Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. May you live your truth, live from Los Angeles. This is Dr. Aaron. We come together each morning to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law and our own relative truth. So let's do this cuz we also come together in community, through society. We're committed to being the number one spiritual community in the world, committed to enlightenment empowerment and yes, entrepreneurship, because it's important. You've got a message and the world wants it. So let's do this thing. Let's talk about upsets and justifications. So I have a question for you if right in front of you imagine like put your two hands out in front of you and on one hand you have a candy bar and on one hand you have anger, fear, deceit, resentment, sadness, turmoil, grief. What do you think is worse for you? Do you think it's worse to have a candy bar or do you feel like it's worse to get an upset? (01:06): And so it's interesting if you really think about these two things and what actually happens in the body when you eat a candy bar or when you get really stressed out, basically they're both stresses on the body. That's pretty much all it is. You know? I mean, well, I mean, I guess it's, it's it, there's some parts of the, of a candy bar that might be good for you and maybe there's some good things to you about stress, but the reality is that there's stress on the body. There's stress on the body when we put toxins in it and there's stress on the body when we have, you know, negative beliefs, negative emotions going on. So let's talk today about upsets and justifications. So working with people, one on one, dealing with, uh, the subconscious mind and upsets and justifications and, and you know, I clumped these together because at the point in time, when I began this conversation, you know, years ago around this, I didn't realize how profound upsets are and how much it really plays into our life. (02:02): This is a book of itself, right? Upsets. I mean, think about it. What upsets you and why do you get upset? I mean, there, there's a huge spiritual conversation. Um, getting down to your core values and beliefs and everything else for this, but let's dive into this for a minute. So upsets what is an upset and upset? Basically, if you, if you take a look and you actually put, you know, you have a gap, there's a gap in life and on one side of the gap is how you want life to be how you want people to be life, to be how you want others to be how you wish it was basically. And then on the other spectrum of this gap is how it is. And as a saying goes, it is what it is or as Theves say, as it is. And the point is, this is if you really accepted people, places and things in life as they were, you wouldn't have upsets upsets are basically, uh, the gap between how you wish life was and how it is. (03:03): So STRs, how do we do this? How do we get upset? Right? So the reality is that you're such a powerful, spiritual being that the moment you assign a positive or negative meaning to something or something that doesn't occur, you instantaneously have a negative emotion. This is stress, okay. There's stresses in life that are actually physical and actual, real, like say the heat, like say it's a, you know, 120 degrees outside that would be stress on the body, right? But the reality is that majority of all stress is in the mind. Majority of all stress is in your mind and is created by yourself. You can have awful things that happen to you. You know, maybe you lose a job. Someone transitions, a loved one, uh, someone cheats on you, you know, whatever it may be. But the reality is it's really how you react to it. (03:57): And the meaning that you put around it that causes the upset. And so upsets are good sometimes, right? We don't wanna negate and upset upsets good because what it is doing is it's, it's your, it's your higher self. It's your intuition. It's that part of you that says, Hey, this isn't an alignment with what I want for myself and my life. So it's good to get upset, right? It's good to, if there's healthy, there's an amount of healthy upset that gets us motivated. That gets us back on track. That gets us, you know, not just hanging out and doing nothing, but majority of people that get upset, it just really isn't serving right? Say there's traffic. And, uh, the traffic's going in and you're getting more and more frustrated. Like it's not gonna change the traffic, right? All it's doing is really hurting you. So there's some upsets that are good, that help us get motivated and help us get back in alignment. (04:51): And there's some upsets and stresses about things that really don't serve that are actually hurting ourselves. We're actually hurting ourselves. We're, we're studying ourself out. We're aging, our bodies more, we're doing more harm with, so how does this work? You know, stress may be the most toxic feeling you can ever have because there's an abundance of it. You can be stressed out all day. Haven't even met those people that are literally addicted to stress or it addicted to being frustrated. They're addicted to the drama of life. There's unlimited amount of this. Like it can be the most toxic thing you can have in your entire world, but you have to understand that, you know, this is, again, it comes down to your beliefs, your thoughts, your emotions, that