David Patrick on Ted Carroll, Boxing Journalist Extraorindaire

Sport in History Podcast - A podcast by British Society of Sports History

Join Conor Heffernan and David Patrick as they discuss David's upcoming co-edited book with Ian Phimister, A Boxing Legacy: The Life and Works of Writer and Cartoonist Ted Carroll (Rowman, 2023). Ted Carroll was one of the greatest American artists and sportswriters of the twentieth century, most notably as a boxing cartoonist and journalist. As a Black man working in an era when boxing was one of the few outlets where Black athletes could achieve wealth, success, and recognition, Carroll’s commentary on the sport provides a profound perspective on race and the history of boxing. Link available at : https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781538164808/A-Boxing-Legacy-The-Life-and-Works-of-Writer-and-Cartoonist-Ted-Carroll