Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series   Transcription: (00:01): Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. May you live your truth. (00:09): Live from Los Angeles. We come together each morning to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in a community society. We're committed to being the number one spiritual leaders community in the world, committed to enlightenment, empowerment and entrepreneurship. We truly believe when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world. We are committed to enlightening a billion people across the planet. Yep. That's right. You heard us. So let's do this thing today. We are all about releasing and letting go of victimhood. JC Lee Dugger. She said, I am so lucky and blessed for all the wonderful things I do have. Life is too short to think about all the things you don't have. So on June 10th, 1991, JC Lee, Duggard kidnapped from her bus stop on her way to school. (01:04): I'll never forget that day. The media trucks, police with dogs and investigators were everywhere. Everything was on lockdown. And I remember the entire city of, of, um, lake Tahoe, south lake Tahoe kind of shut down. Everybody was sitting at their TVs at their radios. Listening to sea of JC Lee Dugard was found 24 hours later. Everyone was still waiting. They had had candlelight vigilance and everyone was holding space and praying for her to show back up 48 hours went by. And the police said that if a child has not been found within 48 hours, it is a grim outlook. (01:50): I'll never forget that day because my mom, I was actually up at my mom's house for the summer. And my mom's house was one block from Jace Lee Duggar's house. And they began to tie these pink ribbons around the trees in the neighborhood. And every day when I would come and leave from my mom's house, I would see the pink ribbons. I remember a week went by two weeks, went by and that summer went by and I left. And when I came back, the next year, the pink ribbons were still on the trees. And I thought, what would it be like for that family to not even know what happened to their daughter? Not know if she was killed or still was still alive or where she was. And I just thought what torture that would be. And I would just think about how lucky we were to be with our family. I remember it like it was yesterday because it was so clear. So clear of that feeling of just wondering what that family was going through (02:51): 18 years later, a miracle happened news channels across the world, broadcasted live on television with a resounding shock that joy that Jace Lee Dugard had been found. I was personally overcome with joy. I literally kind of fell back my sofa as I saw the news. Come on, holy cow. I thought, is it possible 18 years later? So JC Lee Dugard had been kidnapped and she was held captive in the backyard of, of a couple. She was raped and tortured and she wore two children without any hospitalization. Anything, her story was absolutely incredible. Um, but what was the most incredible thing was that JC Lee Dugger did not focus on her victimization. She reclaimed her life. I'm sure she had major, major help around the trauma, but she ended up getting married. She had a book that came out and she basically would always state how blessed she was instead of what a victim her was. (04:03): She was. And the point is, this is that if we're going to step into our power, if we're gonna step into becoming spiritual leaders, we have to let go of our victimhood. We have to. And so I know if JC Lee Dugger can do it, we can do it. And so in this miracle and in this knowingness, you know, we have to ask, how do we do that? You know, Victor E Frankel from the book man searched for meaning basically said the same thing. He noted that the survivors that survived the camps had a reason. They had a reason why to live. And that was the common denominator. And so I think for all of us, if we're going to overcome our victimhood, because at some level we've been victims at whatever level, maybe not to the extent of JC Lee Dugger, but at some extent, coming from dysfunctional families or having abusive, you know, relationships or just whatever that is. (04:59): But I know that if we truly desire to awaken to our greatness, we must forgive and set ourself free. So today the law of the day is the law of transmutation. This is the metamorphosis of the theoral realm into the physical reality. Energy is condensed and formed via the mind. So what is held in consciousness must transform into the material form. This is a perpetual process because energy is infinite in its expansion. What the mind focuses on informs a creative medium of the universe into action. Energy is incapable of being destroyed. Therefore it will take form. Thus it is imperative to focus on what you do want to manifest. And so if you are feeling like a victim, you have to know that the most important work you can do is doing your trauma work so that you can release that the trauma release your commands and step into neutrality and have freedom of choice to create what you do want so that your mind can focus on what you do want. (06:02): Instead of constantly, constantly trying to push down those mental pictures of the trauma that happened. The most important