Universal Law of Perfect Health {27 of 52 Series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Have you ever wondered why a spiritual leader ends up getting cancer or why someone who's such a good person ends up dying in a car accident? Well, today we're gonna break on down the universal law of perfect health number 27 of a 52 series on universal law life from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We also come together in community in society and new thought global. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. We're all about empowerment, enlightenment and yes, entrepreneurship. So let's do this thing. Let's break on down universal law of perfect health, 27 of 52 series. So I'll never forget. I was in ministerial, uh, school. I was over at a center called global truth center. (01:16): I had many great mentors over the years. Coaches I've coached under mentors, but one in particular that really helped me actually develop my ability to teach universal law. James melon, just sending a big shout out to you. Amazing human being. So when I went into the center, I actually had another mentor that had brought me into the center years ago. And so Dr. James had cancer he's come out publicly. So it's not some secret. So he had cancer. He had, um, gone through chemotherapy and a bunch of stuff. And I remember him, uh, talking about universal law and talking about his cancer and how he chose, where we believe basically that we believe in the miracle of the body, the miracle that we can use the power of mind to heal and that we can go and get chemotherapy and, and have traditional medicine as well. (02:09): But what was dumbfounding for me was how could somebody that knows the truth end up getting cancer? I was confused. I was like, what, how does this work? And if we're learning and developing our mind and here's somebody who is teaching and living this work, and yet he gets cancer. I was super con I was confused. I was like, does this work even work? What are we teaching here? And what's going on? So let's break this on down because health was the area, the final area of understanding universal law and understanding really what we're teaching. So my intention today is to have a profound breakthrough in the realm of how we understand our true spiritual nature and how we are connected to everything and what we can do to restore perfect health. Well, we always have perfect health, but to realize perfect health. Okay. So the law of perfect health states that basically this law is the Axiom that whatever is going on within your health is the mentally equivalent of what's going on within consciousness individually and collectively. When we get out of alignment with mother nature and universal laws, we experience ill health within you as a born intelligence and an innate healer capable of restoring harmony wellbeing and vibrant vitality. When the body is bogged down with toxins and negative emotions, it can't function properly from a spiritual perspective. (03:45): Disease is spirit, our higher self communicating that individually and culturally, we are out of harmony with life symptoms within the body, such as poor health and illness are the relative and inverted experience of our use of universal energy. So, and then from a absolute perspective, the truth is that you are an eternal, immortal, spiritual being. You are not your body. You have a body from a spiritual perspective. The only TRUS disease is amnesia. However, if we choose to experience wellness, we must align with nature's way. Okay. So let's break this on down. So we have to realize, you know, looking at, uh, say Reverend James, we have to understand that it's not necessarily his individual mind that something's off and he's in a bunch of, of, of overwhelm and stressed out. And therefore he got cancer, nor does it mean that he ate crappy food and ended up getting cancer. (04:47): Could it be that? Sure, probably not in his case, but what we can take a look at is understanding that he lives in Los Angeles. There's probably a lot of environmental toxins. There's all kinds of different things going on could be also that he is so empathic and, and open to the oneness that he takes on things from the universe as well. Right? We don't have the answer. We call that a witch hunt. We don't try and figure out where exactly it came from. We simply know the truth. So it is what it is as the saying goes, right. James Mellon is not his body. He is an eternal, all powerful spirit living in this thing called a body, which is God as well. And the body and everything of this realm is always the mental equivalent of what's going on in mind in the individual consciousness, the collective consciousness and the cosmic consciousness. (05:48): So as I was in ministerial school, and as I began to understand what perfect health is, meaning perfect health is the perfect mentally equivalent of what's going on in consciousness. And it's perfect in that. We're not these bodies and we're here in a classroom called life and that all the symptoms, if you will, or the effects are here to teach us to grow and to align to universal law and to have a great opportunity to innovate, pivot, and restore, whatever it is that we truly desire to restore. So needless to say that Reverend James was able to overcome cancer. He went through chemo and did both, he got his mind, right? Even more, he did chemotherapy and he, he fully most, one of the most vibrant human beings. I know of course, and very powerful and totally loving his life. Beautiful family, incredible husband. He was gay, incredible community, celebrating all expressions of love and life. (06:57): So what is the point of this? The point is, is that we have to recognize what's going on. No matter if it is, you're dealing with, um, health issues in the realm of flow energy or fibromyalgia or, or diabetes or whatever, we have to recognize the perfection of it, meaning that it's all here for our growth. It's all here for our awakening and to have a choice of what we truly want to choose. So I told the story also of another mentor of mine. Um, John Rafaella, who passed away some years back, uh, from bone cancer. And he definitely, uh, individually played into his cancer. He loved junk food. He was semi obese and the most jovial human being so loving, but clearly played into his cancer in that he clearly had a toxic system from what he would put in his mouth. And so I recognize the perfection of health. (07:57): I recognize that no matter what you have choice. And so as John Rafaella had gone through chemotherapy and it did not work, and he was going back in for, I believe a third run of chemotherapy for his bone cancer, he had to choose, did he want to get his mind? Right? And, and go in and deal with it from a Western medic medical perspective and from getting his mind right. And he chose to let this body go. The body had, he had done too much dumb damage if you will, on this body. And so he chose to transition out of this body and is a beautiful two week process of watching a dear friend and mentor of mine choose to pass away and watching people say goodbye. And it was one of the most beautiful, incredible experiences of my life. And so many so universal law of perfect health. (08:51): The truth is that there's only perfect health, meaning that we are not our, our bodies. We are eternal immortal beans. And this is like a car that you get into right? This body, you close the door on that and you come into this lifetime. And then we forget, we forget that we're not our bodies. The only true disease is amnesia. One day, you will leave this body into your immortal essence, as you always are right here right now. And no matter what you're experiencing your health, I recognize the perfection and beauty of its, of its blessing. I've worked with so many people that I've dealt with cancer and different illness. And on the backside of all illness, once they've done their internal work, their awakening work, they always come to the realization that whatever disease, whatever illness they've dealt with has been one of the greatest blessings of their life. (09:50): It got their values straight. It had them recognize the beauty and, and the vulnerability of this lifetime. It also woke up to making better choices for themselves health wise. And so I just know the perfection of no matter what is going on. If you're experiencing ill health, that your soul desires for you to know the perfection and blessing of this experience, it is the wake up call to align with mother nature and universal laws, and recognize that you do have an innate healer that I've witnessed miracles also in health that you with the power of your mind can heal and do miracles. It's possible. The body is born with intelligence capable of restoring harmony wellbeing and vibrant vitality. And you also have the choice to leave this body, but recognizing that you can never be the effect of, of even the environment, because you're not your body. (10:50): You are in immortal, spiritual being untouchable with ultimate health of vibrancy of beyond vibrancy. And so I know that cleansing the body and freeing it up from toxins always is a beautiful thing. Clarity of mind, body is the most important work that we do so that we can be the vessels for light coming through and truth streaming through and being the channels that we are. And also, I know the perfection of having a human experience and experiencing ill health or disease, knowing that that too is a great blessing. So have a wonderful day. And may you live your truth? I simply know this in mind as we come together, run a quick and a, an affirmative prayer, taking a deep breath in and exci out to the mouth. (11:40): And I just say, yes, yes, yes. Thank you for this incredible body, this incredible miracle. I simply know the perfection I feel and know my heart is beating with absolute zero effort. It has been done in the mind. It is automated through this thing called universal law through the automated system of this bo