Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:01): First live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? Live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together as a community in society in new thought global, to know the truth for each and every one of us and understand that we each have a gift and a message to bring to the world. And together we are awakening the world through new thought principles, through science of mind, unity, divine science, understanding that there's a creative factor going on in this world. And it is you. It is the truth of who you are. (00:53): It is your divinity. And that's what we're here to do is to awaken your true, your true self. And have you live in alignment with your unique truth? So today I wanna talk to you about universal law of polarity. We are going through a series of all the different universal laws, and there's only one law it's called the law of cause and effect. Okay. And it's basically heritage teach you the demonstration of your consciousness on form in this 3d realm, right? So we have 52 distinctions that we're going over on this podcast about how to understand and really utilize your, the truth of who you are. It's not like the universal law is outside there and you get to like choose to use it. You're using it 24 7. It is how you demonstrate how you manifest it is the physics of the universe. It's, it's really making the link between the realm and the physical realm, how consciousness comes into form and directs energy. (01:51): And so today is universal law polarity. And why the hell do we care about universal law of polarity? Because the entire existence of what we do in spiritual work is shifting back to the true identity. So I remember I'll never, ever forget I was in, uh, ministerial school. And I remember reading Thomas truer. He was this brilliant man who was really merging the east principles with, with Christianity in the Western, uh, principles and really bringing mysticism Christian mysticism into place. Brilliant ma'am. He was a lawyer that went really spiritual, which I love so much because he was very, uh, you know, pragmatic and, and down had two feet on his ground on the ground, if you would. And I'll never forget reading the concept that we are so powerful that the minute we even contemplate who we are, we set the entire universal law into demo. (02:46): That that is the polarity. That polarity really is the speed of consciousness. It literally, we live in like a binary system and I love, um, bringing it down to the concept of that. We're like a computer system because literally energy comes down to that. It's a positive, negative, right. Literally binary code. And if you understand polarity, you understand it all comes from the perception and contemplation of who you are. So imagine if you really got down to brass tax of, of really diving into that. And that's what we do of course, in the E four trauma method and getting into the subconscious processes and birthing your truth through truth triangle. But the truth is that you can go into meditation at home and you can really begin to ask yourself the simple question, who am I? You know, who do you contemplate yourself? Who do you consider yourself to be? (03:37): And so why does this really matter in our life? And I really wanna break it down in the realm of relationship because all of life is a relationship. And I know that I talk a lot about how I dealt with codependency, a majority of my life and the dysfunction and the roller coaster and the ins and outs and the breaking up and the getting back and the heartache and the drama and the drama and the duh da, da, da, right. Dealing with, you know, being codependent and lo love avoidant to clinging. You know, you complete me to being the abandoner to being the abandoned knee, to being the victim, to being the perpetrator, right? All those things that we all do. And this all comes down to the law of polarity. So I want you to really break down this. So first let's just define what is the law of polarity? (04:17): The law of polarity is set into motion by spirit, your higher self, your true self contemplating its own identity. The moment you consider something to be it sets universal law and demotion beliefs, who you be and live beliefs within the soul activate and direct energy intention, attention, initiation selection set the mechanics into motion. So how does this apply to our life? So we all have had those friends, that girlfriend, that boyfriend, whatever it is, a friend that is, that calls you up and they are complaining about their partner and they're dramatizing it over and over again. Or we all have those girlfriends that call up and they're madly in love and they start falling off the planet. And then they sure enough, few months later they call you. And they're like, oh, he's a jerk. And oh my gosh, he didn't do this and that. (05:09): And it's over and da, da, da, right. Or you have the PL people that are just like, I don't need love. You know what, I just really just not for me. Right. They're like total love avoidance, right. Or we have the cl like, oh my gosh, he complete me. He completes me. I just want the one I'm looking for my soulmate. I just have to have as one. Right. Or you have the victim, like, oh my gosh. He was, um, he was a narcissist and, oh my gosh, he ruined my life. And let me tell you all the awful things that he did, or you have the perpetrator who just like, literally is just like, I don't know how they would act. Maybe they would be very covert, I guess. Um, so we have to look at how is this playing into polarity and polarity is interesting. (05:49): Cause if you break down kind of the definition in the dictionary, cause I'm a big, um, etymology and dictionary person, it is polar is considered the quality or condition inherent in a body that exhibits opposite P properties or powers in opposite parts or directions or that exhibits contrasted properties or powers in contrast parts or directions. Okay. It's the condition of having poles. Okay. So if you look at, at physics, it's really fascinating. Cuz if you look at hydrogen, um, water, rather hydrogen oxygen, H two L, right? So if you take a look at the, at the molecule, it's really fascinating cuz the hydrogen, I am not a physicist, but from what I understand, it has this pole that it actually is like lacking something in it and, and the oxygen goes onto it. And, and the hydrogen literally pulls the oxygen and the oxygen is literally trying to detach from the hydrogen. (06:40): And it, it creates this polarity. It creates this pull that has it become this miraculous thing, right? Without water, we would not have life. And so in some ways, polarity can be a beautiful thing in this universe and create all kinds of things. But it really is instill that resistance and one clinging and one trying to resist if you will, that is creating the actual polarity. And so when we take a look at polarity, it's actually from a spiritual perspective, it is a lie that creates polarity. It is something that you are already the divinity, you are already the divine, you are already all of that. And it is the contemplation that you are something other than that, you are the divided aspect of yourself, the limited belief. And so it creates this polarity within your own soul, if you will, cuz literally everything you believe be, be, and live actually creates energetic. (07:31): Um, it, it creates an actual ripple effect into the universe that reflects back in a mirroring effect. And the same thing happens with a relationship. And we all know it. Like if you are somebody who needs to be abandoned, like you believe you've been through enough trauma and you believe all love, you know, leaves, all people you love leave. You will only call in people that are gonna abandon you in it. Even if they weren't even abandoned people that are normally abandoned, you would create them into existence to be somebody who abandons you. Right. If you're somebody who's always a love AVO avoidant, no matter what, you know, even the perfect person can come in or whatever, you'll find an excuse of why it's not right for you, right. If you are a victim, a victim, can't be a victim without a perpetrator, right? So it is actually in resisting it's in, in, in making it wrong. (08:17): If you will judging that perpetrators are bad or that someone that leaves is bad or that love is bad or whatever it is in the judgment of it that you're creating over and over again, the identity that you are somebody that is, could I say unlovable or whatever, right? So we have to look at the perfect for perfect vacuum of what happens at a subconscious level and at a soul level, with all relationships that there has to be a perfect reflection of what's going on at a soul level that creates that polarity and literally attracts the same type of situation over and over again. And so we have to ask, you know, why, why do some people create? And you'll see it over and over again, they create the same type of relationships over and over again, the characters change, but the theme stays the same, right? (09:02): So it's because of the polarity. It's how they identify it is the limited beliefs through the trauma that they've, you know, experienced at a soul level and they've, and they've had a declaration, um, commands. We call it into their subconscious mind. You know? So the question is how do you break the vicious cycle of relationships? Cause whether it's in a love relationship or whether it's, you know, you keep having these partners in business that keep ripping you off or whether it is, you know, your friends, blah, blah, blah, right? Whatever limited store you have the same theme over and over again. So how do we break this cycle? And particularly the dysfunctional relationships. Cause it seems to be the most intense for most people is, is always the same. It's always the same four steps. It's first really waking up and really becoming conscious to see how you are creating this, to really understand and take a hundred percent responsibility in whatever is going on your life and really taking a look at how you have manifested the same situation over and over again, or keep going through the same vicious cycle over and over again, that you are responsible for the upsets you're