thing can do, because because of this law of transportation, whatever you focus on, whatever keeps coming in mind is what's going to be energized. And so if you wanna be set free, if you want to awaken, if you wanna step into leadership, the role that you truly are born to be bringing the greatest gift of all to life you. And so in this I know today is the opportunity to step into that. So today's day, the spiritual practice is to forgive and such yourself free. The challenge is to take 10 minutes to journal. You know, journaling is a great way to release things to just come to as is in things and stop the, the gap of suffering. Not hoping people, places and things in life are different than they are, but accepting them as they are. (06:56): So today, as you journal, you know, asking yourself what events and experiences do you still suffer from? You know, what do you need to forgive? Who do you need to forgive? Do you need to forgive yourself? What do you think it would take for you to make peace with your past? Are you ready to focus on what you want to create in your life and let go of regret sadness and past events use meditation as a key tool to begin, to help you to let go and release and forgive. I'm a true advocate of course, of trauma work. But if you don't have somebody to do trauma work, you can do meditation. You begin to ask yourself these questions and ask your higher self. You know, what do I need to do to release these things? Who do I need to become? Where do I need to get help? (07:40): And so on and so forth. I recognize that Ja Lee Dugard, I just thank her. I've never even met her in person. And she's been with me and she's been a teacher. She's been a strength of mine. And I just think about this little girl in this backyard, like little girl, like I think she was nine years old when she got kidnapped. Can you imagine being all alone? I wondering, you know, how cruel could this life be? And somehow she didn't give up. Somehow the universe brought her children that weren't exactly in the best way, but they brought her children to keep her comfort and grow with. And I just know that this little girl, her heart, she must have had such great faith and she must live in faith right now. I know that the miracle was that she kept the faith that she, she moved through those blocks. (08:29): She moved through the heartache. She moved through the trauma to know that it's the greatest gift we ever have is, is her attitude is the attitude to know and, and perceive the greatness of everything no matter what, knowing that life is working for us, not against us at whatever level. And I know her soul must be so advanced that she must be so advanced to have chosen at a sole level to take that on, to prove to life, to prove to her parents, to prove to everyone that she can prevail in the face of anything. So today I just send blessings to everyone, including myself as we go into a prayer right now. So just taking a deep breath in through the nose, excellent out the mouth, inhaling again through the nose, suspending the breath and pulling the energy up to the third eye, connecting the right and left hemisphere and exon out through the mouth inhaling one last time (09:28): And exon out. I recognize right now, and right here, the power that you are, the power of choice, the power of free will knowing that your will is God's will that you can release whatever has happened to you. That what happened that belongs in your past, not in the present, that as you PA step fully into this present moment, that you know, the power that be the choice that will the perseverance of the truth. I recognize today, the release of all victimhood, knowing that victims just have the commitment to find the next person to blame. And you are not that you are a powerful, divine, spiritual being stepping into your spiritual leadership. I know grace, I know power. I know passion and no purpose. I know you are the greatest product, your highest, highest consciousness, the cosmic consciousness, the Christ consciousness, the Buddha consciousness, and all the above. (10:23): I recognize right here. And right now that you are the source that has created this entire universe. It is your destiny to know your greatness. It is your destiny, whatever you desire in mind, whatever you truly desire in your heart is done. As you step into inspired action, as you step into the greatest community, you could find as you step into doing your inner work, I simply know this as together we say. And so it is may you have the best day ever. And may you live your truth? Thanks again for tuning into Dr. Aaron and soul society podcast, I'd like to invite you to write a review on iTunes. Also, I have a free gift for you, a money meditation and worksheet, which you can [email protected]. That's www S O U C or 30 guided meditations. Dr. Aaron TV, that's www D R E R I We also hold monthly soul society events that are all about transformation and building extraordinary community. You can also watch me live daily on good morning, Lala or Instagram at Dr. Grab your free manifestation masterclass with a purchase of my international bestselling book awakening, a 40 day guide to unleashing your spiritual powers, life purpose, and manifesting your [email protected] slash awakening book.