Universal Law of Increase {51 of 52 Series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth (00:19): In this divine moment right here, right now, I know the truth of your increase, the increase of love and vitality and growth and abundance in all area of your life. I know the increase that lives and breathe as you through you. So if you're somebody that desires increase this podcast is for you. Welcome to the doctor Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe and know that when somebody wakens, they have a gift and a message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So let's do the same guys. We're on a series of universal law. This is number one to 52 universal law of increase. Oh my gosh. I love this law so much. You guys, this is, I don't know. This might be my favorite law. Okay. (01:05): Universal law of increase. So, so funny because last night I was, um, you know, doing my kind of homework on this, doing my notes and kind of just looking over kind of backing up and finding proof and just looking through all the different things and increase is such a fascinating word because I come from zero religious background. I came from a, you know, family, my mother was anti-religion and then I come from also, um, the space of, of, you know, not even having the conversation around spirituality, we didn't never even have the conversation of like, you know, why are we here or the metaphysics or anything. So, as I grew up, I became, I became obsessed, really obsessed with the conversation around consciousness. And what was interesting is when I began to, you know, learn more and more about the biblical, you know, arena, if you will, one thing they would say a lot in their songs was increase. (02:05): I have this beautiful song and it's like increase, increase, increase. And I started to pray a Fe of prayer, not just man of the sky, but a Fe of prayer. And it's a song that I use all the time to pray. And it works like that word for me is, has such significance in my life. And then I also see this a lot in traditional, you know, non-religious work, for example, there's a book called the one thing by Gary Keller and in his book, he uses this, um, this metaphor of knocking down dominoes. And he actually uses the actual pictures of a domino that, um, that you can knock down a domino and actually you can knock down the next domino could be one and a half times bigger. So last night when I was researching, I came upon this great little videos, you know, not well produced, uh, anything, but it showed the fact of this so much. (03:04): So it's this gentleman and he, he has, um, he has these dominoes, there's 13 dominoes. And the very first domino is only, I think, five centimeters, um, big, um, and the I'm sorry, lemme find this here. It's there's it's yes. Okay. It's 13 dominoes. The smallest one is about five millimeters high. And by the 13th domino, it's actually over a meter tall and over a hundred pounds in weight. And so he knocks over the first teeny, like he literally had to take little, little, um, little, uh, tweezers to set down the first do. It was so small and he literally hits the first domino and it has a domino effect and it, it knocks down. And by the, by the, by the last one, the 13th domino is hard. Like it is, it takes a minute for that. Not a whole minute, but it takes like a few seconds for that last domino that a hundred pound, you know, more than a meter tall domino. (04:06): And the point is, he says, also, he says, if this sequence was 29 dominoes in length, the last domino would be as tall as empire state building. And so this is a, an image that I want you to really get, because this is really the gravity. No, no, no pun intended around the law of increase. The law of increase states. This pretty much this law teaches us that the use of energy upon energy creates exponential growth. Whatever we give our energy to will grow and multiply. This is a synergistic leveraging and confounding factor of life. The extent to which you invest your energy into relationships, that expand investments that grow and things you love is the extent to which you will catapult your life. Okay? And I wanna make the distinction. This is different than the law of growth. The law of growth that I forget which one that was, that was like 35 or something like that. (05:07): Number 35 in the series, the law of growth is different. The law of growth is where a ballerina can declare that they wanna become a ballerina, but it takes a while for the law of growth for them to have the muscle memory and the, and the, you know, the, the skill that it takes, that's different. This is the law of growth. This is the law of compounding of, of increase of knowing that there's a factor in this world that if you, that you, if you align with universal law, if you align with, with having a pure intention and doing one thing in with your energy and moving, pushing that one domino over, right, it has a catapulting result, right? We do that in, in society. We train and develop spiritual entrepreneurs, spiritual coaches, spiritual practitioners, you know, new thought teachers and doctors of divinity. Imagine what that does in the ripple effect of the leverage and the law of increase. (06:07): Right? So Robert COER is a great teacher in the new thought movement. I love Robert COER and he, he has a book it's called be rich. And in this book, he talks about this exact principle. The, the principle is wherever you praise, he says it different wherever you praise, you will experience increase. And so for non-religious people, they cringe at the word praise, right? But when you understand the word praise it's like, where do you praise? Which really is the concept of, of where kind of the new, the concept of tithing. The new type of tithing comes along also, which is basically imagine you praise. Imagine you gave to an area of your life knowing that that little amount or whatever it is you're able to do, it's going, it has to, through the, through the law of increase, it has to knock, knock over domino in some area in that. (06:57): And it has to have a ripple effect. It has to have a compounding effect. It's some area, and that's why we know fate. That's why we live in this place of understanding, which brings me to the parable about the mustard seed in the Bible. The mustard seed is this great kind of, you know, metaphor parable on the fact that the mustard seed is the smallest seed, but it grows to this huge, huge, like tree. And this is Mark's third parable of growth. And in this parable, Jesus teaches that although the kingdom of God started small with Jesus and the disciples, it would grow and spread across the world to unlimited numbers, numbers of followers. Okay. Literally like, just think about how many people are impacted now by Christianity and even Christian mysticism, which we, you know, we refer to all religions, all science, all philosophy, but you know, we definitely teach Christianism as well. (08:00): And so the point is this is that every thought is like a mustard seed, every small action that you take, everything that you give, everything that you focus on, where you put your energy is the mustard seed. The mustard seed may be small. You may feel like, oh, I'm never gonna climb that mountain. Oh, I'm never gonna be able to launch that because, oh, I'm never gonna be, you know, world renowned spiritual leader, but the truth is increased. The truth is that if you could keep your heart in it and you give your time and energy into it, even if it's small little action, even if it's small thought, even whatever's there, if it truly has the intention, because a seed has intention in it, why does one seed grow one thing and Oak tree, and one another seed can grow, you know, a, a mustard seed. (08:45): Why? Because there's intelligence, there's intelligence. There's an intention that is in that seed. And so for you, as you go into this day, as you look and, and really feel into your heart of what you truly want to, what you want to accomplish in this life, what really matters to you is one little seed. You have to plant one teeny little seed. And in that seed, something else will grow, right? It begins to grow and you just have to nurture it and water it. And know that that seed is, is grows into something. You have no idea. (09:20): It says that the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a person took and sewed in a field. It is the smallest of all seeds. Yet when fully grown, it is the largest of the plants. It becomes a largest Bush. It's the largest Bush they say, and the birds of this guy come and dwell in its branches. Gary Keller said the same in his book. The one thing Gary Keller, Gary Keller developed the largest real estate company in the world. And in his book he wrote and he titled it, the one thing, and the reason why is because he would ask himself, what is the one thing I can do so that, you know, I take basically, it's like, that makes me have a quantum leap, or that makes other things like go off my table. Right? What is the one thing? What is that one thing? (10:06): And so on the, you know, on this website that I saw that little video, it said if a five millimeter domino can set it chain reaction into play, that has the potential to topple the empire state of building empire state building. Think about the kind of effect you could have on the world right now with your right thinking. So look as truth seekers, as peer people that have had spiritual calling as spiritual entrepreneurs, as spiritual coaches and spiritual teachers, and on and on and on, we care about truth, right? That's why you're here. That's why we're in, in community. That's why you're in my tribe because we care. We've had a calling because we know that the truth sets it's free. And so we may think the worlds and shambles why I can't get it done anyway. Forget about it. No, like we have to remember this law. (