creating these circumstances. And it's like a loophole that happens. You're constantly informing your subconscious mind, which is informing the subjective mind, which is informing universal law. (05:42): And it's literally bringing situations back into your life over and over and over again. So if you really wanna awaken, if you really wanna have a transformed life and live empowered, you gotta give it up. You gotta give up the upset. You've gotta complete the cycle. You've gotta accept people in places and things as they are. And then in that moment, when you fully accept it and you close that gap, there's a new possibility. And it's called you. It's called you creating from nothingness, creating from what is there. And the reality is that every problem is an opportunity. Every problem is an opportunity to innovate, to create something new. It's an advancement of your consciousness, right? If you had the perfect world, then you create, it's like, what do you create from here? Cool. You could create some art or something, right? But the reality is to create from situations that aren't ideal makes you become more advanced. (06:40): It makes you have to innovate even more. It has to have you rise to the occasion and be a person in the face of what you don't necessarily want. Dan Millman said, suffering is our psychological resistance to what happens. Events may create physical pain, but they do not in themselves. Create suffering. Resistance creates suffering. Stress happens when your mind resists, what is the only problem in your life is your mind's resistance to life. As it unfolds. The reality is that your body becomes a victim of your stressful mind. So stop doing it as, uh, as, uh, that famous YouTube, uh, show goes, stop it, just stop it. Right. Is it that easy? So how do you do this? Well, you gotta get into the subconscious mind. You gotta get in there. And, and first of all, really look and see what is upsetting you. What are the failed expectations that you're having? (07:40): What are the things that you want for other people in life that it is not exactly what other people want for themselves or what or what, the way that life is, you know, and where do you begin to forgive others so that you can free yourself from the chains of holding and being upset? Where are you ready to let go of and begin to surrender to what is and awaken to the true power within, you know, no longer placing your stress and putting it out in the world and re taking, claiming it, realizing that you did that. Where have you handed your joy over to your, your validation over to needing all these things from the world. When you have it all inside of you, you have it all inside of you. So, you know, getting upset is one of the worst things we can do to ourselves. (08:33): So you have a story and you have a story and you have a story and you keep pulling this story up and you can have a story being the victim. You can have the story of how life is so hard. You can have the story of whatever, or you can rewrite that story today. Right now, basically rewriting it into something that you've never known before. This is a new flick, it's a new film, it's a new, you know, hero's journey. What is that story that you wanna rewrite today? And so just knowing with that, the portal, you know, it brings us to a very, very famous, real life story. I'm sure all of you guys have heard this. So Helen Keller, okay. I mean, are you kidding me? Talk about somebody who had all the reasons to be stressed and all the reasons to justify why her life sucked. (09:21): Right. So Helen Keller was, uh, blind and, uh, and deaf. And, uh, she basically, she fricking rose. She, she studied under Anne Sullivan and, uh, she slowly learned how to communicate with one person breaking through and basically finding her, her strength, her spirit. She ended up getting the first bachelor degrees in art. She wrote her autobiography by the age of 22. And she, they made a movie out of it, the miracle worker, I mean, are you kidding me? Like she had every reason to be upset of the circumstances of her life. And she had every justification to basically not rise to, to the truth of who she was an almighty, powerful, spiritual being talk about an advanced soul, right? Like oftentimes we think of it like a burden if you were to come into this life as, as deaf and mute. But the reality is that is that maybe she's more advanced than all of us, right? (10:20): Spiritually. She had to rise at levels that you and I may never have to rise to. So what's a blessing and what's a curse. And I, I beg you to invite you to think that the hardest things you're going through are the biggest blessings of your life. That the upsets are. What is the, the, the factor that you can go through that wall. And that's the most advanced classroom in this lifetime justifications, man, we all got 'em. Helen must have had a lot of 'em, right? A justification's just another word for an excuse. It's a reason, a fact, a circumstance and explanation that upholds and defends your disempowerment. So where are you? Disempowered want you to write down all the excuses you have today of why you're not doing what you're doing, what you wanna do, what you truly desire to do, stop making the excuses, tap into that source with them and know the truth. (11:15): Make it happen. Explains why, you know,