What is the Spiritual Meaning of Depression? | Spiritual Psychology Coach Series

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Spiritual Healing Depression | Spiritual Psychology Coach Series Welcome to The Dr. Erin Podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma, birth your soul’s purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I’m Dr. Erin, Doctor of Divinity D.D., I’m committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I’m here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life.  I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are and I believe in you. Together, we are awakening the world.  Join our community for a 14-day trial for only $1! [Limited-Time Offer] www.soulciete.com  (Call or Text Questions) +1-323-538-ERIN (5646) Did you know that depression among adults in the United States tripled since the pandemic? Top trending news states ‘Depression is probably not caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain’ Today I am going to breakdown the root cause of depression from a spiritual psychology coach perspective. If you are someone who cares about people or you are a coach and are ready to have a paradigm shift about depression, you definitely want to listen to this podcast Spirituality careers will boom in depression & recession    Resources:  1. Boston University: Depression among adults in the United States tripled in the early 2020 months of the global coronavirus pandemic—jumping from 8.5 percent before the pandemic to a staggering 27.8 percent. New research from Boston University School of Public Health reveals that the elevated rate of depression has persisted into 2021, and even worsened, climbing to 32.8 percent and affecting 1 in every 3 American adults. [health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/what-causes-depression] 2. The Conversation: ‘Depression is probably not caused by chemical imbalance’ [theconversation.com/depression-is-probably-not-caused-by-a-chemical-imbalance-in-the-brain-new-study] 3. Harvard University - What causes depression? The onset of depression more complex than a brain chemical imbalance [health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/what-causes-depression] 3 Signs That Depression Was Trending in The Collective Consciousness:  1. My friend and master coach's son attempted suicide 2. One of my client's son is having suicidal ideation 3. Three practitioners were feeling the collective consciousness of ‘I don’t want to live’ DSM - Diagnostics and Statistics Manual - Sponsored by Big pharma   Spirituality vs. Science: Science - Looks from the outside in - Bandaid Spirituality - Looks from the inside out - Root of the problem From a spiritual psychology coach perspective, trauma causes personality disorders & mental health disorders Mental illness is NOT a just brain chemical imbalance Upsets >>> Sadness & Mental Health Issues (Engrams & Neurological Deformities & Brain Disorders >>> Depression Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: https://www.spiritualawakeningcards.com/oracle-cards-order-now Transcriptions: Speaker 1 (00:00): Hi, my soul family. I am so incredibly excited to share this podcast with you. Did you know that depression has tripled since the pandemic? And did you know that top training news is stating that depression is probably not caused by chemical imbalances in the brain? We have been saying this for all of eternity, from the spiritual realm. So today I'm going to break down the root cause of depression from a spiritual psychology soul based perspective. I'm so excited if you are somebody who really cares about people, if you're somebody who coaches or somebody that really wants to make an impact in the world, you definitely want to listen to this podcast. My promise is for you to have a complete paradigm shift of understanding how depression has created, how we can recreate it to heal and reveal the truth of who we are. Let's go welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. This is a top spiritual psychology coach podcast to inspire and teach you how to transform your trauma birth, your soul's purpose, and manifest your dreams. Hi, I'm Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity. I'm committed to bringing you the best coaching tips, spiritual advice, trauma healing, and metaphysical recovery secrets. I'm here to help you monetize your spiritual gifts and love your life. I want you to know that I've been exactly where you are, and I believe in you together. We're awakening the world.  Speaker 1 (01:33): So there I was, it was four o'clock in the afternoon, and I decided to take a little CSTA nap and I laid down in my bed and I was just about to take my phone and place it over on my side table and turn it into airplane mode. When my phone began to show that one of my dear friends and master coaches was calling me, I debated in my mind, should I answer? Should I not? Okay. I'll answer. So answer and right away, her voice screeched on the other side of the phone, I need prayer. I need prayer. I need prayer. My son attempted suicide last night, my son attempted suicide. Last night, we went straight into prayer. We knew prayer for, I don't even know how long we were in there. We were in there, just my, the tears of compassion, the tears of the oneness all came through knowing the perfection of what her son had gone through, knowing that there was such a blessing of birthing truth, knowing right here, right now, that whatever he was experiencing, that this was the birthing pains of the new him, the new life aligning to his truth and his heart.  