Universal Law of Harmony {35 of 52 Series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea, coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Are you feeling discord? Are you feeling upset about what's going on in the world? Maybe you are getting a little bit emotional about the political scene, the economical scene what's happening out in the world, or maybe you're having discord with a relationship you're having ups and downs or upsets or arguments or whatever there, or maybe you are really struggling with food or getting to the gym or whatever it may be. You're feeling discord around your health and wellbeing. Well, today's podcast is going to answer all of it. truly, and truly today's podcast is gonna give you a tool and understanding and a new perspective of what's truly going on at a subconscious level at a universal level, at a political level, at a relationship level today's podcast is called the law of harmony and we're in a series. It is number 35 of 52. (01:16): So I am so excited to break this on down today. So welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. I am so excited to break this song down. You guys, we're in a series of universal laws. So if you don't understand what universal law is, it's like, it's everything. It's how we manifest. It's how we demonstrate. It's how we use our mind. That's connected with the subconscious mind. That's connected with a subjective mind that goes out and reflects back through this, this life, this, this mirror of life. So understanding universal laws is imperative. It's like, it's like the owner's manual of how you are, how you're manifesting, how you're creating in this life. (02:06): How it's all one thing going on, which is life, which is creation, which is evolution, which is you, which is knowing there's one life, one soul, one thing going on here, which is identity shifting, which is growth. And so today I wanna break on down the law of harmony. So if you are new to this podcast, I just wanna say, I'm so incredibly excited. You're here. This podcast is for people who are spiritually based. And of course also spiritual entrepreneurs. I truly have a commitment to help you monetize your life and make an impact in the world and have a great life of deep, deep relationships and having a profound experience in your, in your heart, in your soul, bringing it to the world. I would really appreciate, um, a review, a five star review on the podcast if you enjoy it. And I also would love it if you shared it out to a friend, if you enjoy it. (03:01): Okay, so let's break this on down. You guys universal law of harmony 35 of 52 series today. Okay. So there's a statement and it's this. The first principle of heaven is order. The first principle of heaven is order, which also means the first principle of heaven is harmony. This is the deal truth prevails. And if you take a look at the world out there, there's a lot of discord. There's discord in our political system. There's discord in the economical system. There's discord in a lot of relationships right now. There's discord between countries, there's discord all over the place. So what does this mean exactly? Why does this matter to you? Because most of us want to experience ourselves as all powerful. We want to create what we want to create. We wanna create abundance in our career. We wanna be expressed in our, in our legacy, in our mission, in our message. (03:56): We want to have deep, profound relationships that are, that are just, you know, abundant in all ways, we wanna have high energy and vitality. We want to experience every depth of all things on this planet. Well, this is the deal. The law of harmony states, that there is divine order in this universe. To the extent that you create harmony is the extent to which you will experience free will. This is super important. Okay? The extent to which you create Harmon is the extent to which you'll experience free will. Okay. And you might look, if you look out there in the world, it's very predictable from a spiritual perspective, I can look and see exactly what's going on. So there is, there is a law, okay? So what you'll see right now is all the things that are not creating in harmony. For example, our political system, the economical system, all these systems that are not harmony, they're not for the highest good for everyone. (04:51): They're good for certain families and certain things. And the rest, it basically screws people. Okay. So what will happen is you'll what witness in them, crumbling, okay? Maybe this will happen in a lifetime or not, but they are crumbling before our eyes right now because they're not in harmony. So all the free will, you'll witness it with individuals as well. If they start doing harm to others, they will actually take away their own free will. They'll start getting addicted to something. They will implode on themselves. They'll get lawsuits, they'll get whatever it is. They begin to implode on themselves because they're not creating outta harmony. So this is our, this is our greatest. If there's a game to play on this planet for me anyway, the game is to play for harmony for the highest good Thomas Troward, who is one of the great teachers in the new thought movement. (05:41): Metaphysical movement of understanding truth teaches that there is a, a what he calls the divine ideal. And it means that if we were each in our divine ideal, we would be fully expressed fully in our own original kind of unique expression, but we wouldn't be harming or putting our expression upon other people, meaning that our definition of evil is out of bounds. The sun would be evil. If it was out