Universal Law of Truth {36 of 52 Series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:18): Are you feeling sadness, maybe some shame, regret, maybe you're experiencing anger or upset, or maybe you're totally heartbroken or maybe just simply suffering within well today's podcast is for you. If you are experiencing anything other than true creation, true enjoyment and true fulfillment today's podcast is for you. So welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe that somebody, when they awaken, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So I'm Dr. Aaron, I'm a doctor of divinity, founder of society and new thought global TV host of good morning LA land. And what we do here in society, new thought global is we develop sole entrepreneurs. We certify spiritual coaches and spiritual practitioners and develop new thought leaders. (01:19): And yes, doctors at divinity shortly rolling out here as well. Okay. So let's break this on down. We're in a series of universal laws. Today is universal law of truth. It's number 36 of 52 series. And so let's break this on down. My favorite saying in the entire world is the truth will set you free. The truth will set you free. So aligning to universal law. Why do we care? We care because we want to experience the true divine power that we are. We want to experience manifesting and demonstrating what we want to experience in this life. And so today is all about understanding that the truth shall set you free. Another one of my favorite sayings is may you live your truth because we have to recognize, and first break down what is truth? And we know that there is absolute truth and relative truth. (02:11): Absolute truth is that you are immortal, eternal, all powerful all-knowing spiritual being. And that you are one with everything because you are the source, which is the, I am factor, which is created all of life. A relative truth is that you uniquely as the individualized fractal of the one to get to use universal law and your experience individually, and that what works for you versus another person is unique for you. And that you have a unique divine expression as the one. So let's break this one down. I was, uh, working with a client the other day, and she was upset. She was upset with herself. Actually, she had a lot of shame and guilt and felt like she was being lazy and was just really disappointed herself. So went through an upset rundown and she began to kind of speak aloud. You know, all the things she was upset about. (03:06): I'm upset with myself because I am just not living up to my potential. I'm upset with myself because I feel like I get into conflict with people. I get upset with myself because I give advice when I shouldn't be giving advice, I'm upset with myself and she went on and on and on. And then all of a sudden took her into another process of, of taking her kind of wise herself speaking to herself. What would you like to say to yourself right here and right now, and she began to speak truth into herself, speaking from her wiser self. And she said something to the extent of you are amazing. You are born of the divine. You have given so much and you give so much, and she began to speak truth. And in this moment, as a, as a practitioner, as a doctor, Divi, as somebody who knows truth, what happens for me is I begin to get chills as soon as there's a shift in someone's consciousness, as soon as there's been a reception in their soul, because I can feel it, cuz I'm, I've done so much work. (04:04): I can feel, I get chills that go through my, my body and soul. And as she began to speak truth, she literally shifted her entire, her entire experience, her mindset, her actual physicality began to shift. And that, that is the level of whether you are living the law of truth or whether you are living and suffering. It is all in mind and is all shifting in the truth of who you are and that everything is working for you because everything is all the growth and masterclass of life. And everything is perfect exactly as it is because there's always a lesson and a blessing and development in all of it. So law of truth, universal law of truth, basically states at the core of who you are, lives in omnipotent presence that has eternal wisdom and love within each cell of your body lives, a divine intelligence and innate healer and an unlimited life force. (05:06): You are endowed with intuition and universal guidance. The extent to which you deny this is the extent to which you will suffer. Do you understand this, the extent to which you deny this, you will suffer. Meaning where you lying to yourself, where are you lying to yourself? What limited beliefs are you still buying into? Where do you still feel like you're a victim or the effect of life? Who did you wrong and who broke your heart? So let's break this on down. What is truth? There's a saying that, you know, at first truth is difficult, but then it gets easier and easier. Whereas a lie at first, maybe easy, but then it gets harder and harder to maintain. I don't know if you, any, you guys remember the movie Jack Nicholson, where he says you can't handle the truth. It's an old movie. So I bet many of you don't remember. (06:03): I think it was a 1980s movie and he's a Lieutenant and he had to give a, a harsh order. And basically it became a big, um, thing in the court. And he basically says that you can't handle the truth, meaning that there's decisions that people make in this life, that's their truth, right? That they, that there's a truth that sometimes isn't easy and it is a relative