Universal Law of Karma {12 of 52 series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:21): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in community in new thought global and society, all around empowerment, enlightenment, and entrepreneurship. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. And yes, we are. Finally, we are licensing and certifying spiritual practitioners, doctors of divinity, new thought ministers and coaches still. Of course. So it's so exciting. We are living in a very, very exciting time. So let's break this on down. You guys, we are talking about universal laws. We're in a series and today's universal law is universal law of karma. And, um, this is a fascinating law and I think it's misunderstood by a lot of people, but we're gonna break this on down. So in the new thought world and science of mind, the definition of karma is the sum total of all cause and effect. (01:22): It is everything. If you take a look and you just open your eyes at the world, this is your karma. , this is your karma. I love there's a quote by, um, a Buddhist teaching that says it speaks about time and karma. It says when a bird is alive, it eats ants. When the bird has died, ants eat it. One tree can be made into a million match sticks, but only one matchstick is needed to burn a million trees. Circumstances can change at any time don't devalue or hurt anyone in this lifetime. You may be powerful today, but time is more powerful than you. So be good and do good. And as it's almost like a little bit of punishing in there and you know, I get it, it, it is a cause and effect world. And we really need to wake up to what we are creating in this world. (02:15): And as Thomas truer said, we're really here to create harmony. And I truly believe in that and I know the Buddhist do, and I know so many teachings do, but I don't believe it's so much of a cause and effect of our specific, um, specific it is. But it's also sum total of everything that's ever been created because you are source. And so it's not like time is more powerful than you or God is more powerful than you. You are, that you are the source. That's what we're teaching here. We teach that you have created all of this. So it is your responsibility. Anything that you don't see in this world that you don't like, and you want it to be different, it's up to you to change it. You can't look to the world to, to do this for you. Right. So let's break this on down. Let's break this on down. Okay. I'm finding this real quick, cause I have my notes. Okay. (03:04): Okay. So universal law of karma. We are in a series of 11 of 52. Okay. So I remember, um, when I was writing my book years ago and I was in, I was on vacation with some girlfriends that I grew up with and they were like, I can't believe you're doing all this. You know, cuz they had seen me as this little girl, you know, and this whatever and watching me get developed in this work. And they're like, I really love what you do, but I don't necessarily agree that we create everything from consciousness. So we're kind of like, they were kind of debating it with me and I was like, it's okay. You know, no problem. You don't have to believe it. You know, we just don't see how, you know, a baby, a crack baby. That's born to a crack mother chose that. (03:47): And I'm like, well, that's not exactly what we teach. What we teach is that, that baby, we have to understand the truth of that baby. That baby is not just that individual consciousness that like something's wrong with that baby and that baby chose to have and did something bad. And therefore it's born to a crack mother. No, we have to understand the truth of that baby. That baby is that individual consciousness. It's also the collective consciousness and the cosmic consciousness. So that baby is really the sum total of what's going on in our world and has at whatever level, soul level chosen to experience this like out picturing of what it is like to experience being baby born, to crack from a crack mother, right? It isn't so much that it shows it from a conscious perspective. It shows it from a, from a soul level and it is not like it's so bad. (04:40): It may actually be a very advanced soul. And it actually is here to learn and from all the teachings of that suffering so that it can help others and help us on this planet. Oftentimes our greatest addicts that overcome addiction become our greatest teachers in helping other people overcome addiction. Right? So it's not like that one baby did something bad and therefore you're bad. You get this bad karma to be born to a crack mother. That's not what we teach at all. Okay. And so what is the law of karma? The law of karma is it is karma is a sum of the actions of the individual collective and cosmic consciousness. Okay. It is a cause and effect. It's the sum total of it. Okay. This includes all of lifetimes and all creation, all thinking, everything that exists has come from spirit and each person is living out his or her specific lineage karma along with the collective karma, along with what we've created on a cosmic level. (05:41): Okay. The extent