Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:20): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in community, in society and new thought global. We recognize that whenever somebody awakens, they a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. We're all about enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. So let's do this thing, guys. Uh, we are on universal law of rhythm. This is a series. This is number 17 of 52 of the series, universal law of rhythm. And man, I feel like this is the most appropriate law for what is going on in my life and what is going on in the world. So what is a rhythm, first of all, we need to find. So it's a strong, regular repeated pattern of movement. You could say it's sound noise, movement of energy, things like that. (01:10): So life is, is all about patterns is all it is right. There's a rhythm to life. Your heartbeats, the sun goes up and down, you know, the planetary, uh, movement. It's all a pattern and patterns repeat, right? So it's like going to the beat of the drum. It's like going to the night and the day it is. There's something that's going on here. You guys. So let's back it up. And it's so funny, cuz I was just thinking about this yesterday. Cuz I went out, I saw um, a couple friends. I haven't seen in a while. I've seen, 'em like once, uh, over, over the quarantine, I've seen a few friends, not very many because I've really been trying to just, you know, do my part in all of it. But I was sitting there with two very successful friends and I just absolutely love. (02:01): They're always, they just, you know, they have their mind, right. You know, doesn't mean life. Isn't hard sometimes, but they're always just committed to success, committed to, you know, enjoying life as much as they can committed to serving, committing to all these things. And we were talking about all of life and everything going on and economical things and the lockdown and the pandemic and all this stuff. And it was really interesting cuz I thought, you know, does it matter? What's going on astrologically? Does it matter? What's going on economically? Does it matter? What's going on with all these things because the bottom line, no matter what's going on, I know that me and my friends are committed to always getting our mind. Right. Always, you know, focusing on what, how we can serve, always focusing on how we can pivot and create success in our personal professional life period, doesn't matter what's going on in the cycles. (02:53): But we also have to look and recognize we're one with the stars. We're one with all this rhythm of life. And we gotta, you know, get with the flow of the rhythm. If you say right, um, go with the beat. So the law of rhythm states that life is an energetic flow of vibration that moves in a cyclical matter day, becomes night, tides rise and fall. The heart beats in and out. This law brings balance and order through its centering equilibrium, extreme beliefs, judgements and intense actions are brought to neutrality through the process of this law. Industrial markets are corrected via this symmetric, Axiom so wing. And I love this so much. So right now, as you guys know, we're in a, we're in cycles, we're in stock market cycles, we're in economical cycles, we're in politics cycles. I'm got an airplane going by, right. (03:51): There's cycles of noise in the day. And usually it's quiet at night when I record, but it's not always the case. Right? So there's cycles. And so as we take a look at this right now, we're in a really interesting cycles right now you could say that we're in economical cycles. Whether you wanna say, oh, it's from the pandemic. No, if you take a look at the cycles, this happens. There's short term cycles. It happened about every eight to 10 years and there's long term cycles, rage. Alio, who's one of the, you know, great, um, he's well he has largest hedge fund. He says we're in a hundred year cycle financially, right? But it's a cycle. It's a rhythm if you will. And it's almost, um, predictable. In fact, most financial people and people in investments that have been around the block and been in this for a while, recognize these cycles and plan for the cycles, right? (04:41): Another, uh, dear friend of mine, the Leo king, um, he is one of the great astrological teachers on YouTube and stuff and hilarious by the way. And he says, we're in a lot of the planetary cycles. He goes, they were in the same cycle of when the black plague happened. We're in the same cycle of when the stadium witch hunt happened. Right? So there's cycles that happen. Astrologically there's cycles that happen economically there's cycles. Politically every four years, we go through the cycle of, you know, electing new elections and things like that. There's moon cycle. You know, talk about this as a woman, right? We're we're linked up to the moon cycle and our, and our cycle or monthly cycle and things, right? So it's all rhythm and there's a rhythm to this life and we need to recognize these rhythms and not be reactive to the rhythms and recognizing that yes there's rhythms, but no matter what the rhythm is, we still, as, you know, science of mind and as metaphysics, we teach the power of consciousness, we teach the power of understanding, no matter what's going on out there in the world. (05:49): And even though planetary things, it's really one within us. So it's kind of inside as well, but we need to recognize that we're still, we still go beyond the rhythm. We go beyond the rhythm in consciousness. We're the creator of the rhythm actually. And we recognize that this is the same thing that happens at a subconscious