Universal Law of Healing {29 of 52 Series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? I want you to imagine for a moment. I want you to imagine that it's the 18 hundreds and you've been diagnosed with tuberculosis. The doctors prescribe you Callam, which is made of mercury and chlorine, which makes you get mercury poison and get more and more sick as each day goes by. This is what happened to Finns Quimby. Finns Quimby was a brilliant man who was seeking truth. He came from poverty. He had no education, but he had something inside of him that knew there was truth that knew there was answers that knew there had to be something more in life. So today's podcast is called universal law of healing. (01:06): We're in a series we're at number 29 of 52, the universal law of healing states that healing is done through revealing the truth. You have the power to heal through the power of your mind. You have been endowed with an infinite intelligence and innate healer within aligning with mother nature and the universal laws allow the symptoms to go away. Negativity, toxicity, and stress are all the indicators you're not aligned. So what happened in so interesting is that fi as Quimby is considered one of the follows of the new thought movement this week in spiritual practitioner, I'm teaching the history of the new thought movement, which is really it's it's Christian mysticism. It's a self-development movement. It is, uh, the mental cure movement. It is metaphysics. And if you look around the world today, you'll see all kinds of things of healing through truth. Truth is the answer. (02:03): Truth is the healer, right? So a dear friend of mine created the, a documentary. The cure is you, David sharps love you so much. And it's a brilliant documentary about understanding the power of mind and, and how we play into our own disease, whether it be consciously making choices that are not in harmony with mother nature, or if it's actually creating stress within our mind. Right. And then right after that documentary came out was the heal documentary, which is brilliant as well. And, um, dear friends as well and brilliant as well. And it's so important to recognize that there's, there's something in us. There's an innate healer that knows. And as we align to the innate healer within, and the innate part of ourselves, which is mother nature, we are mother nature. We are one with everything. And so as we go in today and we recognize healing, what is healing? What is it that causes a disease or not? And the medical field recognizes. It's what 70% of disease is psychosomatic in of itself. And about 90% of people that go to the doctor are going for stress related illness. (03:05): So what does mean exactly, you know, getting into the mecular movement, what happened was tuberculosis, uh, blew up in the 18 hundreds. And of course, tuberculosis, they found out was around for something like 1500 years, even prior to that. But for whatever reason, the cities got, you know, large. And there was probably a lot of, um, you know, we just didn't have the medical facilities and clean streets and, and clean sewage like we have today, right? So it got really bad. And it's kind of funny because the mental cure movement came out of the big kind of pandemic of tuberculosis. And now we're looking at, you know, the COVID and how people are shifting their values through the entire thing. And, and the new thought movement is blowing up as well because of it. So we have to recognize the perfection of all this, you know, so here Finn Quimby basically was seeking truth. (03:55): And if you're out there and if you're listening to this podcast, the commonality that we really have is that we're all seeking truth. And it doesn't matter if you seek it through the Bible or through a self-help book. Truth is truth. We teach the history of new thoughts really goes all the way back to, you know, Egyptian times it goes to Plato and it goes to all the great minds that came about Thomas truer, who was a judge in India and brought the Eastern and Western together, all the great truths. The thing is, truth is truth. It doesn't matter where you get it. It doesn't mean that there's only one place to it. There's only one path and it's within. And that is what new thought is. New thought is really understanding that we get to create something new, no matter what our past is, no matter what our DNA is, no matter what is gone on on this planet, that we get to have a new thought. (04:42): We get to have a new thought because thought creates the world. We're in a mental universe. So how do we heal? Let's just take this, let's break this on down. So whether you are dealing with stress and that is the disease of your life, or whether you have stage four cancer, or whether you're dealing with COVID, no matter what it is, we have to recognize that we heal through revealing the truth. But the truth is that you're not your body. You're having the experience through this body of the cause and effect of the universe. And we get to also have the choice to have optimum health in the body, but we have to recognize that we're a cause and effect universe. So if we choose to, you know, have stress for our