Universal Law of Transcendence {41 of 52 Series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01) This is (00:02) Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19) Imagine for a moment that everything, I mean, everything is working for you. This lockdown COVID the political crisis is the financial disruption. Everything is working for you. Well, today's podcast is universal law of transcendence. And if you are desiring to go beyond the circumstances, go beyond everything and realize that there is something working for you for you to wake up. Then this is an amazing podcast to listen, to welcome to the doctor Aaron podcast. Together. We are awakening the world. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly know that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So today is a series of universal law. We're on universal law of transcendence. Number 41 of 52. The law of transcendence is based on the Axiom of life. That life is designed for your spiritual growth and awakening that everything is working for your spiritual growth and awakening. You are constantly demanded to expand your consciousness through relative experiences and rise above all circumstances. (01:47) So what is transcendence? What is going on in the world and how do we transcend it? Right, right now, we've got a lot going on. You guys. We've got a lot going on. It is prophesized that during this time that a third of the population will die. A third of the population will go insane. And a third of the population will wake up right now. We have lockdown COVID we have news strands of viruses coming into existence. We have all kinds of things going on on this planet. There's a lot of fear. There's a lot of fight. there is a lot of revolutions and there is definitely a lot of going within and being stuck in our habitual ways. So how are we gonna transcend this in the movie, transcendence transcendence, there is a quote and it says, we're not gonna fight them. We're going to transcend them. (02:43) So imagine there is a force, which is the force of who you are source, but imagine that is designed for our awakening all of life. So instead of fighting us or transcending us, right, you can take a wor a lookout in the world and try and fight against the vaccines. You can try and fight against the politics. You can fight against all of it, but there's really only one answer. And one only, an one answer only. And it is transcendence realizing that how do we transcend anything? We've gotta go beyond the form. You know, I have clients that come to me, they come because they got in an argument with their boyfriend or girlfriend about money. Both of them like to spend money differently, or I have other clients that come to me that say, I'm just, just I'm so down. I'm so, you know, I just need to find my purpose. (03:35) I can't get it together. I'm confused. I'm overwhelmed. I've got trauma, all this stuff. Like they're looking at all their circumstances. I'm trying to figure out if I just make more money, then all my problems will be solved. Or if I just, you know, figure out which city I wanna live in, then everything will be right. If I just find the right partner, that soul, you know, flame, then everything will work out. If I just complete these arguments with my partner about, you know, our different ways of, of dealing with life or he drinks more, I drink less or all these things. The point is those are all circumstances like taking a table and trying to rearrange the things on top of your table. And we haven't gotten down to the legs and down to actually beyond the floor and down into the ground and down into that root of that weed, how do we get there? (04:23) How do we transcend what's going on in the world right now? How do we transcend our perception? How do we transcend all of it? There's only one way. There's only one way to transcend. And it is getting into the consciousness, the divine consciousness, the God consciousness, that aspect of ourselves, that we realize that we have created every last drop of everything going on on this planet, that within you is the almighty within you. Is that transcendent aspect that you get to create and transcend something new in your life. That's why we call it new thought movement. Transcendent happens. The moment we know the truth going beyond the circumstances to trans is beyond to transcend any of those circumstances to recognize they're actually here helping you transcend the truth is that all the suffering that you're experiencing right now, whether it be through the fear of, of the unknown, whether it be the suffering and feeling like you're all so alone and you're divided from everyone and your family and everything, maybe the suffering of not having enough money or the suffering of whatever suffering is grace suffering is the transcendence suffering is that aspect. (05:40) That's gonna demand you to do your inner trauma work. Your E four trauma method suffering is grace COVID is grace. Lockdown is grace political dysfunction is grace discord. Um, in your, you know, relationships is grace. This is what's demanding you to go within, to know the truth of who you are and recognize that you can create anything through the pandemic. You can create anything through the dysfunction, with your relationship. You can create anything through your losing of your business or your job or whatever. You can create anything that that is a transcendence. There is a lot of transcendence and you always are transcending everything. The truth of who you are, you're not your body. You're not your beliefs. You're not your thoughts. You're not your circumstances. You are divine. You are the creative factor. You are the, I am, you are got to together