Universal Law of Habit {48 of 52 Series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): If you're anything like me, you've been feeling a little bit like it's groundhogs day lately with lockdown COVID and all the patterns that we've created over the entire year of being in our same patterning, our same habits over and over again. And so today we're gonna talk about universal law of habit. I'm so excited to break this one down so we can all break through and get new patterns in our life. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So let's break this on down universal law of habit. This is number 48 of a 52 series of universal law. And why is this so important? (01:06): Universal law is like the manual to the car that we're driving in this lifetime. You know, we come into these bodies, we come into this lifetime when we're never taught how the power of our mind works, how the dynamics of universal law works, how the spiritual axioms and principles work so that we can manifest in accordance with what are we truly desire? We are manifesting 24 7 all the time with the blink of consciousness, with the consideration of who you are, your true identity. And so we wanna break on down, how do we break these habits? So look, we all have read about Pavlos experience with the dogs, right? So basically take a look, remember back in, uh, the day, if you will. So Pavlo was somebody who he won a noble peace prize in 1904 for his work in medicine. He actually was researching of all things, digestive systems and work primarily with dogs. (02:05): And he was basically noticing how much saliva they were producing when they would feed them. And then they began to notice that they would begin to salivate before they ever even gave them the actual food. And then they realize that when they rung a bell before the food even came out, the dogs would begin to salivate. And so we began to recognize the power of the habit that happens, right? We are such habitual beans. And this is a great thing because I always refer back to being a little baby. You know, when my son was about one years old, he began to walk, right. He had began to crawl and then he began to kind of stand up and then he began to walk a little bit. And then, you know, of course, next thing you know, he was running. And so there's no way that he, he would be able to run if he hadn't had this automated system of habits that build in the subconscious mind in one with the muscles, in, with the neurons in, with everything. (03:11): So when he took a, you know, step, he would not have to think of everything like he did the very first step, the very first step, just imagine how much energy it took to coordinate and to begin to balance yourself and begin to do everything. So it all went into automated system. We have this beautiful, beautiful, habitual being, you know, system built into a subconscious built into every dynamic of our life, you know, and then who doesn't, you know, go through their social media or something and come upon a 21 day challenge, because we all think that all new habits are birthed in 21 days, right? So the psycho cybernetics book published by Maxwell malts in 1960, traced some new habits that people were basically being able to create over 21 days. And science is showing that that is not necessarily the case, but after I think 30 million publishings, you know, books being sold as books, it became almost like fact in the collective consciousness. (04:12): So how long does it take to build a habit? How long does it take? And from a sci scientific perspective, it takes 18 to 254 days for person to form a new habit and an average of 66 days. So the point is this is that it really is up to each individual, how long it takes. And as a spiritualist, as a new thought movement, we teach that it's the power of decision that you truly actually begin to form your habits by how powerful you decide. Because if you decide with total conviction and you like declare it in your subconscious mind, your subconscious mind is gonna do it regardless of whether you are trying to not build that habit or not. Right. It is done is done in the divine mind, but how long does it take for it to, you know, build the muscles that coordinate it, build the mindset that coordinates it, build the neurologic pathways that, you know, it varies of course, to each, uh, each person's system, if you will. (05:10): So on the average it's 66 days. So we wanna take a look at this. So why is it a law? Why is this a law? Because it really is. That is creating with the creative factor of life, the truth of who you are. So this is how universal law of habit goes, okay. Consciousness first creates from nothing. And then through repetition, imprints upon the automated subconscious mind and the cosmic mind, your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your feelings and your feelings become your emotions. Your emotions create the circumstances of your life and your patterns become the carmic imprinting on the one divine mind. So you may consider right now, like I've been considering because I've been feeling so much like it's groundhogs day through the, through the pandemic, through the lockdown, everything. And so for me, I've really had to take a look at this because, you know, I'm somebody that I love pattern. (06:05): I love habits. I love good habits of sleeping well and, and working certain patterns and eating at certain times and having social, uh, time at, at particular times. But what's happened over the course of, of all this is that I also used to balance that with spontaneity and being able to go with the flow in some areas of my life. And what I've found is I'm beginning to get much and more, uh, into feeling like I'm stuck, feeling like I'm in that ground hog day, feeling all those feelings, cuz it doesn't matter how awake you are, you know, there's laws. And if you don't work the laws, if you don't align to the laws, you will, you know, you're the you're gonna become the effect. There's the laws because this is why we created these dynamics. It's a game here at life. It's a game it's beautiful divine game. (06:57): And we have kind of rules if you will, which are, which is universal law, which is the physics of the world, how we're creating. Right? So I took a look at this. So I have been, I, I was waking up over and over. And when I would wake up before the pandemic, what would happen was it was my favorite part of the day. I'd wake up and I'd have so much creativity coming outta me. It was like oozing outta myself, oozing outta my pores oozing. And I would just have this creative flow and it just would go, go, go. And as I noticed, as time went on over the course of the year and I wasn't having that kind of spontaneity of pattern interrupts and getting outta town or going, traveling or doing different things throughout the year. I was only staying in my habitual part of my life, which is good. (07:45): But without the kind of non habitual part of it, you know, you can create addiction, you can create discord, you can create whatever. Luckily I was not going into addiction, but I began to find myself having the addictive plane out of the habitual mind that was doing the same things over and over again, experiencing groundhogs day, right? So you two may be experiencing feeling like it's groundhogs day and what is this? This is the inverted use of the universal law of habit. And this means that habits are good, but can also be bad, just like everything. Electricity can kill you or can create light and, you know, help you in all dynamics of your life. Right? So the same thing with the law of habit, habit can be, you can have habits that completely work for you and you can habits that work completely against you. (08:39): The point is everything you do repetitively will become a habit. So we have to be careful of what we're doing every day to create the experience that we now become in bonds with that become automated. So for me, what I began to do is a few things and it's been little tiny getaways. So I will go up to Santa Barbara for the day or for, you know, a couple days or whatever. I will, um, go to a girlfriend's house and go have a slumber party. I will go to a different place to go for a walk, whatever that is to begin to shake it up a little bit. Okay. Because sometimes we go, well, I don't want this one habit. I'm gonna try and not do that. I'm gonna go on a, like some people go, I'll go on a diet or I'm gonna try and not do this for 21 days. (09:28): That generally does not work. We actually need to recreate something new into a pattern of our life. Okay. So say that you are getting into the pattern of getting lazy and watching TV every day or something like that. And it's becoming a habit and a pattern that's starting to kind of negatively impact your life. Not me. I haven't watched TV since 2008, but let's just pretend. Okay. So instead of saying, I'm not gonna watch TV instead, it would be something like, um, I'm going anytime I wanna watch TV, I'm gonna actually go out and go, you know, invite a girlfriend to go for a walk instead of whatever that is, right. It needs to be something that you enjoy as much, if not more right. And being able to do that. So, um, it's really about pattern. And the point is this is that we are habitual being, we have this beautiful dynamic to create habits. (10:17): Like it's just given that anything that you do repetitively is going to become habit and your subconscious mind and your neurological system and all systems are going to learn that patterning. So my question and my invitation for you is what new habits do you wanna build? Like truly we understand that you have the pill ability to create anything you truly desire. So my question is what you desire? What is it that you desire to get into automation? You know, if you're like, okay, in the next, whatever 90 days, what do I really wanna create? That's just habitual. What would it be? Woul