Universal Law of Vibration {37 of 52 Series}

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): If you wanna find the secrets of the universe, think in energy, frequency and vibration, that was Nicola Tesla. Today's podcast is universal law of vibration 37 of 52 series. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. This is Dr. Aaron. I'm a Dr. Divinity founder of soul society and new thought global and TV host of good morning LA land. We truly believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law so that we can live our best life so that we can have prosperity. Abundance, make an impact in the world, have deep relationships and have vibrant health. We simply know this in mind together, and this is what frees us. So let's break this on down universal law vibration. (01:06): We're in a series. This is number 37 of 52. So let's break this on down. The law of vibration, everything is energy. Every last drop of life is energy. You take a look at the, you know, phone or computer you're on. It's actually energy, everything, even steel, even everything. If you break it down, it's energy, it's moving, it's a frequency. And so how do we live our best life? We have to understand energy. We have to understand how we work. We have to understand how we're creating the frequency of our life. You know, a lot of the things I teach in society has to do with reprogram the subconscious mind. And there's basically three ways of reprogramming subconscious mind. One is through neutralizing the energy around our trauma of this lifetime, past lifetime. Through our DNA, we release the energetic ties that are holding us back and suppressing our high vibes. (02:00): If you will. The other way we teach is through spiritual mind treatment or knowing the truth and basically declaring and demanding and, and moving energy upon the subconscious mind for the highest form of vibration. Right? And the third way is basically through our daily spiritual practice through things that we do through our environment, that we put ourselves in through all the above. And so I was talking with my dad the other day. Um, my dad's amazing human being. We actually, I didn't know him that much as a child. He had gone off to go find himself and had another family. And there was a lot of pain and suffering on my side of it. It, but as I've done my healing, we've come back together. Um, for many years now and we have a great relationship. He's an extraordinary human being. He's a naturopath and he just moved his offices. (02:46): Um, and so he was FaceTiming me his new office and showing me all the different rooms and showing me all these devices that he has around changing the energetic frequency of the body. So it was so cool. He was FaceTiming me and he is showing me these different things. He has this one, uh, thing that is from Tesla's coils. And you basically sit in a chair and on each side of the chair, he has these coils and it literally puts these frequencies through the body. And the concept is that all disease is a discord of energetic, you know, like basically stuck energetic things within the organs and different things. So the concept is to kind of push and flow the frequencies through the body. I may be saying this incorrectly, but basically, and then naturally each organ, each tissue restores to its natural vibration and frequency. (03:38): There's another thing he has in there. That's a photon sound beam. And it's this thing where you hold it in each of your hands and essentially the components to are to rebuild and maintain cellular homeostasis and healthy DNA. They're basically it freeze has these electrons in the form of noble gases are gone Andry and Xenon, I think that was called. And basically it goes in and electrifies and basically puts these, these, this energy into your body that restores that, that we are one, you know, if we spent time on earth and energy, then we would basically align to the true energetic codes, but we're on these technologies and we're in homes and we're with rubber souls on our shoes and, and we have our minds not right. And so today my, my biggest commitment outta this podcast is for us to take a look at how we can raise our vibration. (04:32): How can we raise our vibration aligned to the true vibration of who we are, which is one with earth and with each, you know, each organ getting alignment and our mind getting into the right vibration, right? We always say like, oh, it's good vibes. It's bad vibes. You know, it's so it's like, people think it's woo, it's not woo at all. This is straight science. You guys, this is straight science. So let's break this on down. So the law of vibration states that life is a constant energy exchange to the communication of frequency. Everything's in motion, nothing is solid and change is inevitable. The vibration of your life is created by your beliefs and by your choices, you and the culture make, which create a certain magnetism within your body, mind and soul, that the circumstances of your life high vibration is a direct correlation to aligning with universal law and mother nature and your truth. (05:24): So let's break this on down within the body, within the subconscious mind, the subconsciousness program through vibration there that it, the subconscious doesn't know words, it knows the feeling and the backing and the emotions around it, right? So this is how you create better vibration. The moment that you, that you consider somebody to be positive or negative is the moment that you actually create frequency from the feeling and the emotion that you create for yourself. So we have to take a look and know that if you wanna be in a, an alignment