soulciété, which is facebook.com/groups/soulcietespiritualcommunity. Have a divine day and may you live your truth.