to which the collective uses the life force for harmony is the extent to which we will create heaven on earth and vice versa. Okay. The disease factors cause from genetics are the sum of the actions upon that lineage, new karma is created via new thinking and new actions. And we're proving this now again in epigenetics, you may be born with, um, disease. And we are now seen through biology that only 5% of people actually have some kind of actual distortion in their genetics. It actually is epigenics, which actually can be healed through the revealing of truth. And we truly believe that anybody has the birthright to claim their birthright of having a life they love and having happen on earth. We believe in mental cure, we believe that you have the power of mind to cure anything that is going on with you spiritually and physically okay. (06:38): Even broken bones, even whatever, but it takes a very, very advanced consciousness to be able to do that. Can most people do that? No. Is it possible? Absolutely. Okay. So what does that mean? Exactly? You know, recently we had this, this horrific event with George Floyd and the policemen, you know, killing him, um, the man's, the policeman's knee on his neck and basically suffocating him right on the streets with, I believe three other policemen. And it's been, it was devastating, devastating to our country, devastating to so many people and a wake up call to so many. And so what does that mean? Did he have bad karma and he deserved that or what is that? How do we, how do we as new thought movement as, uh, you know, understanding universal law, how do we explain an incident like this from a karma perspective? And obviously this does not mean that George Floyd was deserved this in his karma. (07:38): That is not what we teach at all. In fact, quite the opposite. We teach that we are one that we are all one and that we truly stand for equality and we truly stand for what's right in the world, which is for us all to thrive in harmony and yet have our unique expressions and place boundaries and have laws in place that help keep everyone safe in their own expression. There, we believe in freedom of choice and freedom of expression and freedom of, of, um, speech and for no one to be harmed in, in the way that George Floyd was. Um, so what does this mean exactly? This means that he was the, the showing of the karma that we have as a whole, as a collective showing us that we are, you know, this is the disease of our culture, that it is that this is, um, you know, the effect of what we cross we've caused and had the right of, of having say, police officers be able to have such power that they could even have somebody in a situation like this with people, citizens standing by right by that probably would've been able to save George Floyd if the laws were not in place of having a policeman, have the right over a citizen, which is not okay, which is not okay. (08:57): And so I am not in politics and this is not a POL political stance. This is really a true stance and I'm not in politics and I choose to not be in politics. But what I choose to do as a doctor or divinity as a new thought ministers, spiritual practitioner, as an, as a person that comes from heart is recognizing that we are one and that we do have humanitarian rights and that it is up to us as the people to create laws that are for the highest good. Um, and I am not going to be doing that personally as a politician, but what I do do is I teach truth to help empower the person that does have that calling to be in politics or whatever, to teach truth in politics. So no, George Floyd did not necessarily have that karma independently, but he did in a soul level. (09:43): And I'm clear that at a soul level, he chose to have that experience because he really chose to demonstrate and be maybe a, a voice for the birthing of the truth for us all, to wake the freak up and put new laws and, and, and take divine right action for the highest good. And so I'm knowing eternal life for George Floyd and for all of us eternal love. And for us all, to have the wake up call to, to really, to do our part, we have responsibility in doing our part in bringing harmony to this world. So if you're not bringing harmony, if you're not creating something, whether it be in just creating peace within or doing something to help the highest good the collective, then I believe that you are, you're contributing to, to bringing more hell on this earth. If you are, you know, living at a dysfunction and not doing your own work to, um, to complete the cycles of suffering within yourself, you are not contributing to this world. (10:48): And all of our karma is all of our karma. And that's why for me, I believe when you awaken to the truth. So often I watch, uh, watch myself and others want to bring harmony and help bring truth to the world because we realize that we don't just do it independently. We do it through our consciousness and yes, you can go prey up in the Himalayas and you can do as much or more work than I'm doing on this planet. There's different expressions of how we bring harmony to this world.