level, that whatever we have created over and over again, or we've commanded into the subconscious mind becomes automated like a rhythm that happens. Right? And we see this in the patterns of our life. And we see this in the patterns of everything that's been created in the universe, everything from gravity to the planetary cycles, to the rising of this sun and going down that there's a rhythm because what happens is truth prevails, meaning that there is order to this universe and in the rhythm, we need to recognize there's an order to the rhythm. (06:45): It's like when you turn on a really good song, you know, in the song, there's like a beat and it, it begins to get you going. And there is a cycle that happens. And usually in songs, there's kind of a part, a song where it gets to a peak, it takes you emotionally to a peak and it, and then it comes back into equanimity. It comes back to that equilibrium at the end, right? It completes its cycle of the whole song. But the cycle is in songs. It's very much the same. There is a beat, there is a rhythm and it takes you on an emotional journey. We call it the hero's journey as Joseph Campbell says, but there's always a, um, uh, I want, what's the word I'm looking for? It's like, it, it comes back. There's always a takeaway. There's always a lesson. There's always, um, what is, we would call kind of, it comes back to order. (07:45): Same with movies, there's a rhythm to movies. There's an actual kind of theme of movies that there's like this hero and there's a, there's a problem to solve. And then it all comes back together at the end, right? This is the rhythm. This is the rhythm of, of the human story. This is the rhythm of life. This is the patterns of all these different rhythms that happen in this experience called life. And we have to recognize that life is an energetic flow of vibration and moves in cyclical manner. So times in your life that are really challenging there's times when it really flows. There's times when it's good. There's times when it's bad. There's times when it's, you know, all different things, but we have to recognize and go with the flow in these rhythms and recognize we're not these rhythms that this is life. (08:34): And we get to recognize that we're never the effect of the rhythm. We always have choice no matter what's going on. And so I'm always interested in the astrological and uh, all this planetary stuff, because obviously as a new thought minister, we recognize we are one with everything. We're one with the stars. We're one with all nations, we're one with everyone. But we also recognize that we have the power of mind beyond that. So I'm always curious to know, and of course it's interesting. It's very fascinating to know what's going on astrologically, but I'm always interested because even when I watch my friend Leo king, David, I'm always like the takeaway he says is the same thing. Every time, you know, are you going to move out of your funk? Are you gonna listen to your truth? Are you going to, you know, live life? (09:30): Are you gonna be the effect of life? Are you gonna wait back and just, you know, go on the way your automated system is and, and the, your patterns are, or you're gonna break free of those things. So it's like, why do I need to know what's going on planetary when these are the same lessons, no matter what. And so I don't wanna ever bad talk astrological stuff because it's very real. And it does impact people's moods and impacts systems and impacts all kinds of things. So it's, it is a science, but I'm always dumbfounded at that. The, the takeaway is always the same, you know? And I'm like, why do I need to look at the stars when I can just literally just know that no matter what my job today is to get in the highest frequency within my body. But my, my job actually really is to get my mind right, to recognize I'm not my body. (10:22): I'm not the vibration of whatever. I'm not. Um, any of that, I am the backing of the consciousness that directs consciousness and that can move mountains. And that can go beyond any circumstance, economically, physically, any circumstance with the environment, relationships, any circumstance of anything that there's always a power of my mind to create from the nothingness. And so, as we go into today and in the law of rhythm, we can recognize we can dance with life, or we can resist it, right? There's frequencies that align to the earth and to the stars that get you in that Zen place. And there's frequency, they're discordant. And that make you not feel good and make you feel in angst and all those things. But we have to recognize again, that we're not our feeling. We're, we're something beyond that. You are beyond the rhythm of life. You get to create no matter what song is on, and you can, you know, laugh. (11:23): You know, I have this image right now of turned on some song that is crazy or not something that you wanna jam with, but you can kind of like dance with it and like kind of make fun of it and recognize it's only gonna be on for so long. So in life right now with, you know, the pandemic and the lockdown and economical uncertainty and everything, you can still dance in it. You can still go out and, and go into mother nature for free. You can still get tapped into source and, and get into the truth of who you are. You can still, there's always opportunity. You know, in the last podcast I did the opportunities. Now, do you know that more millionaires and billionaires will be made in economical crisis than ever? So there's always a way to get in the rhythm and dance with this song, no matter what life is a song. (12:14): Life is rhythm. Life is rep