What is a Spiritual Practitioner Aka Spiritual Badass?

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   www.NewThoughtGlobal.com   Social Media @drerin.tv    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcription: (00:00): This is (00:02): Live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? Have you ever wondered what it would take to actually be somebody that is unshakable, unrecognizable, unapologetic, someone who's a spiritual badass. Somebody who absolutely is totally in their power, their grace and living on purpose. Well today's podcast. I wanna break on down. What is a spiritual practitioner? What is a badass? What is a spiritual badass? So this is the Dr. Aaron podcast, and we come together each day to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We also come together in society and new thought global as a community because we recognize how important community is. We recognize that when people awaken, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. (01:05): So I am so incredibly honored. Tomorrow is actually the first day of new thought global spiritual practitioner programs launch. This has been a dream of mine for years and years and years. And it is my greatest honor because as a doctor of divinity and as a new thought minister law of attraction minister, the prerequisite for those things is becoming a spiritual practitioner. And in my industry, we consider that becoming a spiritual practitioner is the greatest honor, because it is the place where the rubber meets the road, meaning that it is the place where you live and speak and only think in truth. And without that, we have nothing, we have the greatest lives ever because we become spiritual practitioners. So I first wanted just break on down. What is a spiritual practitioner? And from Ernest Holmes, Ernest Holmes says a spiritual practitioner is one who seeks to demonstrate for themselves. (02:14): And in the lives of others, the supremacy of spiritual thought force over a parent objective or material resistance. The practitioner has become convinced. The universe is a spiritual system that we ourselves are spiritual and that all people are spiritual. And that there is a law of spiritual consciousness that does exactly. It has exactly the power to give objective form to thought the spiritual practitioner is one who consciously practices the presence of God in themselves and others. We definitely use the law of cause and effect for a specific purpose. Okay. So what does that mean? Exactly? It means that the spiritual practitioner understands their oneness. They understand the dynamic of this universe and all they are here to do is to know the truth and demonstrate for themselves and others truth and only see through the perception and the lens of truth. I love this so much. (03:12): So for me, personally, years back, I began to dive into spirituality. You guys know my story of having to still run at 22 and beginning the journey of spirituality. And I began to consider myself quote spiritual because I don't know, because I started talking about the universe and manifesting and stuff like that. But what I would do is I would then step into making people wrong. I would then complain. I would get reactive still. I was, it was like I had two lives, one when I'd go into meditation or be reading a spiritual book or whatever I considered spiritual, and I'd get all BBL out. I'd get all ethereal and I'd have these moments of these divine moments of being one with the universe. And then I'd slam back into my human beingness. And I'd be, you know, in a little argument with somebody or I'd get upset or I'd be gossiping about somebody or whatever it is. (04:09): And so for me, when I stepped into becoming a spiritual practitioner, I realized and recognized that if I wanted to be somebody that was actually powerful, I wanted to be somebody that was living in truth. And I wanted to really experience having a life that I loved, that I needed to live on spiritual principle and know the truth at all points in time, not just for that 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening that my whole life had to be my daily spiritual practice and that every thought that I energized every word that I spoke, every thought that, that I placed more value on had to be from the perspective of truth and recognizing the power of my mind to demonstrate with every last drop of every breath of my life. Michael Bernard Beckwith, uh, states that the practitioner is not merely a body of knowledge, but rather as state of consciousness that realizes oneness with the universe dedicated the first demonstrating new thought ancient wisdom principles within their own life. (05:09): A practitioner then serves as a spiritual therapeutic agent of the spirit for the upliftment of every man, woman, and child who requests healing of body, mind, and spirit, what an incredible human being, Michael Bernard Beckwith, right? So what is a practitioner? A practitioner is somebody who is this in a state of consciousness of truth. So what do you do in spiritual practitioner program is all we do is build the muscle of truth. That's all we're doing. We are steeping ourselves in teachings, writing, reading conversation, breaking down all problems of the universe from a