Universal Law of Intention {38 of 52 Series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:18): They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Well, if you're somebody who wants to truly live what you intend and you want it to align with your heart, mine subconscious, all the above. You wanna listen to this podcast. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. Today, we are talking about universal law of intention. We're on a series. This is number 38. So welcome. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We come together to get our mind, right, our heart, right, our community, right? To live our truth as spiritual entrepreneurs, as light workers, as anyone who is ready to bring truth to the world, our mission is to awaken a billion people. And how I know it is already fulfilled. It is already done is because we are empowering training, certifying soul entrepreneurs, spiritual coaches, spiritual practitioners, law of attraction, ministers, and doctors of divinity. (01:13): I am so honored to do this work. You guys, I am so honored to do this work last night, I did deep, deep work, and I felt the core wounds of the collective. And it's such an honor and privilege to clear and be in touch and have compassion with that deep, deep aspect of all of us. And I know that there is an intention that we all desire, which is love and connection, love, and connection, and creating, uh, harmony and creating love on this planet. But I also recognize that we're in a relative experience. We're in this relative experience of having heaven and hell all in one place. And we really can't ever understand one without the other and coming to the truth within this beautiful invocation, that suffering is grace. And so today I want you to recognize the law of intention, the law of intention, the law of intention stays that, that what you focus on and given attention to expands and what you don't focus on or give attention to diminishes. (02:24): You are a director of this universal law, and the moment that you give energy to any thought, it sets life into motion. You are being guided to stop giving energy to things you don't want and begin to give energy to things you do want. The universe is guiding you to go within, get clarity on your authentic desires and set your intentions every day. So how in the hell do we do this? Do we just become, you know, spiritually bypassing and not thinking about when we're sad or when it's hard, or when there's stuff going on in the world, you know, like right now it's a lockdown, you know, COVID and political stuff and global things and people starving. And how do you deal with just putting attention on just what, what is good and what is what you wanna create? We wanna get down to this today. (03:14): Okay. Because the law of intention states that what we put energy on, what we focus on expands. So let's bring us down into something that's actually tangible. A lot of people will say my intention is to be loving, but then we get triggered and we turn it to a crazy person and we make the other person wrong and we shame them and we guilt them or whatever it is that we do. Right? So is the intention really to be loving or is the intention actually to be right? We need to get it right. People, right? Because if our true intention is to be loving, it means that we actually take action around that. What we truly intend, if you really truly wanted to be loving, you would live it, breathe it, speak it, write it everything. And you would do your inner work because we recognize through the work that we do, that the times that we get triggered are turned into that crazy person or make the other person wrong is cuz we haven't truly done our inner work. (04:17): We haven't truly done our trauma work and releasing those false identities and all that work that needs to be done to step truly into our oneness and our grace and our divinity, to be able to not take things personal, to not have attachment, to not have expectations, realizing that maybe other people are still working through their stuff. Right? So today my question in inquiry for, for you, for me, for everyone, is what, what is your true intention? What is your ultimate intention in the realm of your relationships, in the realm of your business, in the realm of whatever, what is your true intention? Meaning what do you wanna embody? That's really what we teach. We teach embodiment. We teach a law of attraction from the aspect of embodying it. Who do you need to become in your skill set and your mindset in the principles that you embody and who you are and what you think and what you create and what you focus on and all the above. What are you focusing on in your relationships? Because a person that actually focuses on being right, being safe out of fear is still that person that's gonna get, you know, make the other person wrong. Versus if your true intention is to be loving no matter what, and not be even phased by what someone else does, because your only source of love is true source, which is within, which is who you are. (05:45): Then we recognize if you really have that true intention, then it takes action as well. The definition or the etymology of intention is purpose design, OB objective, right? Your will your wish your desire. And we always say that your deepest wish your deepest desire is your destiny. What is it that you truly intend? Because you can't wait for the world out there to be perfect, to become the person you wanna be. It will never happen. Not in this relative universe. Okay. Intend purpose. Aspiration will thought, who are you? What do you truly intend in every breath I'm obsessed with Matthew seven, seven right now ask. And it shall be given