Your Future Self [Birthday Podcast]

Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin - A podcast by Dr. Erin Fall Haskell D.D.

Hello, Welcome to Spiritual Awakening with Dr. Erin   Have you had a spiritual calling? Are you ready to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, transform your trauma, and birth your purpose? Are you ready to have a spiritual community? Get trained and certified as a spiritual leader?   Social Media    Become a Soulciété Member - Your Spiritual Community Get certified as a:  1. Spiritual Warrior 2. Spiritual Entrepreneur 3. Spiritual Coach 4. Spiritual Practitioner 5. New Thought Teacher, Speaker, and Minister 6. Doctor of Divinity   Binge My Podcast Series: 12 Money Breakthrough Series  52 Universal Law Series 12 E4 Trauma Method Series 12 Truth Triangle Coaching Series 6 Relationship Breakthrough Series 40 Spiritual Awakening 12 Metaphysical Bible Series Grab your FREE gifts and Universal Law Oracle Cards: Transcription: (00:01): This is first live from Los Angeles. Welcome to the Dr. Aaron show. We're all about manifestation transformation and breakthroughs. It's time to claim your birthright of prosperity, vitality and love. So grab your tea coffee, because together we're awakening the world. May you live your truth? (00:19): What if I were to tell you that you could call upon your future self, your wise self, the aspect of yourself that has all the wisdom of all of life. If you do, you wanna listen to this podcast? Welcome to the Dr. Aaron podcast. We come together to know the truth, live on spiritual principle and align with universal law. We truly believe and know that when somebody awakens, they have a gift and message to bring to the world and together we're awakening the world. So welcome to the Dr. Erin podcast. I am a doctor of divinity teaching and training, developing world renowned, spiritual leaders, re certifying train people in spiritual coaching E four trauma method, subconscious reprogramming, metaphysics of mind, past life regressions. So on and so forth. And we develop spiritual practitioners, new thought ministers and teachers, and yes, doctors of divinity. So let's do this to you guys. (01:13): Today's podcast is called your future self. And the truth is that you are ageless timeless, and yes, you are immortal because you are not your body. And today we're gonna talk about who is your future self, how to really tap into your future self and really become the truth of who you are. And so in this, I just wanna say that I am celebrating my future self today because today's actually my birthday. I'm actually recording this on my birthday. I had recorded a podcast a while back that was supposed to come out today. And I just felt like my heart opened up in the middle of the night. And I was like, I need to record a new podcast for today. I don't know why. I just felt like I really wanted to share my heart with you because I am celebrating my life. Like you cannot believe today. (02:01): So first off, I just wanna say that there is a future self and how we are evolving as a species comes down to really dealing with our DNA so that we can embody our true self, our future self. I don't believe that there's a future self. I believe there's a pure self, a true self, a higher self that lives in us deep, deep, deep, within. And so many of us look to the world, the entire work of getting to our future self and speaking to our future self is it's counterintuitive. We go and we look to the world, we try and escape by self. We go out to try and find things like, you know, fulfilling things like the next relationship or the next material thing, or the next amount of money or whatever it may be out there and the status and the recognition from the world. (02:55): And that is the opposite of finding the future self, the future self lives in the depths of your soul and the depths of who you are in the deep, deep breath. In that deep, deep stillness. I recognize in meeting our future self. It is one of the scariest things we can do because we have to face our deepest fears, face our hardest traumas, but in that, and when we truly face and go back into our responsibility into the truth of how we can no longer ever be the effect of life, we come to that place, to the beloved within, to our oneness. And so our future self, our future spiritual being our, our future transcended human being is someone who is understanding their oneness. That understanding that the ultimate, the ultimate self is one with the universe, that if we knew ourself, our true self, our future self, we would be whole within ourselves. (04:03): There's a saying, uh, prophesizing, that one third of the population will die. One third will go insane. And one third will awaken. And though I'm not here to prophesize anything. I'm here to look at the reality of the mind and how we manifest the, create a process. And what's reality. If we don't do our inner work, the future self is somebody who is empathetic. They truly are an iPath. That's our natural ability. There's somebody there obviously psychic, but don't use their psychic abilities usually to implant something into somebody else, but rather to feel someone's soul, to know that wherever somebody is projecting their own trauma in onto you, that we no longer have to take it personal, that we can read someone else's soul, read their commands, read their limited beliefs and not take it personal, but rather have compassion to be with the pain, to be with that, to transcend it, knowing that each and every person is us, we are not separate. And so, as I call upon that future self, I invite us all to take a deep breath into the nose and excellent out and tuning into the cosmos. Knowing our future self is absolutely knows the truth, that we are one with the