perspective of truth. So that when we become the heavyweight champions of our, of our life, we are masters of truth. We are heavyweight champions of truth. That's what a spiritual practitioner is. That's what I consider a spiritual badass. A spiritual badass for me is somebody who lives truth, no matter what's going on in the world, no matter if somebody cheats on them in their, in their relationship, no matter if they lose all their money to their name, if, if the entire economy Crum, crumbles, they know truth, that's all they know, and they will only live in truth. So what does this mean? Exactly. (06:22): And this brings me to a conversation we had in, um, in one of the training calls the other week. And what happens is there's a lot of people that come to the, to society and new thought global. And they are, you know, they've been doing spiritual work for quite some time and they may feel like they're very intuitive or psychic or, um, anything. And they, and we wouldn't break down some of the science of mine principles. So one of the gals says, so if, when, cause we're debating intuition versus versus psychic ability. And we do not believe in telling somebody of their future, uh, because we feel like it's, it's called implanting. And we want people to have freedom of choice and free will. And we don't want to impress upon their mind. What we feel is projecting into their future. The point is to clear out their consciousness and to clear out their belief system, to actually be able to have them demonstrate and manifest what they do in their life. (07:18): So the question is, so she asked, so if I'm using my intuitive ability and I have a client that comes into me and I can tell, and they're psyche that they're stressed out about their family. And I just acknowledge, they say something like I can totally feel that you're stressed out about your family. And I said, no, it's absolutely against our practice because that's a validation and confirmation and energizing. What is the lie and limited belief. And rather our job as spiritual practitioners is to hold that person as the divinity and the potential of what they truly desire. So our job is really just to, to, uh, do the inner work, to help them release whatever trauma is going on, but to also hold the highest for that person, why would we even recognize the lie or the limb to belief when our job is to say, we're here, what do you want? (08:07): And how do we get there? And that is really our job as practitioners to hold in the demonstration of mine, to not even do the witch hunt of what the belief system is, but to actually get into processes. So this is why I'm so excited for this because in new that global, we are committed to getting results. That's what we're really committed to. So as a spiritual practitioner program, we're, we're committed to getting to getting results within the practitioner. Themselves always has to be that first for them to live and breathe truth. So we need to break down what is truth and, and how do we get to that truth as practitioners? So we recognize that everything is, is created from the soul. We're one, there's one mind there's only the, I am, but individually we create with our own mind or individual mind. So what it is is first cause is always from spirit. (09:01): It's the consideration. So you are such a powerful, spiritual being at the moment. You can consider yourself to be anything other than the, I am. You set the polarity in universal law to motion, which are the beliefs, what you be and what you live. Okay. So the beliefs create the thoughts, the thoughts create the feelings, the feelings create the circumstance, the emotions and circumstances of your life. And then that is really what we're looking at. So when somebody's working with a practitioner saying, I, I want to break through something, I wanna have more money. I wanna have a better relationship. I want to find my purpose in calling so on and so forth. Our job as spiritual practitioners is to absolutely know the truth for that person, recognize that the only work that person has to do is to get out of their own way. (09:43): They already have written in their soul and on their DNA, what their life purpose is and their legacy, our job is to help get them, get their own consciousness out of the way, release the limited beliefs within the consciousness, and to really release any charge around past traumas, releasing all that so that their truth is born. Their truth is born. They get clear of, of all their stuff. Okay. So I'm super excited to this because what, what being a spiritual practitioner really is, is living truth, to being able to be somebody and being the demonstration, and to be able to know truth for anybody and help them assist them in knowing truth and birthing their specific, unique truth. So in our practitioner program, it is, I'm so excited because what I love about the new thought, uh, movement is that we call it open at the top. (10:36): We want the evolution of the movement. We, it's not dogmatic like some religions. We have principles that we understand, like universal law, there's scientific aspects of this, that you wouldn't be able to change how gravity works, right. But how you use gravity is unique. So that's what we do in the industry. We