unto you seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you for everyone that ake receive it. And he that seek it, find it. And he, that knockout shall open, right? (06:47): Ask, seek, and knock. That's true intention. True intention means that you don't just intend it with actually not having that be backed up in your subconscious, in your heart, in your mind, in your thoughts and your words and your actions, what is your intention? You can look at your life and you can see actually who you're being and you know what your true intention, your true intention is being safe, right? Small, right? That's the true intention. What is your real intention? And we've got to align that that's the true work of aligning, aligning to the truth of who you are aligning to your highest version of yourself aligning, which means it takes asking and seeking and knocking. We just discussed this in spiritual practitioner this last week, right? You have to get clear of what you want. What is your intention? You gotta know what that true intention is. (07:41): What is it asking? Well, that is, I want to be somebody who is loving. What does that look like as a goal? That means that no matter what happens out there in any relationship, I still stay in love in the presence, in the embodiment of love. That is what I ask. I ask universe. I ask my higher self. I ask dev divine. I ask for the goal for the intention, for the success of being somebody who is love, who is the embodiment of love? Ask, seek, knock, seek. That means seek. That means find the answers. Is it through E four trauma method to release everything that makes me get triggered and embodying? Is it seeking to find which meditations which breathwork, what is it that will help me be the intention and be the embodiment of that, right? And knock, that means you gotta take action, man. (08:37): You gotta, you gotta take some action, some bold action, some hard action, right? Ask. And it shall be given unto you seek and ye shall find knock, and it shall be open unto you for everyone that is asked, receive it. And she, that seeketh find it. And she, that knockout, it shall be opened. So what is your intention today? Who do you, what do you really intend? Meaning that, what is that say again, I forgot the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Meaning that good intentions for most of us, we thought we had good intentions. We had good intentions when we, you know, started that business, but then gave up on it, you know, a year later, cuz we didn't get exactly how we wanted it. We had good intentions with that one relationship, but then he was a jerk. And so, you know, it's his fault. (09:33): We had great intentions with all of it. But intentions means that you embody it. What do you truly intend? And that is what's being out, pictured into your life. So today as we go through this universal law series, it's important to understand why universal laws are so important because it's just the physics of life. It's the axioms. It's, it's how the world works. It's like gravity. The universe listens through intention. Your, you literally inform energy into motion by what you're intending, what you're focusing on, who you're being, the law of intention states that what you focus on and given attention to expands and what you don't focus on or give attention to diminishes. You are a director of this universal law. The moment you give energy to any thought, it sets life into motion. You are so powerful. Your entire subconscious is listening to every intention, like little soldiers and just saying, and so it is yes, yes, yes. (10:38): You are being guided to stop giving energy to things you don't want and begin giving energy to the things that you do want. This is disciples. This is the discipline. This is how you have to know that whatever it is that you have in your life is because it's what you're focusing on. And you're like, well, I'm not focusing on, on creating the insanity and the political and, and COVID and all that. Yeah. But there's infinite possibilities in here. There are people that will thrive and have deeper loving relationships and become multimillionaires out of this time. It is what you focus on. That doesn't mean that you spiritually bypass and don't think about the sadness within you. You deal with that. You, you neutralize that you express that you heal that the universe is guiding to go within, get clarity on your authentic desires and set your intention every day, every minute, every moment, every breath. (11:32): And so I know that your sole desires for you to stop complaining and start actually taking action and healing. What you're complaining about, what you place your attention upon is what will expand in your life. You are being guided to no longer give energy to things you don't want and be give giving energy to the things that you do want. The universe is guiding you to go within and get clarity on what your authentic motives are. What are your motives? You know, I think so many people go into the next relationship and they're like, my motive is, you know, I, I wanna find the love of my life, but then all of a sudden they're like, and this one's a jerk too. He lies also. It's like, no, your motive, your actual intention was defined and make someone wrong deep in your core. That's what you are committed to because that's the limited belief in the trauma that you've had from this lifetime and past lifetimes and so on and so forth. (12:22): And you're actually not actually dealing with the true intention that you have, which is to say safe and make people wrong and keep divided. Let's get real people. It's time to grow up. It's time to take responsibility. It's time to know that. No one's