Universal Law of Power {47 of 52 Series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Did you ever see that epic scene in star wars? When yo would've said, may the force be with you? We all saw the fight of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker battling for the power. Well, if you're somebody that desires to know your divine power, you definitely wanna listen to this podcast. So welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So let's break this on down. This is universal law of power, a series 47 of 52. We are almost at the end of the series, universal law of power, the law of power. This law states that there is an immeasurable life force that has the ability to move mountains. (01:10): Part the seas and create miracles. You are this life force deep within you is an unlimited power for good. And you are it. You have the capability to direct influence and inspire all living things. And you have the ability to invert it and cause massive destruction. This is the Axiom that you are life and that you have the power to impact the world positively or negatively. The extent to which you waken to the truth of who you are, is the extent to which you will experience your divine power truly, and truly, and truly, I want you to get how powerful you are. So the independent said the astronomers have spotted 2019. The independent said astronomers have spotted the highest energy radiation ever seen from the most powerful cosmic explosion in the universe. The blast of radiation known as gamma rays came in two birds to hit earth with more than 100 billion times. (02:20): The energy in visible light after decades of work, scientists have seen the most powerful ever blast from gamma Ray burst, or it's called G B such blasts are the most intensely energetic phenomena in the universe, suddenly appearing in the sky for only a brief period, but releasing the same amount of energy in one second, that the sun will omit in its entire life. Okay. So just crazy. Cuz as GBS are the most powerful explosions in the universe and they're thought to come out of massive stars, right? When they collapse at the end of their lives or when binary star system merge into much smaller objects as they do, they threw off a flash of radiation that flies across the whole universe. Okay? So obviously we teach that we are all powerful, all knowing immortal beings, right? And that we energy can't be destroyed. So when we die, right? (03:17): We're not these bodies, but energy cannot be destroyed. The it transforms, right? So there's a power in you. The same power in you has created the entire universe. That same gamma raise burst is you. That is the same essence that is going on at some level on in us because we are one with the universe, right? So I want you to get this that, that you have, you, you have total power, any of the power to be powerless, we've all experienced it, right? Have you ever experienced feeling powerless, right? Maybe as in addiction, maybe it was in a relationship, maybe it was in your finances. Maybe it was in your health. All of us have experienced feeling disempowered and that same energy can move mountains. That's what we teach here. Right? There's a power, there's a power for good. And it can be used to literally create miracles, create harmony, create heaven on earth and it can create discord and destruction, right? (04:17): It's the same power it's like saying that a nuclear bomb can destroy people, right? And it can also create unlimited energy. A light bulb, electricity can light up a room or it can electrocute you and kill you. This is the law of power that this is who you are. It's not like a force out there. What they need to do is they need to rewrite the star wars and say, you are the force made the force be with you. No, no, you are the force. Emerson said nearly all men can stand. Adversely can stand adversity. But if you want to test a man's character, give him power. And I want to rewrite this as nearly all women can stand adversity. But if you want to test a woman's character, give her power. And so as we've come into the new year, you know, I, I got quite tired of hearing people's stories of survival in 2020, quite frankly, I'm not interested in hearing about how you withstood adversity. (05:20): What I'm interested in hearing is your story of how you used your power to create for the highest good. That's really what I'm interested in. And it's the same with understanding the scientists that are studying the stars that are studying the gamma rays out there. Great. We see that there's this big, huge burst, but what do we do with that? How can we use that? How can we hone that energy and learn from it, right? There's a law of power and you are the power. It is, it lives and breathes. As you, you have the ability to create miracles. You have the ability to influence and, and, and inspire people. You have the ability. One person could be the change in this planet. You have the power because you are the power. (06:11): And so right now I invite you to just take a deep breath in through the nose and just recognizing anywhere that you feel disempowered. And just recognizing that you're creating that disempowered feeling right by putting meaning on it, by handing your power out to anything out in the world. That the moment that you truly get that is when you become, you restore your power, you always have had the power. You will always have the power and you have the power now, but it is with your consciousness. It is with the power of the mind in just perceiving and realizing your power that you restore your power. You get that. It is just in the perceiving of understanding who you are, that you restore the experience of your power. You always have the power. You will always have the power and you have the power now. (07:08): And so as you go into your day, right now, I invite you to just start looking at your life and realizing how much power you actually have, how everything in your life. If you look at your home, all the things in it, you chose to go get those right. You chose to put yourself in this environment, you chose to put the story around how you are able to have abundance or how you're able to only have scarcity. You chose the words that you speak. You choose every last drop of it. You choose everything who you spend time with, what you spend your time, what energy you, what thoughts you energize every last drop. You have the power. You have the power to recreate your life. In this year, you have the power to create anything you desire. It's the same amount of energy to create saving money as it is to creating new money, right? (08:00): It's the same energy. It's the same energy. Everyone has the same 24 hours. You have the power because you are the power. And so I simply know this. I know that you are the force and that you get to use this for good. You get to use it. And as you use it for good in harmony, you'll experience more and more of your divine power. If you use it to create destruction, it's just a matter of time before you destruct upon yourself. That is the law. And so I simply know this in my mind at heart as together we say. And so it is all right. If you have called forth to have a spiritual calling and desire to monetize your spiritual gifts, please reach out. We are society and Dr. Aaron, I'd love to be friends with you on Instagram or on Facebook or across the board on YouTube or whatever. Okay. Have a beautiful day. And may you live your truth. (08:54): Thank you for tuning into the Dr. Erin podcast. If you've had a call to be a spiritual leader or coach, you can go to www.drerin.tv and check out our free training. If you receive value here, I would love it. If you take a moment and give a five-star review in exchange, I have a ton of free gifts for you. Grab your free awakening book, 40 guided meditations, and a digital manifesting masterclass. I also have free money, meditation, and a worksheet for you. So you can begin to break through your scarcity mindset and claim your birthright of prosperity. You can get all of your gifts and learn about our upcoming transformational events in my bio link on both Instagram and Facebook. That's under www.drerin.tv. Also, I'd love to invite you into our free private community on Facebook, under a group called Soulciété, which is facebook.com/groups/soulcietespiritualcommunity. Have a divine day and may you live your truth.