Universal Law of Nature {39 of 40 Series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01) This is (00:02) Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth (00:19) In today's world? We live in what feels really unnatural. We're in front of computer screens. We're on social media. We are disjointed in so many ways, physically, mentally, spiritually, we are feeling so divided so alone, and maybe you are in a relationship or not in a relationship. Maybe you're having times that are feeling more drawn in or having upsets and arguments. Maybe your career is plummeting and you are unemployed, or maybe you are thriving. The point is this is that there is natural laws that will help you align to the truth. And have you feeling like you're living such a natural life that is in alignment with your truth? So today's podcast is called universal law of nature. There is a nature, a natural order to this universe to you. And today we're gonna dive into that. So welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. (01:25) We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and a message to bring to the world and together we're awakening a billion people. No joke. That's our, that's our mission. I actually train soul entrepreneurs, soul based entrepreneurs, spiritual entrepreneurs. We also develop spiritual coaches, spiritual practitioners, law of attraction, or metaphysical new thought ministers. And of course we will be developing doctors of divinity. It's one of my, one of my missions. It's early this morning, guys. I can barely talk. Uh, one of my missions is to develop the most doctors of divinity on this planet. Okay. So good morning. It's very early where I am. And today we're talking about universal law of nature. We're in a series of 52 laws. So the law of nature is that there is a divine source and intelligence inherent in all of life. It establishes and regulates the phenomenon of how elemental forms and matter relate really, truly taking down to the elements of this universe and recognizing that there's a way that they relate, right? (02:31) This law dictates the chemistry, biology, and science of the mechanics of this world. This natural design brings structure and standardization to create in a context of organization. So why the hell would you care about the law of nature? Why do I care about chemistry? Why do I care about biology? Why do I care about the mechanics of this world? And Johan Wolfgang Vata said, beauty is a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would have been hidden from us forever. So the point is, is that it's natural. It's natural to desire, beauty, harmony, and enjoyment. And in order to have a life that really feels in alignment, that is beautiful. That is harmonious. We have to align with these laws. We have to understand there is everything working for that. And when we have resistance or upsets or feel discord or any of that, that's cuz we're working against the laws. (03:39) So today let's break this on down. So remember years ago, many of you guys know my story. I was, um, in a very dysfunctional relationship and I no longer feel like I'm a victim of him or anything like that. I recognize the perfection of my beliefs in how it came into my life. Um, he was a pretty advanced, um, addict, definitely an alcoholic. I believe he did some crack as well. Um, he was, uh, you know, a Grammy winning artist and um, I was deeply quote, quote in love with him. It was very dysfunctional. We would have the typical merry-go-round cycles of the honeymoon of, oh my gosh, I love you so much. I'm so head over heels. Uh, you're the love of my life, him getting tattoos of me on his body, to him falling off the wagon, you know, ending in, up in other women's beds to, you know, the destruction and the ups and downs and the fights and the discord and the breaking up and the getting back together and all that dysfunction. (04:41) And I remember learning actually I think it was somebody that was talking. They were reminding me that we had these mirroring cells. And if you are with an addict long enough, you become addicted. That's the truth is that there is this natural order, right? That if you hang out with an addict for too long, you'll become addicted, whether it be through codependency and the dysfunction of codependency, which is, could be probably worse than becoming a heroin addict, um, you could become addicted to the, to substance. You will become an addict because what environment we put ourselves in is what we become. And trust me, he did not make me into the insane codependent woman I turned in into, in that relationship. Clearly that was brewing in my, uh, subconscious mind over, you know, my belief that I was not enough that love equaled pain and so on and so forth. (05:39) So I do not blame him at all. In fact, I send him such gratitude through the ethers today, always. But what I know for sure is that there's divine order. There is a natural law that everything we choose, whatever environment we choose to put ourselves in, we it's natural, right? So this natural law, the law of nature is that if you put yourself in an environment of a natural environment of an addict, you will become an addict. If you put yourself in nature and mother nature, you will become, it's impossible to not feel grounded and feel at peace and feel whatever, because you are in this environment, right? If you are in that environment long enough, you'll begin to get in that vibration, right? We recognize there's a certain vibration that the earth holds. There's a certain vibration that every thought holds there's there's, it's all frequency, it's all vibration. (06:36) So the point is there, I was in the middle of this