truth. And we all have truth. We have a relative truth. We have ultimate truth, but the ultimate truth is what sets us free. The relative truth also sets us free at some level because it's the choice that we're making fully right now. And it lines to what works for us right now. And in that we are set free as well. So for example, maybe you had to break up with somebody. Maybe you had to cut somebody out of your life. (06:57): Maybe you had to, um, you know, block someone, maybe you've had to, um, walk away from a situation, a job, something, and it was hard, but it was your truth. And at that point in time, it actually gave you relief because it was something that it was your truth for you at that point in time. Okay. That's a relative truth of what sets you free as well. So in this universal law of truth, we have to recognize that the truth always sets us free. We have to know the truth around everything. And then we also have to get alignment with our unique truth. So this is how we're gonna do it. So the law of truth is basically, you know, where in your life or do you have a secret still where you lying to yourself, okay, your sole desires for you to come clean and live authentically. (07:45): We've all lived in suffering. Whether it be in a bad relationship, whether it be not doing what we love to do, whether it be, um, you know, hurting ourselves or dysfunction or whatever it may be, because it's not our truth. The triune of freedom is truth, life and beauty. Where are you not living truth? Where are you not living life? And where do you not have beauty? What, what you consider beautiful to unlock your divinity? You must end the battle within and live a life of transparency, a transparent life. It may be uncomfortable at first, but the universe assures that there is a life of freedom on the other side may live in your truth set, you free, right? So we have to take a look at this. You know, I had this great conversation the other day with, um, hunter who runs third eye thoughts on Instagram. (08:34): It was 2.3 million followers or something like that, and began to dive deep into what's going on in the world. And, um, got deeper and deeper and conscious conversation. It was a great conversation. And we started to the conversation about heartbreak because a lot of his followers, a lot of the posts that do really well on Instagram are about, you know, heartbreak and finding your soulmate and you know, the narcissist that you dated and all these different things about relationship. People are kind of obsessed with that aspect of life because it's a deep feeling that we, we love the feeling of being high on romantic love, right? But so the concept is who actually breaks your heart. It's impossible. Like it's impossible for somebody to make you feel anything. You are the creator. The moment that you place a positive or negative mean on anything is the moment that you experience a positive or negative experience. (09:29): And so having heartbreak even is something that you've created for yourself with the consideration that somebody has, you know, broken your heart, that somebody has done something that is, you know, is you they've abandoned you or whatever it is. So we have to break on down, even emotions for you to understand the truth. What is truth? Right? Anger is a consideration that something is getting in the way of what you're trying to create. Sadness is a consideration that you're, you can't create what you wanna create. Fear is a consideration that something you value is being taken away from might be taken away from you. Apathy is considering that nothing is valuable, right? The truth is that you are the ultimate power. You possess truth. And if you are still a victim, anywhere in your life, if you feel like you're the effect of anything in your life, then you're not living truth. (10:19): And I know that's hard maybe. And maybe it seems like, no, but they did do that. Or no, I was raped or no, my, you know, parents did abandon me or, and that's, that's true. That happened. But what you're considering in the meaning that you're making around it is what you have created. And that is where you have choice. That is the truth. Who's to say what was a blessing and what was a curse it's relative. And if we look at life is all working for us. Every last drop of it has to be for us and not against us, because it is all about developing consciousness. That's the masterclass of life. I read another post on Instagram yesterday when I was writing this, the notes for this podcast. And I it's so beautiful. I wanna read it to you. It says, I am the sovereign center of my reality. (11:11): I claim full responsibility and accountability for the energetic integrity of all my creations past, present, and future. I hold a clear vision for my realm to be harmonious, peaceful, prosperous, healthy, and loving. And I choose to radiate these frequencies into the far reaches of my kingdom. And I'm gonna input kingdom from my open heart. The word sovereign means to possess Supreme and ultimate power. And so my question for you is if you want to live a life of power, divine power, total prosperity, vitality, total joy, you've got to live universal law of truth, which means you have to live truth. You have to know in your mind at all points in time, the truth of who you are, the truth of how life is working for you and your unique divine relative truth, whatever works for you and fully live that the only suffering, the only suffering is wanting people, places, and life and yourself to be different than you are. (12:1