Universal Law of Tithing {44 of 52 series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): What if I told you that whatever you give to life, it has to be given back to you tenfold and the equal and opposite is true as well. What if I told you that whatever you take from life has to be taken from you tenfold? Well, you don't wanna miss today's podcast because we're talking about universal law of tithing and an Axiom and law of the universe that will have you multiplying exponentially, all of your abundance, all your prosperity, all of your love and all of your vitality. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe that when somebody spiritually awakens, they have a gift and a message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So let's talk about this. We are on a series of universal laws. (01:12): Today is universal law of tithing 44 of 52 series. And let me tell you somebody who is not raised religious and, uh, began to seek truth in going into churches. I really had a hard time with the concept of tithing. So let's break this on down because as I dove into it, as I began to research and read upon it, I understood the law of tithing. So I'll never forget. I was in a spiritual center that I ended up working in and training in for years and years and years. And I loved the services. They were so inspirational. They came from truth. It wasn't dogmatic. It was universal laws and metaphysics and, and science and mind and unity and all the great things that I loved so much the same work that Louis hay had been trained in. GPI teaches all it. But at the end of the service, they would literally pass around a, um, a little basket and people would put money checks and things in it. (02:13): And I used to cringe. It was like, Ooh, this just doesn't feel right. And it just, I, I didn't have a problem paying for courses. I had no problem with that exchange, but the concept of giving 10% of my income never felt right. And so today I wanna talk to you about my real understanding of tithing, and you can take it away and take away from this, what you believe about tithing and what works for you. Okay. So as I began to go research into it, because anything that I resist in life is the indicator that is time for me to understand it. Okay. And in, and I began to research and research, uh, things in the Bible. What does it say about tithing in the Bible? Right. So in tide's established for the Lev levies, um, it says that the levys, I have given every tithe in Israel for inheritance and in return for the service that they do their service in the tent tent of meeting. (03:12): Okay. That also says, moreover, you shall speak and say to the Levites when you take from the people of Israel, the tide that I've given you from them for your inheritance, and you shall present a contribution from it to the Lord, a tithe of tithe of the tithe. Okay. So bottom line is that it doesn't really say specifics about tithing in the Bible. Let's face the fact, this is the deal. The law of tithing this law is based on the Axiom, that what you give to your spiritual advancement through time, treasure and talent is returned by the universe. Tenfold. It is based in the principle that 10% of your income, 10% of your efforts and energy is reserved for the loyalty to the whole. This Testament is a spiritual principle of faith in action and taking full responsibility for the collective spend 10% of your time with source spend 10% of your efforts in the expanding of the highest good. (04:12): And if we all did this universal law and live, this principle are world would be much better. So what does this mean? Exactly tithing? It means 10, 10, 10th, right? 10th is what that word is based on. And this is the Axiom of life is that whatever we give to it is return multiplied exponentially, but it, by 10%, at least. Right? So imagine that everything that you give to life has to be reflected back 10 times over, right? That's the, the art of compounding leverage all the above, right. Tithing 10%. So just imagine for a moment that you, that you actually spent 10% of your day, which is actually what, uh, most of the spiritual masters do. At least they do two and a half hours of Asad in the morning at usually 4:00 AM in the morning. And they spend 10% of their dime time, communing, 10% of their dime. (05:09): That's hilarious. Um, 10% of their time communing with source with their higher self, with divine. And imagine what that does for their life. Imagine exponentially way more than 10% does it give back exponentially to expend perception, to having them be able to innovate, to having them have peace, love vitality all the above. So imagine, imagine if you gave 10% of your day to spend in source, wow, what would happen? What would happen? The next thing is what if you give 10% of your time, talent, and treasure to your community, to, to your spiritual advancement and your community for the highest good. Imagine if you gave, imagine if all the billionaires on the planet gave 10% of their money to helping people that are in need, helping educate them and get them fed and get them closed and get them, you know, their lives up level. (06:08): Imagine what would it be like? What would this world be like if we all tied? And this is where universal laws are imperative for us to understand how life could work better, how we could create heaven on earth. And if you understand universal law and you understand how your subconscious mind is one with it and how the subjective divine mind and all of life is one with universal law, we would understand how to make a world that worked. And this is why I'm. So I am so committed to this work because it really sets us free that if we understood this and we applied it and we lived it, not just knowing the truth, but living the truth, what would our life be like? And so I recognize in this, that there's a part of us that the universe knows that it will deliver to you, tenfold, what you give to the advancement of your spiritual awakening and journey. (07:05): The universe will deliver to you tenfold, what you give to your spiritual advancement and journey. Just try that on for a minute. Some, so many people say, I don't have time to meditate. I, what do you mean? You don't have time if you meditate, it frees up time because it clears out all the BS in your life. It clears out all the, to do list. It doesn't matter. You can't afford to not do your spiritual practice. You can't, you can't not find the time to do it because it will free up your time. Your sole desires for you to invest in the expanding of your consciousness, everything in life that you don't like, all the resistance, all the circumstances that are awful is life demanding you to spend time with yourself, to go within, to commune with the beloved divine. (07:56): I know that that signing up for classes, consciousness, investing in your consciousness is the greatest thing you can do for yourself that I understand that attending wellness retreats or, or tithing to your spiritual center or investing in your consciousness is the most important thing that you can do. And I understand that we're all stingy. Sometimes I get stingy. Sometimes I get in scarcity mindset. Sometimes of course, it's not about just not, you know, being conscious about where you're spending your, your money. It's about spending it on the right things that align with your heart, that align with the principles that you live by. And so I know that you are prosperity. You are abundantly you, and as you give that's the funny thing, right? It's a currency. Money is a currency. And if you hold it and hoard it, sure people can be millionaires and be miserable. (08:52): People who truly flow and give to the things that they really care about to investing in their businesses that make a difference conscious business to investing in growing in coaches and, and consciously expanding, investing in, in spiritual retreats, investing in their time and consciousness time, talent, or treasure. Okay. If you don't, if you have a hard time or you don't make a lot of money exchange, you may have a lot of gifts and you can volunteer. You can give your time, you can give talent. Maybe you're really good at, at finances, or maybe you're really good at design, or maybe you're really good at whatever. And you can give those talents to the highest good. I invite you to ti doesn't mean you have to give 10% of your income. I don't believe in that. I believe that that is when, if say a spiritual community or something's open all the time. (09:43): And you know, the problem for me I had was, was that I was in a spiritual center that they only opened, you know, they had a service that's one hour on Sunday and some classes one day of the week. Well, I'm not gonna give 10% of my income to that. Doesn't work for me. Okay. If it's a spiritual center and I'm able to have, you know, what we do, which is we have support calls all week long. We have social events, we have retreats, we have all kinds of things, and yes, it makes sense to give a portion of whatever. Right. And we don't even ask for tithing. Okay. But what I'm saying is that you need to make right in your own heart, where do you wanna give? Where do you wanna tithe? Where do you wanna give your time, talent and treasure, and where is it going to be reflected back 10 times and then exponentially. (10:30): And so, yes, the universal law of tithing is correct in that whatever you give to your spiritual advancement and to your spiritual community has to be returned tenfold. It has to it's law. And so I simply know this truth in my heart and mind and invite you to go into prayer and go into your, your consideration and your heart to say, where do I want to give? Where do I wanna give my time, talent and treasure to my spiritual advancement in my spiritual practice and in my spiritual community, I simply say, yes, I say, yes. I say yes. May it reign on you all abundance, all prosperity, reflecting back exponentially. And then recognizing also wherever you take, wherever you cause harm, wherever you do all that, i