Speaker 1 (02:35): And of course through the prayer, we both became more and more empowered and we restored truth in mind. So the point is this is that that phone call made me realize that in the collective consciousness, that depression and suicidal ideation and even suicide attempts and suicide in itself is in the collective. I had had two other signs and for me, right, I don't necessarily go on Google trends to see what's happening in the world because we tap into truth and we know truth at all points in time. Boston university states that depression among adults in the United States tripled in the early 20, 20 months of the global coronavirus pandemic jumping to 8.5% before the pandemic to a staggering 27.8%. You guys get that almost one in a third of Americans is dealing with depression. You guys, this is no joke. Boston university states new research from the school of public health reveals that the elevated rate of depression has persisted into 2021 and even worse at climbing to 32.8% and affecting one in every American adults.  Speaker 1 (03:52): Obviously they don't have the stats on 20, 22 yet, but this is real. This is super real. So what happens for me is I don't need an article to come out, right? I don't need to see the Google trending or watch Twitter. I know what's happening from a spiritual perspective. And what happens is it comes through in three signs always, and this is part of it. So what happened, of course, that was the third incident that happened when my dear friend and master coach called about her son prior to that, within that same week, within the same last week, one of my clients in class was basically stating that her son was having suicidal ideation. And then in one of my practitioner classes three out of the, of course we have lots of practitioners in the class, but three of them were truly feeling the collective consciousness of the concept of I don't want to live.  Speaker 1 (04:47): And they were dealing with that. And these were three practitioners that are very stable and really know their mind it's that they were tapping into something beyond their individual consciousness. They were feeling the empathy, the empathy that we are, that we're impasse, right? That we feel the collective as well. So today I wanna break on down what is happening from a spiritual psychology perspective and break on down the trending top news about big pharma. Okay. We are spiritualists that believe that you have freedom of choice, whether you choose traditional doctors or pharmaceuticals or whatever, we believe that there's a time and place for whatever works for you. And we honor that. Okay. However, in the top training news right now, even in quote, the conversation is depression is probably not caused by chemical imbalance. Harvard university also had an article that says, basically talking about what causes depression, the onset of depression is more complex than brain chemical imbalance O M G.  Speaker 1 (05:49): This is huge news for the spiritual world, as far as a confirmation of what we have been saying the entire time. So we have to break this on down. And my commitment today is for you to have a paradigm shift for yourself. And if you are a coach to understand what is happening for your clients, disclosure, I am not a traditional doctor. I am a doctor of divinity. I am not a traditional psychologist. I am a spiritual psychologist coach. Okay. I am trained and developed in understanding our spiritual nature, how it impacts our entire life and how to restore the truth of who we are through E four trauma method, through spiritual psychology coaching and through all of the metaphysics that we teach. Universal law, everything, let's break this on down. I'm so honored to do this with you guys. First of all, I just wanna say, if you or someone, you know, is dealing with depression, please seek medical or professional help.  Speaker 1 (06:48): Okay? All the processes we work through absolutely can deal with depression. However, we cannot state that we cure, and we are mandated reporters, meaning that if we have a client that we are coaching and they have, they're having suicidal thoughts and they have a means to do it. We are mandated reporters and we need to report it. Okay. So having said that also, if you are a coach or somebody dealing with somebody, depression, and you really truly do not feel that you are equipped in your training, you absolutely have no business with dealing with someone, with depression. You need to refer them to a master coach or to a professional or a doctor who is dealing with depression. Okay? So let's go. So here's the paradigm shift. Science looks at depression from the outside end, right? They looking from a perspective of what we call the DSM.  Speaker 1 (07:43): Okay. There's a book. If you are, have any kind of mental illness, there is a book it's called DSM pharmaceutical perspective. It's called diagnostics and statistics manual. The DSM is it's based in diagnostics and statistics manual. And it's sponsored by big pharma. The truth is that someone does not have depression. They are experiencing depression. It is a creation. And I'm gonna break on down how it is created in mind. Okay? Doesn't mean it's real. It doesn't mean the effects aren't real, but how it gets created is imperative for us to understand how to heal it and how to restore the truth of who you or your clients are. Right? We're not the titles. We're not depressed. We're not bipolar. We're not an addict. We're not, you know, all these titles. I'm not even of course, on the title. I'm a doctor divinity, but I'm not a title.  Speaker 1 (08:42): I'm a spiritual being. I'm a creator. You are a creator. Your clients are creators. So we have to understand what this means. Exactly. Science looks from the outside world and puts a bandaid on it. Right? What causes this? Even, even psychology, traditional psychology does not even study the soul. Psychology is the study of the soul and psychology. Doesn't study the soul. That's why we're restoring it with spiritual psychology. And I bless all the psychologists out there. Okay. Because I know you guys are wanting to get more and more spiritual, and I'm not saying you bad, or the industry bad it's that we, as a collective need to restore the truth of psychology. It's the study of the soul. So traditional psychology looks at what the cause is, which is an outside source. And then it looks at the effect. So, so depression from a psychology perspective might look at, well, you grew up in this family and this happened.