What Is a Master Spiritual Psychology Coach, E4 Trauma Method™ & Subconscious Reprogramming Coach? [Trauma Series]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:01): This is live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:23): One is a spiritual coach. Let's break this on down. You may be asking yourself what is a traditional life coach versus a spiritual coach versus all the different types of coaches in the industry. First of all, I just wanna say that I'm super honored to take this journey with you, because I believe that there is a very big misunderstanding of how important a spiritual coach truly is. We have all different types of people that come to us for coaching. I have dealt with high end celebrities, top CEOs. I have trained single women, people with, uh, different, you know, business issues to people dealing with addiction issues to people really just being stopped in life. People being overwhelmed, confused, all different things. But the reality is is that every last one of them needs spiritual coaching. And so we're gonna break on down. What is a spiritual coach? (01:21): The reality is that spirituality is the reality that everything comes from spirit. Everything comes from mind. Everything comes from consciousness. Everything comes from the one source. And so spiritual coaches really clear out the soul release, limited beliefs, reprogram the subconscious mind, transform trauma and help people restore the truth of who they are birthing their truth, birthing their purpose, birthing their legacy of life. Being able to put boundaries on people, places, and things, and accept people in places and things. So they can truly live in their bliss and live in their power, live in their passion and live in their purpose. So spirituality spirituality is the reality that everything is created by spirit. You are higher self. So anywhere in life, where you are struggling anywhere in life, where you're not feeling empowered anywhere in life, where you are feeling confused or overwhelmed or sad or lonely or upset or any of those emotions, they're all being created by you. (02:23): You are an almighty, powerful, spiritual being, and the moment that you even consider yourself to be anything other than the, I am, you are setting universal law into motion. And in this, I recognize the truth of who you are. And so as a spiritual coach, what we are truly doing is we're revealing the truth of who you are. Transformation actually happens. The moment that someone actually recognizes that they created their perspective and the circumstances of their life, because everything comes from identity, which identity creates beliefs, beliefs, create thoughts and thoughts, create feelings and feelings, create the circumstances of your life. (03:08): So in this, let's just recognize that really, what are we doing when we're spiritually coaching somebody when somebody's come to us, whether that be through a program, whether it be through one oh ones, whether it be through a retreat, whether it be through whatever the reality is, what we're really doing is we're having people come from being the fact, being the victim, feeling like they're not caused over their life to becoming the cause, becoming the creator of their life, becoming somebody who realizes that they can create manifest and demonstrate what they desire. And that's the confusing part of life, because why do we know what we're supposed to do? But we don't do it. So we have to break on down. How do you become somebody? Who's the cause of your life instead of the effect and the victim? So we have two primary things that we're doing in our spiritual awakening and dealing with clients as spiritual coaches. (04:02): Number one, we are pulling back all the limited beliefs, all the traumas, everything at a soul level and the soul consists of all the energetic ties of your DNA and all of all the, all of your lineage, all of your ancestors, everything, all the considerations of anything other than the I am. So all spiritual awakening is restoring the true identity. So the first thing we're doing is doing this by things like the E four trauma method by things like releasing all the emotions, neutralizing it at a DNL DNA level because epigenic now teaches us that what happens in trauma over many lifetimes, it's actually showing that we have the memory, the good memory and the bad memory is stored in our DNA. And whenever there is a trauma, they call it a tag and it actually bounds the DNA. And you actually are not able to perceive as much. (05:03): You're not as able, you're not as, as capable of doing things and you actually condense, condense yourself. So I always like to think of it, like if there's a sun up above, which is your true consciousness, which is a part of you, that's really all powerful, almighty and has all innovation. It has all capability to handle anything. If there's clouds in between you and the sun, those are what be called limited beliefs. And in the limited beliefs, that is what restricts your ability to actually be more able to be able to perceive, to be able to innovate, to be able to do anything, handle things like upsets in your relationships, like the economy changing, like, you know, different health issues. You're not able to cope