of bounds, it would burn you to death, right? We don't believe that evil from an opposite or different source. We only believe in evil in that we have a, our use of energy, our cause and effect. And as we use it to express to do whatever, if we impact people negatively, then we are harming them. We're we're, we're, we're, we're misusing our use of energy. Okay. So today I'm gonna teach you and we're gonna take some, we're gonna do a little, little interaction thing here of looking at where in your life you are outta bound or other people are outta bound and putting boundaries in our life to create harmony and peace. (06:50): Because if we understood how we work, we would understand that we have to stay in peace. Okay? So as you are having emotions, how you're having thoughts, beliefs, whatever that are creating instantaneously, the emotions of your life, okay? Whether that be coming in from politics, you have, you decide it's good or bad, and instantaneously you have a positive or negative emotion. It's you? You are the one that you need to put boundaries on. If you are looking out there and getting stressed out, because you're watching social media or the news or whatever, and you're putting a positive or negative meaning on it, you're instantaneously are having a positive or negative experience and you are harming yourself. So the first place where harmony begins always is within. And as we have a positive or negative experience in our motion, we are informing our subconscious mind, which has informed a subjective mind, which is going out and reflecting back in the circumstances of our life. (07:46): So if you have discord, it's always comes to self. It is first. If you have to first put order in on yourself. So again, the law of order states that there is a divine order in this universe, to the extent that you create harmony is the extent to which you'll experience free will. There is a standard we have created that demands that we must create in harmony to be Unbound. You get that, that if you are not creating harmony, you're gonna feel like you're in jail. Okay. Well, you start creating harmony. Your world were expand exponentially. The universe is constantly guiding you towards a harmonious life. So right now it feels like the world out there. Isn't guiding us towards a harmonious life, but it's breaking down everything that is not in harmony for us to create a harmonious life. Okay. Through freedom of choice, you can arrange such things in such a way as to set in motion, a series of causations that will harmonize your own conditions without antagonizing the like powers of others. (08:45): So this is the ideal law of harmony is imagine what the world would look like. If there was true harmony, there would be differences. There may be be different core systems. There may be different cultural beliefs, but we would put in order rules, laws, regulations to have everybody have their own beliefs, but not harming or over overstepping their bounds, right? That's the point of it. And don't, don't get me wrong. The whole judicial system, the law system obviously is a broken system off. We have a lot of work to do on this planet. You guys seriously a lot of work. So the ideal scene for each of us, individually, collectively, and, you know, across the globe is to begin to create harmony, which means that we need to create boundaries. Okay. So a good example of this was years back. I began to do my spiritual work and I was trying to find peace, you know, heal myself within, from my trauma, begin to tap in with source and begin to find peace with M. (09:52): And what happened is I still had girlfriends in my life that were very dramatic. There was drama, there was gossiping, there was fighting, there was upsets. There was all those different things between girlfriends. And I recognized that if I wanted to create a life of harmony, if I wanted to create a life of peace, I was going to have to put boundaries. So some people in my life I would able to keep in my life, be all place boundaries, other people, however, they were not able to hold those boundaries. They would overstep 'em all the time. And so I needed, I would go into ceremony and I would basically send them off to the universe with love, with peace, with everything. But there was, I had to put boundaries in my life to have harmony, to have peace. And so as my life, as I began to put boundaries, I began to have more and more peace. (10:40): And as I began to have more peace, I began to have more choice and free will to create the things I did wanna create in my life. Instead of focusing on things I didn't wanna create in my life. So my life got better and better and better. So I recognize that you right now, you get to take a look at your life. Where are you experiencing discord? Where is there a lack of peace in your life? Have you ever heard someone sing off key? Like there's a bunch of singers or something and somebody singing off key. You're like, whoa, that is not good. Versus have you heard when people are harmonizing where there's actually a group of people that are singing in harmony and is this beautiful, incredible thing that magnifies all their voices. And it just goes out in such a beautiful way. This is what we're trying to do. (11:30): Okay. So we need to know that right now in your life. If you want your career to, to quantum leap, if you want to have more prosperity, if you want to do all these things, you've got to get in harmony. You know, people come to me and they, and they're like, okay, they wanna do their inner work. They wanna do their spiritual awakening. And they wanna build, uh, a legacy in their