Universal Law of Mentalism {28 OF 52}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:18): Today's podcast is a deep dive into the empire state of mind of this universe. Do you ever wonder why, why do you feel the way you do? How did this world get existed and what is it that we're supposed to learn out of all this? So today's podcast is on universal law of mentalism a series 28 of 52. So welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in community, in society and new thought global. We truly believe that when someone awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. We're all about empowerment, enlightenment, and entrepreneurship. So let's do this thing. Let's break this on down. You guys, we're in a series of universal law and this one is universal law of mentalism. (01:14): We're on number 28 of 52 breaking on down universal law. Why do we care about universal law? Well, universal law is kind of like a manual for how we are manifesting, how we're creating, how and why things are working for us or not working for us in our life is the actual law of cause and effect. And the first cause is always spirit, your true self, the consciousness that's backing and directing energy in your life. And the effect is your life. What is the effect? So if we take a look at your life, we can look at the four areas of your life, your money and career, your relationships, and love your health and vitality and your creative expression. And we can take a look at what is working and what, what is not working. And let's break this on down today and have you understand universal law of mentalism so that you can begin to use this law and align with this law because you are this law already. (02:12): So you can either create an incredible mental state, an empire state of mind, or you can create a state of mind that is in disorder, and that is hell on earth. So let's do this. Okay. The law of mentalism states that there is a divine source and intelligence inherent in all of life. It establishes and regulates the phenomenon of how elemental forms of matter relate. This law dictates the chemistry, biology, and science of the mechanics of this world. This natural design brings structure and standardization to create in a context of organization. So what does this mean? Exactly? Universal law of mentalism basically is stating that this is a mental universe that we consider all of the mind is what it is. Buddhas said, the mind is everything Swami such. Donata said, when you become the master of your mind, you are a master of everything. (03:16): So understanding science and mind and understanding the unity of life, we're all connected to this mental state. So the mental mind, the one mind there's only one mind and each of us individually get to use it through our own unique fractal of the one. So what does this mean? Exactly? We basically know that we are that individual. We, we, we perceive ourselves as the individual, but the reality is that we are connected in the collective consciousness and we are connected as the cosmic consciousness. So the law of mentalism is the first principle of the hermetic philosophy, which basically came out of the Egyptian, you know, times. These are, these are truths, okay. In new thought movement, the reason why we call it new thought is not cause it's new at all. We call it new because we get to have a new thought and create something new. (04:09): That's never been created in this universe, but new thought movement is ancient wisdom. It's come through all the lineage of truth. And what is truth? Truth is that we are eternal IMM, spiritual beings. And that we create through particular dynamics, energy cannot be destroyed. You cannot be destroyed. And we're here to basically know the truth so that we're set free so that we can understand the power of our mind in this mental universe. So what do we do with this law? Okay, fine. There's this, there's this aspect of life. That's all one mind and it's all mental. And it is, it has created all the elemental equations of the universe. It's creating the biology of my body right now. It's doing mathematical chemistry equations that no mathematician could ever do. It's the mechanisms it's axioms. It's, it's how we are demonstrating and manifesting. So what do we do with this? (05:04): What do we do with this? Well, if we understood that we're actually creating the entire universe into existence right now, if we understood the power of the mind, if we understood how powerful we are, we would, first of all, be blown away. And I just want you to get for a minute. Imagine right now that in the truth of who you are, the consciousness of who you are, you are actually creating and holding in existence, every star in the galaxy, that that's how powerful you are. That within you is the consciousness that is holding the earth, spinning through the galaxy right now that within you, that nothing is in the past. That's all being created in mind right now. And so for you to shift, to do your inner work, to do anything, it changes the entire construct of the entire cosmos. That's how important your inner work is. That's how important your spiritual awakening is. (06:09): So now what, what do we do? Okay. There's three ways to overcome your current state of mind. There's three ways. All of life is created through frequency. We call it the power of word to change and create into existence the universe, right? So what is the power of word? The power of word is really the frequency of you directing energy upon universal law for a specific outcome, right? And we're doing that all at all points in time, by just the consideration of who we are, that's how powerful you are, the moment you even consider yourself to be anything other than the, I am. You create entire stream of polarity into existence. That's how powerful you are in this mental state of this mental world. So what do we do with this? Obviously through the four steps within society and awakening, we teach to wake up, to decide, to decide what it is that you truly want to have a new experience in this mental universe. (07:17): Then of course, we deprogram the subconscious mind and we reprogram what we know into existence. We align with our unique truth and we affirm every single day in every way, but let's break down really the three ways to overcome your current state of mentalism, maybe your mentally ill, or maybe you are mentally sound. Maybe you are able to direct your mind with total precision, right? So there's spectrums of what it means to experience your own mentalism in this world. And again, it's not like there's only someone over here and only someone over here, we are all on the spectrum. And most likely we've experienced all states of that spectrum. Being able to be completely directing our mind, completely directing it, and being able to specifically with clarity and power create from nothingness. And then we've probably all experienced some insanity in our lives and being the effect of our emotions. So how do we master our mind? How do we do that? Well, we have to begin to build the muscle of the mind, which first step is really recognizing that we're creating everything. We're creating everything. That really is the first part. Okay. (08:34): And then we begin to realize, we need to deprogram the subconscious mind. So we do that of course, through releasing the subconscious limited beliefs, the identities doing the trauma work, all that. And what we do is we do what's called affirm of prayer, where we direct, or we state in truth. The subconscious mind is programmed through frequency. Remember? So on one side you have, imagine yourself like a scale, right? It's like one side is where you have all the heavy, limited beliefs it's weighing down the scales totally outta bounds. And it is it's all those limited beliefs. It's all the, the charge on the mental pictures of the trauma. And on the other side, you have this potential of, of having of having positive frequency, where you are energizing and releasing those limited beliefs through the high state of backed by truth. So you're either, you're either expanding consciousness and being able to experience your oneness and your cosmic aspect by expanding consciousness, by the frequency of truth, by the frequency of, of ex ecstasy, backed by truth, expanding consciousness or you're condensing your frequency. (09:57): You're condensing your subconscious mind by having limited beliefs, by having charge on mental pictures, by having trauma by all that. And you're condensing down your, your perception, but guess what? You're always, you're always a cause of mind. You're always, I am. You're always that it's just the perception. And the third way of really overcoming your mind or re subconscious mind is through your daily spiritual practice. And I'm not talking about 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening, I'm talking about every single thing you do. Every thought that you energize every breath that you take. Every thought, every feeling, every word that you, that you state every single day, all day long, what is your daily spiritual practice? And, but in society, we teach em, embodiment. Your daily spiritual practice is your life. Your life is your walking prayer. What are you embodying? (10:46): What, who are you being in the world? And that is your daily spiritual practice. Every moment is the meditation. Every moment is the mindfulness. Every moment you are visioning. Every moment you are energizing every single cell in your body, and you're influencing the entire universe, every single moment of your life through universal law. So knowing this and understanding how we're, we're creating through this, this mental universe, again, you have to decide, do you wanna have an empire state of mind where it's prosperous, where it's abundant, where it is it's flourishing, or do you want a state of mind that is lack and scarcity, and you have a kingdom that's crumbled and you're living in a dark abyss, right? So every single day we have to do our work. We have to do our affirmative prayer. We have to release our limited beliefs. We have to walk and talk and speak truth all day long. (