Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. May you live your truth. (00:09): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each morning to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. So this week is obviously all about the holidays, and I think it's a really intense time. You know, we have a, a lot of sadness, depression, and it can be a real pity party for people. So I remember the holidays years ago, I was actually living in Sacramento, California, and my family was all up in lake Tahoe. And I was gonna go up there because my sister had flown in. My mom lived up there and, um, lo and behold, there was a terrible snowstorm and I was not able to make it up the canyon. It literally closed and I couldn't make it up. So I remember Christmas spending it all alone. And man, I had just this total pity party. And when it cleared up, I think it was like the day or two after Christmas, I was able to make it up to Tahoe. (01:06): Cause I was gonna spend a couple of the last days with my sister and family and everyone. And I remember my mom had her present that she'd gotten me. And I remember when I opened it, it was a vacuum cleaner and I thought, man, could my life get any worse? And at that point in time, it was a relative point on my track. I'm measuring for where and how far my mind has come. And the reality is this is that the holidays can be a really intense time because it like magnifies everything. It magnifies the good, it magnifies the bad, it magnifies all the emotions because we're such powerful, spiritual being that we put meaning around it and instantaneously it becomes significant. Right? So my question for you is what is your north star, you know, coming into thinking about this and what the year looks like, what are you focusing on? (02:03): Right. So the saying goes, seek first, the kingdom of God and all else shall be added onto you. I like to change that a leg a little bit. I like to say seek first, the kingdom of goddess and all else shall be added onto you. So this is the point is that as we're reflecting upon the ending of the year and as we're planning for the new year, and as we are sitting wherever we're sitting tomorrow, I'm going to park city and I'm gonna spend time with my family and just enjoy the moment. And again, we were gonna all come together because my sister was building a home and we had planned this trip to all come together. Well guess what? The home wasn't done. So lo and behold, the holidays have, you know, put this little twist for us. I think as a test, it always is testing us in weird ways, right? (02:55): To know what we're truly committed to. And the reality is that I'm truly committed to enjoying the holiday no matter what, no matter what the out picture, no matter what the universe throw at me. So the question for you is, you know, what are you creating for the new year? Because I think as you are sitting around in the holiday season, we can of of course just enjoy our family. That maybe that's our primary goal, but we can't help. But think of the new year, you know, it's in all of the back of our minds, right? So my question for you is what are you creating for the new year? Have you set goals for 2019? And I think this is such a fascinating question, especially as a doctor divinity, it's an interesting question that I've pondered for years, why set goals in the 3d realm. (03:43): And so I really wanna make it really clear that I'm not a spiritualist that is trying to reach Nirvana in my experience. I'm already that I believe we're here to experience the depths of our soul and form. We're here to develop the use of consciousness to direct energy upon universal law. So, you know, F yes, I'm setting goals. I mean, after all, this is like a huge game, right? We might as well have fun with this and play with it. And so here's the deal. I truly believe that if you want to reach your earthly goals, you've got to set your sole goals. So what does that mean? Your soul goals? What are your daily spiritual practice goals for 2019? And let's get also straight that my clients set their KPIs for the business plans by noon, every Monday in our private mastermind group. Okay. (04:36): But the only reason that I have do this is to actually measure their subconscious measure, what beliefs are sabotaging or stopping the demonstration in form. So yes, you can measure the expanding and contracting of your subconscious, but you've got to have something to measure it against, right? So if you're desiring to manifest, if you're desiring, you're manifesting all the time, but if you're designed to manifest something specific, then you know, what is stopping you, if it is being sabotaged, or if you are having fear come up or whatever is getting in your way, you can measure your subconscious. And that's why we set these goals to experience and play a game here and be able to measure our subconscious. So in my opinion, though, the only goal to ever have is divine connection. Of course, of course, it's the most important thing. All material wealth, all fulfillment, all health, all love is the side effect of this ultimate, you know, soul and goal planner. (05:37): I mean, that's the point of all of it, right? The plan is birthing your truth identity and living your truth. And