You are not alone

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is (00:02): First live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea, coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): Do you feel alone? Do you feel like no matter what you do, whether you're in a relationship, not in relationship, your career's going well, you have a community. You don't have a community. You live in a certain city. You don't live in a certain city that no matter what is going on, there's a common theme, which is loneliness. Well today's podcast. We're gonna break on down. Why a majority of human beings feel alone on this planet. So welcome to Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with the universal law. We truly know and believe that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So let's do this thing. I'm Dr. Aaron, Dr. Divinity trained, developing world, renowned spiritual leaders, teaching everything from subconscious reprogramming, the famous E four trauma method and helping people birth their truth. (01:11): We develop spiritual coaches, uh, spiritual practitioners and yes, ministers teachers and doctors of divinity. So let's break this one down. If you're new to this podcast. Welcome, we do have a lot of series on this podcast. You can go back and you can break on down money, breakthrough there's things on E four trauma method. You can find the entire truth triangle, all kinds of series on this podcast. I've chosen to do a solo podcast for quite some time now, and it's been an incredible journey shortly. I am going to begin to do coaching and interviews and all kinds of new dynamics. I've really enjoyed doing a solo podcast because after doing good morning LA land and interviewing 3,600 people, I wanted to just come on and bring my heart here. And it's time that we're gonna be going past the solo podcast. And so I wanna hear more about what you want to hear about who you want me to interview and what coaching you want me to break on down. (02:07): So let's do this today, though. The topic and title of today's podcast is you are not alone. So stats show that majority of human beings feel alone, three outta five, consider themselves to feel lonely majority of the time throughout their lives in America and across the board. I think this is a common collective consciousness. So we're gonna break this on down today in that I wanna talk about how being alone is part of the spiritual awakening process, how to use loneliness to launch you beyond your DNA and how to thrive alone. Even during the holidays. No matter when you're listening to this there's holidays across all the year. And it's important to know that loneliness is one of the greatest gifts, because it is a call for a deeper, deeper relationship with th myself. So I wanna talk about this because as you guys know, I just moved and I, I am over in west Palm beach, Florida, and it, it feels like I've moved to a completely different country from Los Angeles. (03:05): It is a very big move for me. And I found myself, um, having moments, like, I'd say 2% of the day where I'm like, oh my gosh, what have I done? Like I've left, you know, the thousands of relationships that I have the, uh, grounding in California, where I was born and raised. And it's been an interesting thing. And then 98% of the time I have been in total bliss and really loving this move. It's only been a week. So I wanna talk to you a little bit about loneliness because loneliness was an ongoing theme of my life. For many, many years. I would find myself being lonely, even at a party. I'd find myself being lonely when I was in a relationship, or even when I was married, I found myself feeling lonely and it is an epidemic. And in fact, now Harvard studies show that since the pandemic that 51% of even say, I, I believe it's young mothers feel extremely lonely, so there's different levels and gradients of feeling lonely, right? (04:08): You can feel lonely on occasion. You can feel lonely, whatever, and then you can feel alone and, and really have it be a major issue in your life. So no matter where you are on the spectrum, whether you kind of deal with it here and there, or whether it's an ongoing theme of your life or whether it is becoming an issue and, and really having you spiral down today's podcast is gonna break on down what is loneliness and what's really going on from a soul perspective and what we can do about it. Okay. So again, being lonely, I remember in high school, I remember it was a Friday night and I didn't have plans. And I remember thinking my life has ended. I have no social life. Something's wrong with me. And I felt completely alone because I hadn't figured out how to be my own best friend and how to be with my own essence. (05:00): Right. We also have loneliness. Uh, you know, I was out with some friends last night and we're talking about the holidays and they're like, are you gonna see your family for the holidays? I said, well, my family's a little bit different. I would say maybe once every three years we spend the holidays together. Once every three years, maybe I may even be completely alone for the holidays. And one outta three years, maybe I might be, you know, with friends for the holidays. So it kind of varies a lot over the course of my life. So I wanna break on down what to do during the holidays, whether it's July 4th, whether it's Christmas, where it's new, year's what do you do if you're alone, right? And then also wanna break down, um, how to go past your DNA, how to thrive pastor DNA. Because part of it is, is being alone is actually part of the process. (05:46): And we recognize this even from, uh, some of the great, the great, great Henry David Thoreau, who actually went into the, the woods for two years, two months and two days, and how the awakening that happened and the transcendence that happened out of that. So let's break this on down. So here I am, I'm in a new city, a new state in which feels like a completely different country. And so I've spent a bit of time alone this week. I've been at the beach early about sunrise. I get up and I go down to the ocean and it's very dynamic here. The weather is incredibly gorgeous. There's wind and there's rain. And then there's sun and there's clouds. And there's actually rainbows. There's incredible. It's so mystical here. And I've had a lot of time to reflect on the feeling of loneliness. What is that what's really going on? (06:41): And in new thought wisdom and in new thought global and, and society, we teach oneness. That's our primary principle, right? So it's the unification of self with all of life. And anytime we are feeling lonely, it's because we are not in that essence, that true essence of who we are, the divinity, the truth is that you are not alone. It's impossible to be alone. Yes, it can be physically. You can look to the world and we call that the sin. If you place the energy out into the world, then you will feel alone. You can feel alone. Even if you're in a crowded room of people. The truth is when we tap into that source within then we are in that oneness. We are we're with all relationship, cuz all of life is a relationship. Whether it be our relationship to, to our family that may not even be physically with us, whether it be a relationship with our higher self, with all of people, with the sand that's beneath our feet, that we're, we're constantly in a relationship with all of life. (07:43): And so that's the truth. So how is being alone part of the spiritual process? Well, I wanna refer to a, uh, really great documentary. I watched years ago, it, it was called deep water and it was a, a documentary about a true story. In 1968, they had, um, there was like a, uh, a race and what happened was pretty much wealthy. Men came together and decided they were going to sail across around the world in a yacht. Right? So each man, these wealthy men were basically gonna get media. If you will, to see who could actually complete the race and who could do it the fastest. And it's a true story about one of the gentlemen that entered the race with somebody who was not an avid sailor, he did not really know how to do it. And he really did it more from what the documentary shows is kind of out of his ego. (08:36): He wanted to prove that he could sail around the world. He also wanted to win the, the pot, which was a lot of money. And, um, it was a lot of ego going into it. And there was, they began to showcase these different men that were going in this race around the world. And it was profound because what happened was obviously back then, they didn't have all the documentation like they do today, but they had letters and things that the men wrote out at sea. And the gist of it is that when you're alone, you are faced, you're faced with your demons. You're faced with, with everything good and bad within you. And what happened is the men began to get stripped away of their identity, the stripped away of their material, you know, identity and their friends and their family and their status. And all they were left with was themselves, themselves with nature themselves, to face their own insecurities, their fears, their darkest of darkest within themselves. (09:36): And what was profound about it was one, the gentleman, Donald a Crowhurst I believe was his name. Um, I believe that he either, I mean, you could say he died at sea. You could also say he committed suicide because it really is a choice of, you know, to go out there and subconsciously know that you're not prepared for something. Right. And I believe that he, um, I believe that he transitioned at sea and what happened for the other men was profound because there was one gentleman and I'm not sure if this is a hundred percent correct. It's been some years since I watched this, but the gentleman that actually won the race, he won the race, he had made it the fastest. And he, he actually, what he did was he actually gave away the pot, the winning the winning amount to the second guy, because I think that he, something like he was struggling financial or something like that. (10:33): And or he gave it away to the family. I think he gave it away. The family that suffere