cosmos. We're no longer here to be in our shadow and pretend that we are the effect of life. We are here to truly be intimate with myself, no longer looking to find somebody to fulfill our intimacy, but rather to be in love with, by self, because knowing that we are love. (05:48): And so today, a real big day for me, because this week was a beautiful week, it was a real reflection of my future self. This week, we had a huge amount of people within our community upgrade into either the coaching program or the practitioner, or even the ministerial and doctorate program, which actually is one of the greatest reflections because it's not about winning some award out there or, you know, being on some jet or getting X amount of likes on a post on Instagram. For me, the greatest reflection is our community, which means that people really are loving one another and thriving together and getting results in their personal and professional life. This week was another huge reflection for me because I held my first oral panels for practitioner and I flash back into the time when I was taking my first oral panels as a practitioner. (06:46): And I was very nervous because not only did I have such significance around the work, cuz it had completely changed my life as I knew it, but it also had such reverence for the ministers that were doing it. And I just, the whole thing meant so much to me. So as I sat on the opposite side of panels this week, I began to get really teary in a beautiful way. Just knowing the ability that we set into motion and the practitioners that were sitting on the other side, taking their orals and how much they had embodied the work, how profound I had witnessed from the time I first met them. And they first came into our community to who they are today and the powerful consciousness that they hold and the ability. And can't even imagine how their lives are impacted, how their families are impacted, how their friends and all their clients and everybody. (07:42): And it was one of those moments where you're like, whoa, I envisioned this. And it came to fruition and that's our future self. That's our highest self. What you hold in your heart right now of who you are and who you wanna be. Not only just looking in the mirror and gazing in your eyes, but knowing that there every dream that you have, that's been planted into your consciousness has been planted from your highest self, into your subconsciousness, knowing that that's destiny. And that is your future self, which I like to call your ancient self. I don't believe that we evolve into something. I believe that we are already that, that we already have all the elemental equations. We already have everything in our DNA. We're not here to evolve our DNA. I don't believe, I believe that we're here to remember and make whole our DNA, releasing the trauma and transforming and transmuting. (08:42): The trauma that is, that is restricting our DNA. And so I believe that our higher self and who we are, we, we will be birthing new generations that have extraordinary empathetic and supernatural, which are actually natural abilities because we are transcending as a collective. The DNA is the code of life. The DNA is already here. We already have the secret. We already have the key. We already have all of it. It is our work recognizing that our trauma is not just our individual trauma. Our trauma is, has layers and layers in our lineage, in our ancestors in and all of it. And, and actually that is how we evolve. Our evolution is actually the deeper and deeper transmuting of trauma. So we don't actually evolve. We're already whole and complete. But what we do is we actually experience even more of the depths of our soul by actually the light and the dark of the relative of this universe. (09:50): So it's actually interesting because a lot of us think trauma is bad or we don't want trauma or we should get rid of trauma. And that is true. But actually that is the gift. The gift is the suffering. Suffering is grace. As we know, suffering is grace and it is through the trauma. It is through the division and through the divisiveness that we actually get to experience more of our divinity. We get to experience our future self, which is really, truly all of it. The dark, the light, the suffering, the joy, everything. And I know that we've been programmed to think that we need things outside of ourselves, that we need to find a person that we need to have romantic desire, that we need to have status in class. And that is a lie. It is all within. And I truly believe that the future self will will know that the intimacy of the heart is even a greater orgasm than the orgasm of, of that. (10:57): As we go into that future self, that we know that we are transcending death, there is no such thing as death. We're not people think, well, we'll get there when we do enough stem cells or when we're able to, we already are mortal. Look at our children. We live on through our ancestors and through our children, right? We are already there. We are already one. We are already completely empathetic and completely able to go outside of ourself in our consciousness. And so today, as you, as you call in your future self, what is he or she like, what is your future self? You get to communicate right now with that, with that essence of who you are, what would your future self tell you? (11:46): What would they say? How would they hold you? Because what I know for sure is they're speaking through as you right now. So I just say, take another deep breath into the nose. Excellent out. I'm just so grateful for this birthday. I'm so grateful to celebrate life. I'm celebrating you because you are me and IM you, I don't see any division in it. And today I recognize this thing called life. That there's only life. There