how do we do this? You know, so my north star of course is truth. And this is where I focus on this is the, the opportunity. So as you go into the holidays, as you're living that this week, as you're doing this through the new year through whatever is keeping your eye on the light, you know, the universe only does one thing. It just says, yes, it just responds in a direct correlation. It is the ultimate mirror of what's going on in your consciousness. So as we go into this week and, and, and we're already in the week, we basically know this truth, knowing that we are aligning with the law of growth. You know, there are things that we can manifest instantaneously in mind, and there's something that takes growth. (06:29): And we, you know, we, we need to embody these skill sets in business. We need to develop our embodiment of our intelligence in the 3d realm, in the earthly realm. And so I know that right here, that nothing in the universe is still, everything is in motion and designed for expansion. There is no time in the spiritual realm. However, in the physical realm, some things take time, some things take growth, just like a plant or a dancer or building a home. The universal law allows us to witness and measure our ability to manifest and demonstrate through space and time. And so have fun with it, play with it. This is the game. Okay. So the ultimate soul and goal planner is to do both, is to always, always be doing your inner work and have measurable goals in the physical realm so that you can identify both of them. (07:23): They've gotta go hand in hand. It's all one thing which is spirit, which is God, which is expressing you. And so in this today's daily spiritual practice is just to practice demonstration, set goals, be clear, get committed and know that there's nothing neutral about the soul. As Thomas Moore said, there's nothing neutral about the soul that your soul is the expression of you're human. You have beliefs and that in any belief, there's no neutrality. There is, it sets, uh, an entire stream of events in the universe. And you're here to experience the depths of your soul and form. So today's challenge is to focus your energy upon mind with certainty, set your goals, come together. Each, each week in our groups, you know, I've got multiple groups, I've got a membership group in society now, and a leadership group and an ambassador group. And in these groups, in the membership group, we have a real, it's a spiritually based community. (08:23): And we come together each Monday to basically set our, our soul's goals. And we, on Tuesday, we actually have a soul session call and we actually know the truth together. For an hour, we set our gratitudes, set our intentions. We talk about our wins. We do breakthrough sessions and transformational sessions in the leadership program. We set our KPIs and business because this is sole entrepreneurship. And we, we build our platforms and we have a call every week on Thursdays, and we do group coaching. And we talk about technology and things because as spiritual leaders, and I'm so committed to developing the greatest spiritual leaders, because I believe this time in history is when spirituality is gonna meet materialism. And we really have to come together. As Einstein said, my favorite quote right now, as Einstein said, Einstein said that religion without science is lame. And I think spirituality without materialism is a shame. (09:18): . And I love that quote right now by myself. I'm quoting myself. That's right. So, uh, today, as you go into your day, no matter where you are, I'm just knowing the truth of abundance. I know that as you awaken to your true identity, the all powerful, spiritual being that you already are, and you awaken to your relative truth, that truth within you, that is specific for you. You have a unique truth, there's ultimate truth and relative truths. There's ultimate truths that how you demonstrate how you manifest the physics of, of this plane, but your relative truth is unique for you. What's true for you. And money. Career is unique. You know, the amount of money that works for you is different than the next person, love and relationships different for you. Some people are completely monogamous. Some people are polyamorous. What is your truth? (10:04): And in the realm of health and wellness, you know, how many hours of sleep do you need a night, it's gonna be different for you versus someone else. And so just knowing that you get to say, what's true for you. You get to have that be your north star, your life purpose statement. You get to keep your, your eye on the light and, and keep the other eye on your heart. What's true for you. And that truth will change over time. As you awaken, as you step into your higher and higher expression of your truth. But knowing this, I just wanna say, thank you so much for this season, for the holidays to spend time with my son and my family, and just know that there's perfection in it, as hard as it is. And, you know, as divided as some of the family is physically and knowing that we all at some level just want peace and love and connection, and to really experience the deepest, darkest depths of life and the lightest of joy, we're here to experience all of it, the relative truth. (