Universal Law of Forgiveness {46 of 52 series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea, coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Have you ever wondered why Adam and Eve or cast outta the garden of Eden? Have you ever wondered why you're not living in true heaven on earth? Why, why? Why? If we're such spiritual people, if we are all powerful, all knowing powerful, divine being, why, why are we not living on heaven on earth? Well, if you ask these questions, which I have sought my entire life, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. Welcome to Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So this break, this sun down today's podcast is universal law of forgiveness. Number 46 of 52. Yes. Let's talk about this thing called forgiveness. You guys, this is what I would consider the secret, the key of unlocking our true freedom and living in on heaven on earth right here right now. (01:17): So let's do this thing. Have you ever had, you know, um, somebody that did something bad to you, a perpetrator, maybe, um, a boyfriend or girlfriend that cheated on you, maybe you had a friend that, uh, talked bad about you. Maybe you had, you know, some horrific things happen to you. Maybe you were raped. Maybe someone stole from you, maybe your parents abandon you, whatever it is. I want you to right now in your mind, think about what it is that you are still not able to forgive. I want you to just hold that in your heart right now. Okay. And recognizing that truth is able to set us free. I am certain with every cell of my body and every bone in my body and my aspect of my deepest, my deepest knowing of my spiritual realm that this podcast and these truths are really the secret and the key to allowing yourself to free yourself. (02:24): So the law forgiveness is a law of releasing and in turn being released from the chains of judgment. When you forgive you, you give yourself back to yourself. This is a restoration of the energetic ties of bondage. It's not about letting someone off the hook of cause and effect. It's about freeing yourself from the jail a victimhood. Okay. So my question for you is who do you need to forgive? And as we know, the greatest forgiveness is always with th myself coming here right now, in this day, in this presence, I recognize that we all, this is our core work. This is our core work to forgive ourselves. And I ask you, are you really ready? Are you ready to let go? Are you ready to free yourself of the bounds really? And truly, are you ready to no longer, you know, hand your power over to anything of this world? (03:17): Anything that has occurred? Are you ready to be set free? So let's break this on down. Okay. So here we are in the middle of, you know, Adam and Eve and them being cast outta the garden of Eden from the Bible, it says, the Lord, God said, the man has now become like one of us knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat and live forever. So the Lord, God banished him from the garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. So let's break this on down, right? Obviously as a new thought minister, Dr. Divinity, we refer to science, we refer to all religions and refer to all philosophy. We truly believe that there is truth in all of it. Okay. So what does this mean? Exactly? (04:11): We live in this relative universe and in the relative universe, basically we have this choice and as the Bible said, we are, we are, we are born of sin, right? Sin from a metaphysical standpoint is missing the mark. It means misuse of your energy, meaning that we truly desire. Of course, heaven. We desire connection. We desire law. We desire vitality, right? Those are the blissful states. But if we misuse our energy, we can use it to create that heaven, create that harmony, create that oneness, or we can misuse it because we're here to experience ourselves even more in a relative way. Right? How does God, how does divine experience more of the Al mightiness, there's only one way it's through inversion, it's through it reversing our use of energy and being able to experience that relative expression of creation, which is hell right. So how do it get cast out of the out of heaven? (05:15): There's only one way to get cast outta heaven one way and it's judgment. Okay. Because judgment is the misuse of energy, right? So for example, um, if someone does you wrong, right? So for example, say when I was a little girl, my mom and dad got divorced and my dad, you know, left, he went and to go find himself. And he ended up, you know, getting remarried and had another children. And, and we weren't invited to the wedding. And I remember really struggling with that as a young woman, as a young girl. And as I began to do my inner work, I had to forgive him. You know, I had to, you know, write a letter and I had to do my inner trauma work. And I had to, you know, do all the stuff to release that pain, to release that, suffering, to release, whatever, and to forgive him and forgive myself, forgive myself for, for causing myself the suffering of the meaning that I put around it for so many years and to release myself of that and everything. (06:20): Right? So someone may, may say, well, why should you forgive him for that? You know, that's not, that's not okay. And that's not in harmony and that's not helping you for the highest good. And that's not whatever, right? The point is, is that from a metaphysical standpoint, that if I choose to stay in that, in that, you know, judgment and I