Universal Law of Individualization {40 of 52 Series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01) This is (00:02) Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19) I'll never forget being in junior high. And it was the height of Madonna's era. The song like a Virgin had just came out and she would come out with these, all these wrist bands and jewelry and in her lingerie with Jean jackets over it. And it was a phenomenon. And I remember thinking, oh my gosh, she was so expressed. Some people loved her. Some people hated her, but the point was you couldn't help, but experience her . She was everywhere, everywhere, everywhere. And it comes to this podcast, which is all about your individualization, universal law of individualization. So who are you? What's that expression for you? You don't need to be Madonna. You don't need to be, you know, a top politician, whatever that is, but I know for sure that you have a divine expression that is uniquely you. So today's podcast is universal law of individualization. (01:23) It is a series run number 40 of 52. So welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So let's do this thing, universal law of individualization, because working with hundreds, thousands of clients around the world, what I know for sure is that each person has an individual divine expression, and many clients will come because they're feeling, you know, maybe they're going through kind of some place in their life where they're like, I don't want to live what the culture has told me anymore. I don't wanna live of the programming. That's happened. I wanna find my truth. I wanna find my purpose. I wanna find my calling. (02:11) I wanna make an impact in the world as a spiritual entrepreneur, or maybe there's somebody that's like, you know, I'm in a broken relationship that just feels like a dead end. I can't do this anymore. Or I wanna be able to finally make money and have my expression and be able to get my voice out to the world. Whatever that is is that I think there is a core deep desire for each and every one of us to be fully expressed and to experience the depths of our soul in form. We truly believe that that is the business development is spiritual development. We're not here to produce products. We're here to express ourselves. We're here to experience the depths of our soul. As Joseph Campbell said, people say that we're se all seeking the mean of life. I think that we're seeking what we're seeking is an experience of being fully alive to being fully alive, right? (02:59) So that our life experiences on the purely physical playing will have resonance with our own innermost being and reality so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive. You know, Madonna is, is, I'm so grateful for Madonna. You know, some people hate Madonna. Some people love Madonna. But the fact is, is that she has brought this level of acceptance of being okay to be expressed at whatever level you're expressed. We know this through, you know, one of the greatest, um, marketing is through apple computers, whether you, you love apple computers or not. The fact is, is that they, their whole marketing campaign was celebrating the individual expression. And so it brings us to, you know, understanding universal law, understanding, uh, that you are the expression of divine whatever's happening in you is happening on all aspects. You are the alpha and the omega. And I think that the Dali Lama really expresses this and brings science and philosophy and religion and, and spirituality all in one through his book, the universe and his single Adam, the convergence of science and spirituality. (04:16) And I think this is such an important conversation. How do we find our individual expression and yet align with harmony? How is it that we advance technology and all this, but we can't, but we're having more wars, right? That's one of his conversations. And so the point in this conversation, cuz why would we care about this is because I desire to be fully expressed in my voice, in what I wear and who I hang out with in my art that I bring to the world, my creations, my helping, uh, through different expressions through E four trauma, work through truth triangle through all the things that I express and I desire to celebrate you in your own expression, your own unique things that you bring to this life. And isn't that what we're here to do is to each be expressed, but also hold boundaries and not turn into evil, right? (05:16) Evil is really going out of bounds. So we wanna understand that how in you is what's happening on all levels in you? Is this, so the law of ization is that you are an individual, you're an individualization of one of the one spirit, a unique divine expression. It is your specific use of the one mind universal laws are designed to be uniquely directed by each person for a specific experiential outcome. And furthermore, you are the only person in this entire universe with your divine gift, which is you. You are the divine gift. Okay. So what does this mean? Exactly. Cuz in spiritual practitioner, we dive deep into this, which is a, a fairly advanced, um, conversation in that what's happening within you within each cell, within your use of the divine mind. Cause we recognize that your consciousness, whatever you believe, whatever you plant into the seed of your subconscious mind, which is one with a subjective mind, which creates polarity in universal law and reflects back exponentially. (06:27) Why do we care about this? And I think that it was brought up so perfectly by one of the practitioners yesterday in our conversation was in the world today with politics, with the COVID, with all this stuff going on, there's so many polarity viewpoints, you're either a hundred percent for it. You're a hundred percent against it. You're all this stuff. And the point is, is that everyone's right. Everyone's right. Because their experience is creating their reality. We teach this through the universal, you know, ultimate truth versus relative truth. Your truth, your belief, your everything is ex is actually creating your experience. And so your individualization is actually the same thing. That's happening on a cosmic level. This is such an important conversation, right? Like literally what we do and think in our lives as a Dai Lama says what we do and think in our lives then becomes extremely important as it affects everything we're connected to. You are literally creating the entire universe in existence right now the universe didn't get created. Some past thing it's being created right now by consciousness. And you are that consciousness. We are collectively the God consciousness that is creating everything. (07:52) I'm kind of like a little bit across the board right now, but I can't help it because right now I can tap into the collective consciousness. And there is something that is happening within all of us. And it is feeling like everything is against us at some level, the world, the politics, the lockdown, the division, the polarity, everything, it feels like everything's against us because that is what's happening. Conscious. Everyone's feeling that at some level, that is the polarity of one side and that the other side, there's this in total freedom that's happening right now that we get to actually live without giving a fuck. Okay. That's the truth is that when nobody, when nothing matters anymore, it's actually, it's the most lonely, most divisive, most everything. But also in that moment, we have this total freedom because we get to be expressed and do what we really want. (08:45) Not to get validation from anybody, not, you know, from anything other than the authentic thing that you would do. If no one's looking, if you don't, no one cares anymore, what would you be doing? And that is your individualization. That is the part of you that says, I, I know that this is what I would do. I wanna be expressed. I wanna live in this environment. I wanna live in this city. I wanna do X, Y, and Z. That if everything's taken away, if your career is taken away, you have to start completely over. You have nothing. The whole financial system changes. Let's just pretend let's go extreme. What is your expression? What is your individualization? What is your individual use of the one mind, the divine mind? Right? Because as the Dai Lama says, what we do and think in our lives then becomes extreme, extremely important as it affects everything we're connected to you are divine. You are evolution, you are truth. You are the alpha and omega. (09:51) I remember looking back at Madonna and whether she was a terrible role model or a great role model. The point was she was a role model to say, you get to be you, you get to be expressed and you get to break through all of the programming of what we were told as women to be. We can be raunchy or we can be reverence. We can be whatever is authentically our expression. And in that we go to a new thought. We create something new beyond the chains of our past. And I recognize that within you and every cell, every thought that you choose to energize every belief that you embody sets into existence, the entire universe, you are experiencing your relative experience. And there is multiple universes going on right now, right here on this planet. Every single person is right. Every single person is right, because whatever they believe, whatever they perceive is they can look for that case. They can find that exact reason why they think that. And they get to put that polarity into their universe. And it reflects back with precision. (11:13) You are the indivi individualization of spirit, your sole desires for you to step into your unique expression and live your truth. Let go of trying to be what the culture has told you to be. Let go of looking for validation or confirmation from people in your life. You are the trendsetter. You are the visionary. You are the unique divine individual. The world is ready for you to take the lead. The world is ready for, to experience something that's never experienced, which is you. The universe is ready to reflect your shining light. You are the individualization, which is the drop in the ocean. You are not just a drop.