terribly dysfunctional relationship. And I, I started to realize how dangerous it was. Was it dangerous because of the arguments? Yes. There's a saying in AA that addiction leads to, you know, suicide, mental institutes or people die because domestic violence and things like that. So it was dangerous on all levels. It was dangerous of where we were headed in the, in the level of our upsets and fights. It was dangerous even more in what it was programming my subconscious, because I was getting so upset. I was literally experiencing PTSD from all the times of all the cheating, all the line and all the stuff and all my own upsets. Right? My meaning that I put around it, the point is, is that he didn't keep me there. I was choosing to keep myself in that dysfunctional environment. And I realized how, how dangerous that truly was because I was beginning to build my habits. I was beginning to build my reactions, my Dr. Deep traumas out of that, which was programming every cell of my body. (07:51) And so knowing this law and understanding that there's a law, there's a law that is natural. It is a natural biology. It's a natural chemistry, it's a science and the, and how everything relates. And if you're putting yourself in environment where your chemistry, biology is setting you up for habitual insanity, that's, what's going to happen and reoccur in your life. It's natural. So there's a divine intelligence inherent in all of life. And so I know that your soul desires for you to find that piece and find that harmony, find that environment where you thrive, finding only relationships that align, that help bring you peace and harmony and joy and love and expanding, and growth and all that without discord and dysfunction and upsets and all that. Maybe it's taking time to spend time in nature. Maybe it's taking that hike or going on that trip to be with mother nature, somewhere at the beach or something. (08:55) Being able to relax, being able to get away from technology, being able to be in an environment that thrives. It helps your soul rejuvenate. That helps you get grounded. That helps you release all these things, right? There's a natural law. And even if you know, whatever, it may be, whatever it is, you have an intelligence in you that knows that naturally knows. It's called intuition. That knows the perfect environment for you. And I understand that it's guiding you. It's dividing, guiding you to divine sources, guiding you home to wherever that is. Okay. And so the point is that you choose what environment you put yourself in. Are you going to put yourself in a natural environment? That is, that's getting you granted, are you gonna put yourself in an environment that is keeping you stuck and in discord? And it's natural also, there's not one better than the other. (09:49) It's an experience of all frequency. And that's the beauty of this light that we get to experience all of it. But there's a beauty in a manifestation of secret natural laws, which otherwise would've been hidden from you forever. There is no secret anymore. You are too intelligence. And so the point is this next point is that everything is predictable, right? Everything's predictable. If I stayed in that relationship, I go with the next addict. I do whatever it's predictable. It's gonna be insanity. It's so predictable, right? You keep yourself in an environment. You keep yourself in that relationship. You keep yourself in that job that you hate. You keep your job yourself wherever it's so predictable. It's the ups and downs. It's a Merry go round. When's an next up second. It's so predictable. Okay. The only thing that isn't predictable is a new creation. That's why we call it new thought movement. (10:43) New thought is, is it's even it's ancient wisdom. But the point is that what's new. Everything is predictable except for the new expression. Mother nature has new expression, right? It may seem like it's predictable, but is evolving. It is the evolution from the one source because it is evolving. There are new species and new things being created and mother nature. What is new in you? And what is not predictable is you creating something new for yourself? That's what's NA that's actually, what's natural. What's natural is for you to evolve. What's natural is for you to have a new creative thought. What's natural is for that's what that is nature's way. (11:30) So know that everything is predictable, that isn't the authentic new thought that you have. Secondly, you choose what environment you put yourself in. And third it's natural to desire, beauty, harmony, and enjoyment. So just remembering this, that as you go into your day, as you go into this few weeks of your life, as you go into whatever, there are so many things happening, planetary planetary wise in the 21st, obviously there is huge planetary things going on of aligning, and you're either gonna align to your truth or you're not. You know, and I think that every everything, every full moon, every new moon, every, every landmark of time, every new, every new year, every new quarter, every new day, every new time the sun comes up, there's always new. And you get to decide today, what, what, what you're gonna live? Are you gonna live your truth, or you're not gonna live your truth. (12:29) You know what works for you? You know what doesn't work for you, you know, what hurts you and doesn't, and, and makes you thrive. You know, you already know there's an intuitive factor in you, and it is amazing every day the sun comes up. So we get this new unit of time, this new unit of time to have a new thought and a new way that we do things. So today in this law of nature, just remember that there's a divine source and inte inherent