with the universal law of vibration and really have the highest vibe you can, so that you can begin to just easily manifest and easily, you know, call on things and be in flow in the world. You've got to look at where you are placing negative beliefs on things to entangle you into that discordance, right? (06:14): So that's where you do your trauma work. That's where you basically get clear on releasing your perception that life is against you and not for you. And then you use any of the negative emotions to propel you more into your truth vibration, right? So who you hanging out with? Where are you getting upset? Where are you putting negative meaning on stuff? Our core par thing of the day is to at least stay in peace and then hopefully get into ecstasy and joy and fulfillment and all that. If we're stifling down and going down and spiraling down into upsets and sadness and depression, then of course we're informing universal law. And if you understood law and you understood how it works, you would do everything your power today, right now, right here to get in the best vibration you can. I remember years ago, um, I've been an entrepreneur for years and years, and I used to have this friend that he was an entrepreneur. (07:07): Also, we were good friends and we had the same, which was so true. Anytime we weren't having, you know, flow and business, we would just shut down our, our business for the day and just go out and have fun with friends, get in flow, getting that good vibration. And soon enough clients would start streaming in, or the deals would come across the board or whatever you wanna say, right. Because we'd get in that vibration. And man I've experienced that, you know, getting in front of technology can be addicting, start getting into the technology, start getting out social media and all of a sudden your vibes go down and down and down. And you're like, why am I not enjoying this? Right? And then all of a sudden you go on vacation or you get a pattern interrupter, you hang out with some girlfriends or whatever it is. (07:45): And all of a sudden you're like back in that joy and back in that flow. And then business is just easy. So we have to look at if we want the best life, if we want to live a joyful life and really experience what we wanna experience this life, we've gotta get in high vibration. So what is that for you? Is that getting your mind, right? Is that getting into meditation? Is that doing spiritual mind treatment? Is that hanging out with your friends? Is that getting in flow? Is that getting the walking on the beach, is that going to, you know, naturopath and, and using some devices to get your energy, right? What is that for you? But this is your life. This is not dress rehearsal, right? Is it getting into flow and getting into community and signing up for their coaching and, and doing whatever it is to get your mind right. Get into subconscious reprogramming, heal your trauma, do whatever it is. What is it? You know, and this is the truth. And let's just, let's just do a spiritual mind treatment around. Let's take a deep breath into the nose and Exxon out. (08:45): I recognize that you know, that there is an intuition to you that knows what you need to get in the right vibration. That every level your body is speaking to now telling you, screaming to you, saying what you need. You know what it is. Maybe it's getting off technology. Maybe it's aligning, maybe it's going on that trip. You've always wanted take, I recognize right here, right now that you know that there is a frequency in you and an intelligence in you and all the vibration that you know, and you can command it now by deep breath, breath, work by spiritual mind treatment by going and exercising by eating right by demanding and declaring right now, right here, that you are the frequency that everything in your life, every cell of your body, every, every thing that you speak on into existence, every relationship is for the highest good of your life, of your vibration of your frequency. (09:33): I know this, I knew it all starts in mind. Every last drop of it, that the environment is only when we choose to put ourself in whatever environment we choose to put us into whatever device we choose to bring our vibration higher. We choose to every single, every single thought, every single motion, every single feeling is from mind, every last drop of it. And so I know right here right now that I choose to have great frequency, I choose great vibration. I choose to think exactly what is in my divine, right? Which working for me at all points in time. And so I say yes to the law of vibration, I say yes, to being in accordance with that in harmony. With that, I simply know this in my mind in heart is together. We say. And so it is yes, life is in constant movement. (10:20): Change is inevitable and nothing is still. Everything is energy. You must get comfortable with being uncomfortable, your soul desires, to expand to the next level. Let go of trying to control things. Let go of the patterns that don't longer serve, focus your energy and time on the areas of your life, where you thrive. Every belief, every thought, every feeling you have is created from the vibration frequency of your mind. As you feel positive, you will attract more positivity. It is that simple. The universe desires for you to spend time doing the things you love with the people you love expect the experience of high frequency and freedom. And so I simply know this in my heart as together we say. And so it is again. So if you guys are, um, listening to this podcast, if you are in the five day challenge, or if you're coming on the masterclass,