choose to make him wrong and I choose to stay in the suffering within, I misusing my energy when I can use my energy to create what I do wanna create and create a community and friends and family that are all, you know, together, by the way, my father and I, as, as I'm sure you guys know, if you follow me, I have an amazing relationship with my father. Now we've healed everything. And, and my family's really thriving. And through our imperfections, we've all forgiven each other. (07:10): And, and we all, you know, come to the table and, and commit to one another and show up for, you know, different family events and things. So anyway, back to this, okay. So the point is that I could stay in that victimhood for the rest of my life. In fact, I know lots of people that do, you know, lots of people that do, right? So you can stay in that victimhood for the rest of your life. And what does that create? Right. It creates more sadness. It creates more suffering. It creates more division. It creates more hell on earth, casting yourself out of the garden of Eden, right? That's sin. Sin is misuse of energy, right. But if we wanna U then I have the choice. The choice is to forgive myself, do that work, forgive him and choose to use my energy for good, use it, to create what I do wanna create, what I do wanna create in, in creating, you know, family and, and friends and creating community and creating, you know, abundance in my life. (08:07): That's the right use of energy. And that is what casts me and brings me back into heaven on earth. Right. So we have to understand that this is what they said in the Bible. Therefore, the Lord, God. Okay. So we, we in metaphysics, we do not consider Lord. God's a man in the sky. Right. We consider that Lord, Lord is the law. Okay. We created this, this dynamic and these rules and boundaries of the universe, physics and of how it works. Right. We don't, if we don't have gravity, we're just gonna have particles flying all over the place. Right. So we, we recognize that we have to obey the law because we are working with this, this, like the structure of this universe. Right. Okay. So therefore, Lord, God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he was taken. (08:55): So he drove the man. Okay. He drove the man out. Okay. So basically, look, you have to, till your own thing, what, if you are sitting in judgment of a circumstance of a person, of whatever you are making your own garden, honey, you're making your own, you're tilling your own ground. Okay. Whatever you do, you spot it. You got it. Okay. If you judge somebody else for how they misuse their energy and what they did, you actually are doing the exact same thing. Get that you are using your energy for harm harming yourself. Right. Okay. You're doing the exact same thing. You've cast yourself out of the garden of Eden Martin Luther king Jr. Said he wrote, we must develop and maintain a capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love you. Get that. (09:51): If you, if you don't have the power to forgive, you don't have the power to love. And the truth is that you always have the power. You can't not have the power. Okay. But the point is is that if you understand universal law you'll understand that whatever else someone else does, they have their own karma around it. They have their own tilling of their own ground. Okay. My father I'm sure has had to deal with his choices. Um, just like I've had to deal with my choices. Okay? No one needs to judge me for me to have to deal with my choices. The universe does that the law does that already. It's called cause and effect. And I have my own moral compass and my own ethics and my own cause and effect of what I have chosen to create in my life. Good and bad, right? (10:34): No one has to judge me. The universe does it automatically. So for somebody else to judge me, or for me to judge, my father is ridiculous. It's a misuse of their energy of my energy. And so we have to recognize that forgiveness is the key to recognize that we get to be in this world, no matter what's going on, no matter what, political uproar, financial uproar, viruses, all that whatever's going on, we get to not judge it. We get to put laws into effect. Collectively. We get to choose that to have cause and effect so that we bring order. Right. But we don't have to judge it, meaning that we don't need to put meaning on it to make somebody wrong. It is a misuse of our energy. Okay. It's like shaming, the criminal. Okay. The criminal, as we know is all one collectively. So lets not even go there. (11:25): It's like, that's a whole other conversation about what we're reprimanding people for when it's a collective, you know, spiritual healing that we need. But there's no point in shaming, somebody it's cause and effect, you either did a crime or you didn't do a crime and there's cause and effect of that to shame that person doesn't make any sense because it's using the energy to energize that when we really should be energizing, something that we're creating with that we truly desire. So my invitation again, is to recognize who do you need to forgive? Who do you, who are you ready? Are you really ready to let go? Because who would you be if you don't have to stay in that story? Who would you be if you don't have to use your energy to, to energize the drama and victimhood, right? That doesn't mean that we spiritually bypass. (12:10): That doesn't mean that we go in and don't do our trauma work and heal it and feel that fully and expr