Universal Law of Gender {26 of 52 series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:18): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in community, in society and in new thought global, we truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening. The world. Today's podcast is the universal law of gender. We are on number 26 of a 52 series on universal law. And what I know for sure is that universal law is the dynamics of how we manifest in this universe. They're the axioms and the physics and all the construct that we demonstrate through. We recognize right here right now that you are the law, that every cell of your beingness is one with this factor of how you are demonstrating, manifesting 24 7. So let's break this on down. Today's law is universal law of gender. (01:12): So I think this is a super important point. And obviously as a doctor of divinity of new thought, uh, principles, we do not teach, uh, traditional gender, meaning that what is a man? What is a woman? What are the traits? And all that is not in our spectrum of our teaching. We don't teach the roles and the construct of what the collective agreement of what gender is, but rather we teach what is the masculine feminine of our creativity. And that's what I want to teach you today. Okay. So just taking a deep breath into the nose and exi out, I recognize the birthing, the birthing of this creative factor of all of life. I recognize there is a dynamic within each and every one of us and of this universe that is this masculine aspect. That is basically what is implanting the seed of fertility, implanting the decision, implanting the desire, implanting what we are saying in our word of what we are creating into the universe. (02:19): And I recognize there's this feminine aspect of each and every one of us. And in, in the womb of this entire universe, it is the birthing. It's the, it's the womb that takes that factor, the seed of fertility and burs it into existence. And in this form, the culmination of both the feminine and masculine aspect, I recognize the entire 3d realm, this beautiful thing called life. And so I simply know that whatever it is that you're ready to birth, whatever it is that you're ready to experience, whatever it is that you're ready to let go of is already done in the divine, mind that in that decision, that powerful decision, that masculine aspect of each and every one of us, us of you, that you get to say and plant that seed and release all need to try and figure out how release all desire to figure out and make it all happen. (03:10): That it's already done that the feminine aspect of you, that aspect that receives and allows and just it's done. I simply know that that is the power that be the power of the culmination of that masculine, feminine aspect into the law. That is you, that is the power of your feminine dynamic, that divine feminine, that's creating 99.99, 9% of everything. I simply say, let us bird the greatest life may maybe bird the greatest, our greatest dreams, our deepest deepest desires into this thing called life into this dynamic. And I simply know this in my mind and heart that's together. We say. And so it is okay, let's break this on down. You guys. So universal law of gender Marco Australia said the spiritual meaning of love is measured by what it can do. Love is meant to heal. Love is meant to renew love is meant to bring us closer to God, not just a man in the sky, right? (04:07): But to that aspect, that our oneness, okay. So the long gender states that within all creation is the masculine and feminine. The masculine is the aspect of manifesting that implants the seed of fertility. The feminine is a subjective womb of life that bur the creation into form, every thought is the masculine. And every manifestation is the feminine. The manifestation is the, is the verb of it. It's the, it's the action of it. Okay. And then the form is the culmination of both energetically, all things are held in perpetuity in universal consciousness. Sexuality is the divine urge to create in its expression. So it's important to know that, you know, there's a lot of talk about, oh, I manifested this and manifested that. Yes, that's correct. But it's the demonstration is the actual thing itself. Okay. So when we're talking about manifestation, we're talking about the actual action of, um, of law, of universal law. (05:03): Okay. Just to get really clear as I'm teaching you to be a spiritual master, whether you're a coach, whether you take spirituality into your business, whatever that is recognizing that in the, in the information and recognizing the intelligence logically and experiencing it is what I'm here to do. Okay. So we wanna recognize and break on down what is not the law of gender. Okay. And the distinctions of what it is and what it's not. So what is gender? I invite you to kind of think about what you've cons, what you've perceived masculine or feminine. And I guess you could say it from the standpoint of universal law in that that's the part of us that really decides it's that it's, that it directs it, right? So that part of you is directing. So any part of you and our true, our true awakening is coming into the balance of the masculine film within ourselves. (05:56): But gender roles are not necessarily what we consider to be masculine or feminine when someone's, you know, harsh does not mean they're masculine when they are flowing and wearing a skirt does not necessarily mean it's feminine, right? Those are kind of, you know, you can take a look at, um, people that are, you know, really evolved. They really come into both their masculine, feminine with men. Okay. So it's not right or wrong or better or worse, or you should be more feminine. You should be more masculine. It's really about you being you boo, as we say, right, you be, you, you divine unique expression of you. And in that you have to find the balance of the masculine feminine, right. So what is the masculine feminine from a perspective of universal law, from a perspective of new thought movement teachings? Okay. So the masculine is a part of consciousness that directs and, and plants the seed. (06:47): Imagine. So imagine there is, you know, a farm or whatever, there's there's soil and the farmer plants a seed in the ground and then waters it and nurtures it. Right? The, the, the actual act itself of that seed transforming into a plant or growing is the, is the feminine aspect. It just does it, nothing needs to happen. Yes. The farmer needs to water it and, you know, has to nurture that seed that's planted. But the actual events that take place are the feminine. Okay. So it's really about just allowing the feminine is the aspect that just does. It's the law. And it just does what it does. It's already, it's already been created. The law's already been created right over, over eons and eons. Right? So the masculine part of you is a part of you that can decide I've had enough. I decide right here, right now, I'm going to fulfill my dreams. (07:41): I've decided I'm done with not having any money. I've decided that my birthright is prosperity. And I decide, and I command my subconscious mind. That's the masculine aspect. Okay. When you, when you direct, when you direct through affirm of prayer, when you direct through your visioning, when you direct through the words that you speak, when you direct through deciding through your consciousness, you're, you are directing energy upon universal law. Okay. The aspect of you that just allows, and it just is done once you've decided is the feminine aspect. It's the receiving, it's the allowing it's that aspect that takes zero energy. It just does. Right. Okay. And then the form itself is both the masculine and feminine. So within all form of the universe, your body, the experiences you have, you know, the material, things, the relationships, those are all, both masculine and feminine, uh, feminine aspect of you. (08:40): Okay. And so we also need to say like, what is a twin flame versus what is your soul soulmate? Okay. Because we need to really make the distinction. Universal law of gender is really the creative process. That's what, what we teach of all universal law is understanding the creative process. So why do you care about knowing the law of gender is to understand those distinctions within yourself. There's a time to, to be offense and defense, if you will, right. There's a time to make it happen, and there's a time to allow it to happen. And, and you have to become awake enough and intuitive enough and know where you're at in that. Right. When I do a prayer, I know it so strongly in consciousness that I don't have to try and figure it out or make it happen. I simply take inspired action. And when I'm in inspired action, that really is my feminine aspect, right? (09:33): When I'm like, no, this is happening. And I am deciding right here, I'm using the power of my word. I am affirming. I am, um, you know, doing a affirm of prayer. I am deciding that is my mask on aspect. Okay. So I just wanna break on down a few other things of what we're not talking about. Okay. We're not talking about twin flame and we don't get into twin flame in the new thought movement area. But twin flame from our perspective is basically knowing that all relationships are for growth. All relationships are discover what we do and do not like all relationships are, will come together and will bring up whatever needs to be healed within the soul, within the subconscious. Right? So as a twin flame, we would consider it that when we come together, it is really burning off whatever needs to be burned off. (10:24): And sometimes it's too hot. It doesn't work out as dysfunctional and you gotta go away and actually could cause more harm. Right? But the twin flame is really to say, you know what? We call a mental equivalent. It, whatever it is that is in consciousness, whatever it is that we have a limited belief, a trauma whatever's going on when we're in relationship, every relationship is gonna bring up that