whole lives, it will cause harm on the body. And the mind not, may not be strong enough to create the miracle of healing that, right. (05:34): Or if you are, you know, constantly choosing to eat junk food or put yourself in a lot of environment that's toxic and you get stage four cancer, you know, is the mind powerful enough to create the miracle of, of restoring the consciousness and restoring the body it's possible. So we have to recognize and take responsibility around all of it. We have to recognize that our consciousness is not just the individual, it's the collective and it's the cosmic. So for me personally, I've had quite a few miraculous experiences with myself, with clients and just witnessing in the industry, witnessing people when they're doing their E four trauma method and things in the, and the miracles that happen in their life. So for me, one of the biggest experiences I've I've had met multiple of them was I had a car accident when my six, my son was six months old and we had a rollover, a car accident on the freeway going 60 miles per hour. (06:30): And I herniated my, my lower back, um, the very end of my spine, one of the desks, and it was awful. I would be laid up for two weeks at a time. I could not move. It was horrific and, and it just kept going on and on. And I healed it through breath work. I'd lay on my back every night and I would know the truth. And I would, I would know the truth that my body has the infinite intelligence to heal itself. And I did my subconscious work and I have zero pain in my back zero. I've witnessed miracles of people with their headaches going away and, and aches and pains and arthritis. And I've seen people's hair start growing back out of this work one day also, it was a miraculous, um, spontaneous healing, if you will. I was, I had flown in, uh, a teacher I was working with from Israel and he was staying in my home in park city. (07:25): And we had, I think, five days together or something like that. And the first day he came, I started having like a little scratch in my throat. And I was like, oh, darn it. I, I hope I'm not getting sick. You know? And by the second day I realized I absolutely was completely sick. I had had the flu, I just, it was like, it was on, it was full on, you know, you know, you're like, okay, it's official, I'm sick. So like, I'm gonna go to the store and just grab a couple things. Cause I was gonna make us some dinner and stuff. And I was on the way to the store. And I was like, oh my gosh, I can't believe that I'm sick. Why this week, this is the worst timing ever. You know, I had paid to fly him in and work with him and all this stuff. (08:02): And I was like, literally screaming at myself. It was like, I was like a crazy woman. And I literally was like screaming at myself to the car. Like, this is not okay. We cannot be sick right now. No, we cannot do. And in that moment in an instant like that, all of my symptoms went away. It was like the flu was gone. And I was like, I kinda like looked around like what the hell just happened. And I was totally better. And then I realized the power of decision, the power of mind, what's possible and look in new thought movement. We're all about traditional doctors as well. We recognize that all medicine and spirituality is just like universal law. It can be used for harmony and amazing and, and heaven on earth, or it can be inverted and it can be created into disharmony and chaos and harm people, right. (08:57): There's doctors that do really great things. There's they, they create some miracles. They do, um, some surgeries that, that, uh, really have made an impact in people's lives. And there's also part of the medical field that has drugs and things that really harm people's lives. We recognize also in spirituality, there's incredible spiritual teachers that create that teach great truths. And there's spiritual, you know, people that are doing, uh, kind of shady, uh, psychic work that harms people and implants, uh, all kinds of things in their consciousness. Right. We recognize that all of it can be good or bad depending on how we use it. So in the new thought movement, we absolutely recognize that it's all God we recognize that we can create, um, with our minds infinitely and, and heal ourselves. And we recognize that it there's a time and a place to go to a doctor if that's what indicates for somebody, right? (09:45): So we don't wanna make it all or nothing. And we have to recognize the powers always within, which is very interesting because it brings, uh, it brings me to, uh, the medical industry and recognizing that back in the day with, uh, when doctors oathed in, they had to, they had to take their oath and their oath stated God in it. right. Like, and now they've taken God out of their oath. They make themselves, you know, this thing, which we recognize God is within, but we have to recognize our oneness. We have to recognize that aspect of ourselves. That is the infinite creator. And so today, as you go in today, I invite you to take a look at where you are in your health. What are you ready to heal? Maybe it's a limited belief. Maybe it is an actual symptom in your body. Maybe it's a pain you have, m