Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? Live from Los Angeles. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in community, in society and new thought global. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So today we are going to talk about universal law of time. We are in a series of teaching universal law, and the truth is that there's only one law and it's the law of cause and effect. The cause is spirit. The cause is your true self and the effect is all of life. (00:54): And why is it so important to understand universal law? So you understand how you are demonstrating, how you are manifesting, how the beliefs within your soul are informing universal law and projecting out into all of life, your relationships, the circumstances of your life and how you are not just the individual. You are the collective consciousness and the cosmic consciousness. So all of life is this great dynamic of thought. And so when you understand universal law, you can understand the laws, the physics, the, the axioms of life, and then you have choice. And that's what we wanna bring you to. We wanna bring you to free will and a choice so that you're no longer the effect of anything you're no longer the effect of your past. And today is one of my favorite laws, which is the universal law of time. This is the truth, is that everything that our culture tells us about time is a lie. (01:57): I'm gonna break on down the truth of what is time and how you can use it to basically fulfill upon what really matters to you in this life. Okay. So time, you know, time is a really fascinating thing. We've been told through our language, things like the past, the future. And now that time is linear. This is BS. It is not linear. Okay. The truth is that all of life is a measurement. It's basically a measurement. Okay. I want you to throw out everything you've ever known about time for a minute, taking a deep breath into the nose and excellent out. And I want you to just imagine, imagine for a minute, okay? Imagine that all of life is just designed for you to experience cause and effect, experience using your consciousness, to move energy, to inform energy, to have it displayed and reflected back to you with all of your senses. (03:02): Okay. And I want you to now imagine that the body itself is not you, okay, this body ha it feels like it is on a linear thing. There is, it was this little child, and now it may be, you know, an older person whatever's that. And it looks like it's aging in a linear fashion. Or you could say, you know, there's time of then and now, because there's this thing called the sun. There's a unit of time where the sun comes up and it goes down and, you know, 500 times ago it was, you know, a year and a half ago or whatever it was. And it was different X, Y, and Z was going on in my physical world. Therefore it is linear. This is not the truth. The truth is that the only reason why the body ages has nothing to do with time, it has everything to do with the duplication of cells. (03:58): And it's like a copy machine that isn't quite right. There is a communication of, of duplicating cells that is being, you know, hindered through, through our, the toxins in our environment and through the communication of the cells. Okay? So you're not your body. You are not your body. You're not the unit of time of this lifetime. You are not any of those things. And there's so many great philosophers. If you look up in the Botanica of what is time, you know, you will rattle off, you know, 50 great philosophers. And by the way, they're all men in there. I need some women to step up into becoming the great leaders so that we have some of you in quote, quote, the history books. Okay. So Aristotle said that time is one of the most unknown things that we have basically that was, he stated that about, you know, whatever 2,500 years ago, and still to this day, science is still trying to figure out time, trying to figure out the linear time, trying to figure out the, you know, different aspects of what is time, um, dealing with Thermo dynamics and dealing with entropy and dealing with the big bang and the arrow of time as they say. (05:18): And what we have found is that the universe is being created. Now. It's not like it was created. It's being held in consciousness now, and it is growing now. And they're proven this in science, that, that the universe is alive. It is, you know, it is dynamic. It is growing. Now, it's being created. Now it's expanding now. And so we have to recognize, you know, why does this matter? Why does it matter? What is time and why the hell should you give a, a crap about it? Right. When we think of time, we think of, oh no, it's scarcity, right? We only have so much time I'm getting (05:56): Older, or I'm not being able to complete what I need to complete. So really we look at time as scarcity and I invite you to take a look and shift to time being on your side time is totally relative. Okay. When I work with coaching clients and in group coaching and so on and so forth, I love the week that we dive into time management, because in my opinion, time management is BS. It is a belief system. I promise you working with people that, that time management disappears. When you have commitment, when you're truly committed to creating something, to experiencing something, it can happen. So it, it, there, you always have time. You always have the dimension. So we have to ask, what is time? Time is the measurement. It is a measurement of a unit of cause and effect all of time is a measurement of the cause and effect of thought upon mind. (06:58): And so universal law basically states that time is an illusion. The extent to which you focus on doing is the extent to which you will experience lack of time. The extent to which you focus on being is the extent to which you will experience, time being limitless. The truth is you can close your eyes right now. Okay? I love this process. So close your eyes right now. And as you begin to be able to track, you can go back into quote, quote, your childhood. You can go and you can use, um, you know, create creativity and you can create your future, right? You can, you know, fly up in the sky. You can come down. There is no such thing as cause and effect, and you can go back as if it's happened, but we call it history, his story. So the truth is that you can recreate your past. (07:55): And this is something that is in a very, very advanced spiritual kind of awakening, but in prayer when we pray, right, it's a metaphysical, miracle can happen when we pray. So when we pray, I often have the visual of thinking about if you've ever seen in movies, or if you've ever been to Europe, there's kind of still some of these things in the train stations where they, they change a time or they change something. And the entire kind of system goes, and this, all these like kind of D panels, like all change at one time and it all shifts. And that's why we call it like the shift, because there's something that happens when, you know, in truth right now, right here, for example, a lot of people on the track have that they're not worthy of love and the moment that they know in consciousness and in prayer, that they're worthy of love and that they've always been love. And there's always, and there always will be love something can miraculously happen on the track where they actually can shift back into their childhood, back into their childhood. And they actually perceive how they were loved by their parents, even, you know, in a different form or whatever. They see it completely different. Their perception of the entire experience shifts instantaneously. (09:26): And, you know, the question always remains, did that actually happen or did that not happen? So we actually can shift the perception of energy of what actually took place, quote, quote, years back now, when we know the truth, now it can actually shift the perception of actually what happened. And that's why I call it history, his story, right. So why does this matter? Why does this matter so much? Because I think that we all care about time. We care about getting down what we wanna get done in this lifetime. We care about, um, you know, experiencing deep, deep, profound love, and experiencing living life fully through the process of time. Will we have enough time? Do we have enough time to, you know, get everything we want done? Do we have time to work enough to make enough money? Do we have enough time to, uh, you know, travel the world and experience what we wanna experience? (10:26): Do we have enough time, you know, to, to live life to the fullest, you know, the may calendar and the way we used to, um, measure time was by planetary. It was by planetary cycles. Okay. So the concept of linear time was not what it is today. The new calendars, the new time tables are based, not around the planetary it's based in linear time. And so from that perspective, our entire perception of the truth has gotten really delusional and completely off of our nature, which is one with the universe, which is one with cycles. You are here to experience the depths of your soul and form. You are here to know that you are not this body. You are not these things. You are not the experiences. You are the creator of it. And when you take a look at recognizing that you're not this body, that means you're not this lifetime. (11:30): That means that you're not this unit of a day. Okay. When you take a look at that and take a look at life as if it's a classroom to develop your ability to create consciousness upon mind, when you take a look that you can have a cup of tea, like I have right here, and you can actually pick up the cup of tea and you can move it over to the other side of the table and you can place it down. And it looks like, you know, in the past, the cup was on one side of the table and in the present, it's sitting on the other side of the table, right? So it looks like we have a unit of time, but the truth is that that is really just to show you how you create upon universal mind, how you're moving energy in this realm, how you are manifesting and demonstrating. (12:23): If this is a classroom called life. And we