collectively. We are this source. (06:44) All this breakdown is divine intervention for the great awakening. And as we go into this new year, as we go into this new year, you get to transcend and take everything that's happened and go beyond that and recognize it's all been working for you for your growth. It's all been working for you to know the truth of who you are. People, fear or resist what they don't understand. So every circumstance that you're resisting, every fear that you're having is for your opportunity to go into meditation, into trauma, work, into breath, work into prayer, work, to know the truth and know that that is the wisdom. You're getting the wisdom out of that trauma minus emotions equals wisdom. All the circumstances that you don't like are there for you to grow and bur the wisdom out of that circumstance. You change the circumstances of your life by your beliefs. (07:43) Who are you being? What do you believe? Do you believe that life's working for you or against you? Do you believe that you cannot, that you're the effect of life? Or do you believe that you're the cause of, of your, of creating what you wanna create? Right. There's a saying that the answer prayer's answer is in the prayer, because just the fact that you desire to change something, to move beyond something to the circumstance is actually the exact thing. That is the truth that has you transcend it. You cannot have the desire of not wanting something without the possibility of having the answer. It's impossible. (08:27) So the law of transcendence, the law is based on the Axiom of life. That life is designed for your spiritual growth and awakening. You are constantly demanding to expand your consciousness through the relative experiences and rise above all circumstances. As you transcend your beliefs, going beyond your limited perception, you are able to embody the truth of the universe and experience your divinity. Every single thing you going through is the right path. You cannot be on anything other than the right path, because you have to go through what you're going through. This is the divine sign that you're following your calling and your dreams by knowing whatever you're resisting is telling you, what is your truth? So no matter if you're in a relationship that you don't wanna be in, or you're arguing or something like that, you have to go through this. There's no other way be still and know that everything is unfolding, perfectly. (09:19) Everything your heart desires is manifesting. Now it is a it's time to live in faith and let go of doubt. This is a confirmation that what you've been asking for for, from the universe's time to celebrate you. You are right here right now that it is perfect. Exactly what you're going through, whatever we're going through, collectively through all this, all this stuff that looks like it's so awful is actually working for us. It is suffering is suffering is grace because it demands us to surrender to the truth of who we are, which is we're not our circumstances. We are not our beliefs. We are the creator and we get to create something new today. So my invitation for you today is to decide what new, what are you wanting to create this year? We're in a new year. It's a new year. You get to decide to learn from all the suffering that you went through in 2020 to say, thank you for that suffering. Because it made me get clear of what I, what really matters to me, my core values. (10:38) I get to decide what I really wanna create out of nothing. If everything, if potentially everything goes away, what do I get to create? That's new. Thank you for all the people that did lose their jobs or go under own business. That thank you. Because for whatever reason it was designed for you to recreate, maybe it's building the exact same thing, but knowing how to do it much better, maybe it's completely letting go of what you didn't like anyway, and creating something new. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for all that suffering. Thank you for the suffering of being stuck in my house alone. Longer than I ever had before. It demanded me to become my own best friend. It demanded me to do more inner work. It demanded me to know the truth that I get to create something new and I get to let go of the relationships that were inauthentic anyway. (11:25) And I get to create even deeper relationships with the people that really matter to me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for all that suffering that transcending right here right now. I know that is all working for me and not against me. I know that all of life is always, always unfolding perfectly. There's no other possibility. So I say, thank you. We're not going to fight it. We're going to transcend it. Thank you for all the arguments. Thank you for the upsets, you for the, the confusion. Thank you for the suffering. Thank you for that trauma. Thank you for all the discord. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Cause I recognize in that I transcend it to know the truth of who I am. (12:07) We only fear what will resist because we don't understand it. May I understand it. May. I understand. It's all working for me. May I understand that my circumstances are not my destiny, that I get to say what I wanna create in this new year. I simply know this as together we say. And so it is may you transcend everything that you don't like into knowing what your truth is? May you live your truth, have a beautiful day. You guys, you can grab some free gifts. Um, in my bios on social media, that's Dr. aaron.tv, D E R I N TV. You can also go to society.com, check out all of our great stuff there, great community, okay. Have a beautiful day and have the best year e