with it, right? So everything we're doing in our spiritual awakening with our clients is we are releasing those limited beliefs, transforming the trauma, reprogram the subconscious mind. (05:57): And we're first getting our clients to restore the truth of who they are taking the veil off of their consciousness. So they can really realize the truth of who they are, which is one with everything. And also really, truly the source. They created all of life. The source that created the entire universe, coming back to that truth that you always have choice, no matter what, the hand you were dealt, you always have choice. There is a great coach. His name is Nick, and he has no arms and no legs. And he is one of the biggest motivational coaches there is. And, and I mean, he, he obviously has a deck of cars. He is been dealt that someone would say, well, that's not fair or there's limitation to that. But the truth is just like Thomas truer teaches us. There's there's infinite equations and ways of dealing with the deck that you're dealt. (06:49): So when you know that I am, you have all choice and possibility. The second thing that we're doing with our clients is we are birthing their unique divine expression and their unique truth. We're birthing our client's truth and how we do this is really by getting outta the way when we do that trauma work. And we transmute the energy, naturally trauma minus emotion equals wisdom. And someone's truth is naturally born. When they transmute and have triumph over their trauma, they're birthing their truth by actually all the negative things in their life like where they're upset, where they're confused, all those things, when that energy and emotions are transmuted, actually the clients' truth is born. And so your unique divine expression is born of really two primary things, which is all the suffering that's happened on your DNA for you to actually be the neutralization. You are universal law. (07:57): So you actually have a divine calling it's already written on your DNA. And also there's a part of you that has a unique expression. It's the gift of you. It's that place where you lose track of time. It's that part of you? That is that artist, that creative factor, that place within you, that no one else can do what you do. And so, again, as spiritual coaches, helping our clients do spiritual awakening, we are helping them birth. The truth of who they are, which is the I am. And then we have them birth their truth, which is their unique divine expression. There's only one of you, there's only one of your client. And that is what we're here to do. You are the fractal of the divine. You are, there's only one of you in the entire universe. And the greatest gift you can give to yourself and to the world is the most authentic expressed you. (08:52): And so these are really the two primary things that we're doing with our client. So as a spiritual coach in, in society and new thought global, we teach universal law. We teach the creative process. We are in the new thought movement, which is ancient thought. And it really is the metaphysics of how we create. And so we're constantly educating our clients and helping them understand how they have created all their limitations, all their scarcity, all their lack, and that that same energy can create abundance and love and vitality. So if you take a look at universal law or the creative process in general, we have kind of like, it looks like a big circle with a V that goes down, and this is the universal chart of how we create. And at the top of the, you know, what we call open at the top, at the top of this kind of circle, uh, when it's open, it really is the creative conscious mind that part of you that can create, decide, choose that's the conscious mind. (09:59): And that goes down into kind of the middle, which is what we consider the subconscious mind, which is conscious as well. But it's subconscious. It has an great intelligence in it. It beats the heart. It doesn't the mathematical chemical equations in your body that no mathematician on this planet could do. It is so intelligent. It's what would consider the soul. It also has all the great wisdom, but it also has all the trauma. It also has all the limitations. It has that yin and yang. It has that good and bad. It has universal law in it, right? And out of that at the bottom, we consider the fact, the form, the body of life. So there's always spirit at the top, the soul in the middle and the body at the bottom. And this is just a demonstration. We recognize all one thing going on, but the truth is that universal law, we have the choice. (10:53): We're in a relative, it's a relative creation. We can create heaven, or we can create hell. We can create dev vision, or we can create our divine union. We can create all the above. And this one thing, it's the out picture of every last drop of life. And this is who creative process. So as we're coaching our clients, we're helping them understand that when they were in that traumatic incident and decided I'll never love again, I'm not enough. Something's wrong with me. That is a creation, just like creating, you know, a billion dollars or love, or the greatest trip of your life or the greatest expression. It's all creation. Universal law